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Ural State University of Railway Transport

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No. 4 (79), 2023

V. M. Koryakin, S. P. Vakulenko, D. Yu. Romenskiy, K. A. Kalinin, P. A. Krasil’nikov. Topical issues of the legal status and functional peculiarities of railway infrastructures


Theory and practice of railway transport operation in Russian Federation suggests the presence of two kinds of railway infrastructures the division of which is stated legally: infrastructure of general use and infrastructure of non-general use. The analyses results, suggested in the article, showed that on the results of the started in 2003 reform of railway transport there is the condition kept with the presence of unclearness with the use of functional features of railway infrastructures. The article gives the developed suggestions on the modernization of the transport law and also recommendations on the end-to-end terminology use in the railway sector are given.

Keywords: transport law, railway transport, industrial transport, mainline transport, freight transportations, passenger transportations, railway station, lines of general use, lines of non-general use

P. A. Kozlov, I. S. Abdullaev, N. A. Tushin, N. V. Yakushev. About the role of system integrators in transport economic ties guarantee


Nowadays JSC «RZD» is transforming its business model «transporter» into the model «transport-logistic holding». Meantime there is a set task about providing the complexed integrated service, the formation of a diverse product basket is included, the principles of the policy of the orientation to clients are being instilled, technological coordination is becoming more actual. Therefore, there is a question about the operator of the complexed transportation service.

The article describes the functions of the system integrators in transport economic ties guarantee. It is shown that the appearance of the system integrators is an objective necessity as they form the chains of supplies and organize the flow through several transport means. The control for the transport processes activates the so-called dynamic reserves which rises the effectiveness of the transport ties. As a result, every representative of the supply chains gets an economical benefit.

Keywords: railway transport, flow, system, economical tie, system integrator, control

N. F. Sirina, V. B. Sverdlov. The model of the formation of intra-corporate relational interactions of JSC «RZD» in the sphere of the car fleet preservation


The intra-corporate relational space of JSC «RZD» in the sphere of the car fleet preservation is considered. The formed commercial and production ties between the participants of the relational process within the RZD Holding are shown and analyzed. Contradictions between the participants of the inner relational space are analyzed. There are suggested solutions which simplify the procedure of the control by the departments not included into the Directorate of the infrastructure for the car fleet preservation and provide the compliance of the requirements set by the legal documentations of JSC «RZD» and the railways.

It is shown that relational interactions let reduce the acuity of inconsistencies between the tasks of each department of JSC «RZD» and the management decisions directed to the control of the car fleet preservation.

Keywords: car damage, safety of car fleet, car equipment, actor, capital-centric model, relational strategy, inter-company relation

P. A. Kozlov, I. S. Abdullaev, О. V. Оsokin, N. V. Yakushev. About transport flows, canals, lines


The article analyses several types of transport flows, their features, and lines appearing. The authors analyze and research the features of three types of flows — organized, disorganized, and mixed (the last in its turn consists of two parts — random and controlled). It is defined that under a definite ratio of parts the features of the mixed flow are equal to those of the uniform one.

Keywords: transport flow, organization, disorganization, randomness, control

V. Yu. Permikin, A. E. Alexandrov, I. A. Kovalev, A. V. Surin, V. V. Lesnykh. Optimal train formation model at a marshalling station taking into account the provision of locomotive crews


The efficiency of using locomotive and carriage fleets on the railway network is largely determined by the quality of train formation planning at marshalling stations. Automation of planning involves the use of mathematical models. The article describes the optimization flow model of the main technological line of a marshalling station. An important feature of this model is that it was able to adequately reflect not only the process of moving car flow at each stage of processing (when preparing trains for disbandment, during their disbandment, while accumulating cars in the marshalling yard, at the end of the formation of trains and rearranging them into the fleet departure, when preparing trains for departure and when leaving the station) also including an important part of the train formation process which is the provision of formed trains with locomotive crews. It is assumed that the model will be used in an automated control system and will improve the natural and economic performance of a complex transport system — a marshalling station.

Keywords: marshalling station, technological line, train accumulation rhythm, train formation control, provision of locomotive crews, automation of operational planning, mathematical model, linear programming, optimal solution

G. A. Timofeeva, A. D. Khazimullin. Probabilistic modeling of shipper behavior when assessing loyalty programs on railway transport


For the analyses of JSC «RZD» strategies aimed for the development of the service and loyalty programs in order to increase the company profit it is offered to use a probability model of the transport service consumer’s behavior. The choice of the optimal strategy of the holding is viewed as a game with a random second player where the first player is the railway transporter (JSC «RZD»), the second one is the number of shippers. Each of them decides (whether to increase or keep the amount of freight transportation) taking into account the strategy of the transporter, own preferences, type of cargo, and also the presence of other offers in the market of transport-logistics service. The choice of the shippers is modelled as a lognormally distributed random value the distribution parameters of which are determined on the bases of interval valuations of the clients’ reactions. The result of the strategy implementation is calculated with the method of imitation modelling considering clients disperse on types of freight and the distance of transportations.

Keywords: strategy choice, freight transportations, probability modeling, stochastic dominance, quantum criteria

A. V. Martynenko, E. G. Filippova. Modelling of the influence of the urban circle railway rout on the transport accessibility depending on the characteristics of the street and road network


Most of the world largest cities actively use and develop the urban railway transport. This means of public transport has a range of advantages — high speed, ecology, safety, comfort, etc., which provides a high level of demands, and therefore contributes the decrease of the street and road network intensiveness (SRN). Moreover, the above mentioned effects are strengthened greatly for a circle rout. At the same time, it is obvious, that the effectiveness of such routs depends upon a great number of factors where the length of the SRN and the average speed of the public transport have a fundamental role.

The article describes the model of a simplified system of the urban public transport for a rectangular SRN with a circle railway rout. This model helped analyze the influence of the SRN size on the rout effectiveness, particularly on the improvement of the transport accessibility.

On the bases of the comparison of the effectiveness of the circle routs for two different size modelled SRN the indicators of the transport accessibility are received and it is imposed that for the longer network the effectiveness of the circle railway rout is much higher.

Keywords: street and road network, modelling, transport network, circle railway line, transport district, centroid

S. V. Krotov, D. P. Kononov, A. P. Buynosov. Approximation of the wear curve of the rim profile of a railway wheel adjoined to the ridge


The article views a specified model of the wear of a separate rolling surface part of a profile based on the data achieved under the calculation of the curve and the radius of the worn profile and also the angles of inclination of a tangent under several rollings. To achieve the goal mathematical dependencies of the wear are used, as well as power-law dependences to describe the wear curves of a wheel surface under different positions of the reference points. The calculations errors are evaluated, the calculating parameters are corrected, such as the wear in different points. For further theoretical researches analytical expressions are used on which graphical dependences are constructed. The calculations are made on the bases of the method of the finite differences, the valuation of the errors of calculations is given. Moreover, a table method of the presentation of a huge number of data is used. The results of the research will be useful for understanding the complicity of the processes and the quantitative evaluation of the interaction of a wheel and a rail in contact.

Keywords: wear, tread contour, finite-difference method, sinusoid, approximation, analytical equation

O. N. Larin, Ts. Moononhuu. Prospects for using the North-South International Transport Corridor for the transportation of Russian goods


The article discusses the characteristics of the North-South International Transport Corridor as part of its three basic routes. Based on the analysis of the economic, social, and foreign trade potential of the Central Asian states, the conclusion was made about a further increase in the load on the eastern route of the corridor with foreign trade and domestic cargo flows from this region. Taking into account the forecasts for the load on the transport and logistics infrastructure of the Central Asian countries, the efficiency of delivery of Russian foreign trade goods along the eastern route may decrease. To proactively respond to relevant risks, it is necessary to organize the collection and analysis of information on the operational and economic indicators of cargo delivery along all routes of the corridor, the condition and level of load of its infrastructure facilities.

Keywords: North-South International Transport Corridor, transport and logistics infrastructure, foreign trade transportation, throughput, transit transportation

N. E. Okulov, E. N. Timukhina, A. A. Koshheev, N. V. Kashheeva. The influence of random factors on internal transport processes of industrial enterprises


In modern economic conditions, industrial enterprises strive to minimize production costs, including for internal transport services. Using the example of a mining and processing enterprise, the article presents a new approach to organization of internal transport services, taking into account the stochastic nature of extraction and processing of raw materials. Random processes in the operating mode of the enterprise are determined. The method for calculating the rhythms of departure is proposed, which ensures the rhythmic arrival of raw materials taking into account the transport network parameters.

Keywords: transport service, supply of raw materials, dynamic matching method, storage costs, damage from under-delivery

D. V. Kuzmin, V. V. Baginova, D. A. Krasnobaev. Improving the operation of transport and logistics infrastructure using discrete-event simulation modeling tools


The article discusses a discrete-event simulation model that allows to study the process of order assembly at a terminal logistics complex. Using the model, a number of simple experiments were carried out, the purpose of which was to determine, using the ABC method and random order, the average time for an order picker to walk around order storage locations. It has been established that segmented placement of inventory items using the ABC method significantly reduces the time of order formation (order picker walking around storage locations), and therefore increases the efficiency of the warehouse and the level of the company’s logistics service. The given example of the model implementation, as well as the code listing, can be useful for a wide range of developers, including those who do not have extensive programming competencies.

Keywords: discrete-event modeling, simulation model, warehouse logistics, ABC-analysis, AnyLogic

A. V. Gritsenko, K. V. Glemba, A. S. Menshenin, S. A. Chokoy. Study of the environmental friendliness of a gasoline car by analyzing the composition of exhaust gases before the anti-toxic system


A test diagnostic method is proposed, based on monitoring the toxicity parameters of exhaust gases in the exhaust manifolds of individual cylinders up to the catalytic converter with a multi-component gas analyzer. The relationships between the parameters CO2 and CH are analysed both individually and jointly when simulating changes in the technical condition of the spark plugs of the ignition system and the resistance of the catalytic converter in the exhaust system. Experiments are carried out at two throttle opening positions: 20 and 40 %. A joint analysis of the dependences of CO2 and CH shows a shift of the point of their intersection to the zone of longer or shorter injection duration, depending on the malfunction. As the exhaust resistance increases, the range of changes in CO2 and CH decreases significantly; the same is observed when the spark plug gap decreases. The presented method is recommended for use by auto service and machine-building enterprises, which will allow them to carry out highly effective monitoring of the technical condition of engine systems.

Keywords: engine, diagnostics, test method, catalytic converter, exhaust gas toxicity parameters

A. S. Guselnikov, N. S. Zakharov. The research of the influence of the exploitation conditions on the safety of the parts of the fuel system parts of Ural-4320 vehicle


The example of the Ural-4320 vehicle shows the influence of seasons conditions on the exploitation safety of the system of diesel engines feeding. The main statistical characteristics of the distribution of the operating time to the failures of the feeding system are calculated. The dependence of the season changes of the parameters of flow of these elements failures is proved. It is presented that it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the exploitation of the Ural-4320 vehicle can be achieved due to the downtime decrease in the areas of technical service. To achieve this, it is offered to correct the amount of the replacement parts and consumables in storage with the help of the coefficient accommodating the season conditions of the vehicles exploitation.

Keywords: safety, feeding system parts, air temperature, Weibull law, season conditions, correcting coefficient

D. A. Zakharov, A. V. Pistsov. Analysis of the effectiveness of active priority methods for buses when passing through controlled intersections


Mathematical models of the dependence of the average travel time on public transport and the travel time of all traffic participants on the intensity of bus traffic are proposed, which allows to evaluate the effectiveness of using methods of active priority for buses when passing intersections.

Two options for bus priority are considered: extension of the main tact (Green Extension) and a special phase (Stage Skipping), a combined algorithm has been developed that takes into account both options. The effect of using active priority methods is determined by using a transport micromodel. For an objective assessment of active priority methods, not only the operating efficiency of vehicles is taken into account, but also the average number of passengers in individual and public transport.

Keywords: public transport, controlled intersection, transport micromodel, buses, active priority methods

I. А. Yushkova. Assessment of energy losses in power supply system at decrease of train-to-train interval


The paper is devoted to assessment of energy losses in a traction power system and transformers of traction substations. At studying a 3.0 kV DC traction power supply system in conditions of operation of freight trains with unified weight and decrease of a train-to-train interval the author conducted two experiments. Results were analysed for compliance with the criteria that restrain capacity by power supply devices. As a result, the author gives an assessment to energy losses in traction power system and in transformers of traction substations.

Keywords: spacing regulation, capacity, direct current, traction power system, train-to-train interval, energy losses

No. 3 (78), 2023

P. A. Kozlov, I. S. Abdullaev, V. S. Kolokolnikov. Peculiarities of the railway transport system construction


The dual function of railway transport is considered — as an independent system and as an element of the «national economy» system. The task of the second function is to provide economic ties with reliable and efficient transport links. When performing this task, there is a need for stream-by-stream control of traffic flows and use of a flexible formation plan. Herewith, losses are reduced due to mismatch of rhythms at the junction of «transport — production».

However, additional costs appear on railways and at stations, which means that revenues are reduced. That is, the first function «suffers». Harmony in contradiction of functions is proposed to be achieved in the following way: the railway transport system pays for additional work of roads from funds received from subjects of economic ties, and those in turn pay for the work of stations.

Keywords: railway, station, flow, system, element, transport links

N. F. Sirina, D. L. Rusin. Model of adaptive regulation and traction resource management with identification in the railway transportation process


The current state of the JSC «Russian Railways» locomotive complex is analyzed in the context of landfill technologies and active digitalization of production and economic processes. The mechanism of comprehensive assessment of the distribution of locomotives and adaptive mechanism for regulating the areas serviced by locomotive crews are considered, which allow to realize the potential of locomotive enterprises to fulfill the established parameters of the use of traction facilities on the infrastructure. The organizational model of adaptive regulation and management of traction resources is proposed, which makes it possible to organize, at the request of carriers, the provision of traction and locomotive crews by independent commercial structures and individuals on a competitive basis.

Keywords: traction resources, railway transport, adaptive management, aggregation of locomotive crews, comprehensive assessment of locomotive distribution

V. L. Gerus. The system of key performance indicators as a strategic management tool


The requirements for the transportation process management are formulated taking into account modern world standards. The necessity of using the system of balanced indicators and key performance indicators to justify and achieve the target results of railway transport units is shown.

The measures allowing to adapt the considered methodologies to peculiarities of JSC «Russian Railways» functioning and introduce these methodologies into a single network technological process of railway transportation are proposed.

The necessity of updating and improving the system of key performance indicators operating in JSC «Russian Railways» and bringing it in line with modern technologies for the transportation process management is substantiated.

Keywords: railway transport development strategy, transportation process management methodologies, transportation process efficiency, balanced scorecard, key performance indicators, unified network technological process

V. I. Moiseev, A. V. Zhebanov. Transportation of viscous petroleum products by rail in winter conditions using the principles of catalytic heating


The article investigates the problem of unloading solidifying petroleum products (such as boiler fuel oil) at a medium-capacity drain site. It is accepted that a filling train of 45 specialized 67-ton tank cars is placed under the drain, the train is en route for 7–8 days at negative air temperatures (up to –20 °C). Usually, from 3 to 5 tank cars are simultaneously put under unloading at a medium-capacity drain site, up to 10–12 hours are spent on heating them; for unloading, emptying the drain site and installing the next 5 tank cars — 2-2.5 hours more. The rest of the tank cars are put on the access roads, waiting in line. The oil product in them, initially having a low temperature, keeps cooling and passes into a highly viscous state. In addition to the delivery time (7–8 days), the train, as a rule, is under the unloading operation for 8–10 more days. In the method of processing proposed by the authors, tank cars can be heated already at the idle stage on the access roads, and the discharge is carried out at the drain site. In this case, the unloading time of the filling train is reduced to 15–20 hours.

Keywords: transportation of solidifying petroleum products, tank car, unloading at negative temperatures, catalytic heating

D. V. Zyablov, S. V. Bespalko. Inspection of the tank car fleet for availability of oil spill


The article is devoted to the survey of the petrol tank fleet from the point of view of availability and size of the transported product spill zone. Based on the results of measurements, the final characteristics of the spill zones were determined: the length along the axis of the tank boiler, the angle of the zone, the length of the arc, the area of the spill zone. Probabilistic characteristics are calculated and integral distribution functions for each parameter are constructed. It is established that distribution of geometric characteristics of the spill zones is close to the normal law. The obtained results are proposed to be used when choosing the parameters of the tank boiler protection system from fire.

Keywords: petrol tank car, fire and explosion safety, boiler, temperature field protective equipment, fire, open flame, spill

S. A. Bessonenko, E. V. Klimova, N. I. Osipov. Evaluating the efficiency of interval train control


The paper analyses the purpose, main characteristics and extent of implementation of interval control, as well as experience in assessing its efficiency. Problems associated with the introduction of interval control, in particular the «shockwave effect» arising from the densification of train flows and exacerbating the cumulative chain reaction, have been investigated. The directions for further research in the evaluation of the efficiency of interval control were determined: modelling of the operation of specific sections and stations, analysis of throughput under conditions of digital radio communication failures, development of solutions oriented towards the seamless transport process, correction of documentation, evaluation of the efficiency of interval control on single-track lines. The structure of a decision support system for the development of interval control on single-track lines is proposed.

Keywords: interval train control, «shockwave effect», virtual coupling, moving blocks, railway capacity

S. V. Bushuev, N. S. Golochalov. Technical solutions for increasing the station сapacity using virtual coupling technology


The necessity of developing technical solutions that will allow trains to travel in virtual coupling with a time interval less than the existing calculated interval, with three-block separation of trains, is justified. A special mode of operation of the station is described for passing train departure in virtual coupling. The method of placing additional traffic lights, the algorithm of their operation, as well as the algorithm for coding the departure route are presented. The developed technical solutions can be used for the prospective expansion of electrical centralization functionality.

Keywords: capacity, virtual coupling, electrical centralization, automatic blocking, interval of passing departure

A. V. Pashukov. The method of synthesis of station systems of railway automation and remote control with programmable logic using the model of finite state machines


The main advantages of microprocessor systems of railway automation and remote control in relation to relay systems, as well as the advantages of using field-programmable gate array (FPGAs) in comparison with microprocessors for solving control system synthesis problems are presented. Examples of the possibility of using FPGAs in devices and systems of railway automation and remote control are given. The possibility of synthesizing a finite state machine on an FPGA that implements route dependencies at an arbitrary station is considered. For this purpose, the logic of the operation of railway automation and remote control devices is described, all possible states of the designed device are identified and the conditions of transitions between them are recorded. A method of synthesis of a finite state machine implementing route dependencies based on building up graphs of elementary devices has been formed. The advantage of this approach is the possibility of synthesizing railway automation and remote control devices according to specified logical algorithms, using a modern element base.

Keywords: railway automation and remote control; signals and interlocking; floor-level technological equipment; graph of transitions, field-programmable gate array

V. S. Kolokolnikov, N. V. Kashheeva, N. E. Okulov. Optimization of passenger service by urban rail using simulation models


Recently, urban rail transport systems based on the railway network have been actively designed and put into operation. The article discusses the features of organization of urban passenger rail service, provides examples of calculation and optimization of railway junctions using the simulation modeling apparatus.

Keywords: passenger service, clock traffic, capacity, railway junction

S. V. Krotov, D. P. Kononov, A. P. Buynosov. Investigation of a railway wheel rolling surface worn profile using wear curves


Based on the data obtained by calculating the curvature and radius of the worn profile, as well as the angles of inclination of the tangent to it at different rolling, a refined wear model is considered. For this purpose, additional wear graphs are constructed according to the rolling profile, taking into account the very complex nature of the wheel and rail contacting surface wear at different locations of the reference points. Calculation errors are estimated, calculated parameters such as wear at various points are corrected. For further research of the theoretical nature, analytical expressions are used, on the basis of which graphical dependencies are constructed. The calculations are performed using the finite difference method, and the calculation error is estimated. Along with this, a tabular method of presenting a significant amount of data was used. The published article will be useful for understanding the complexity of the processes and quantifying the interaction between the wheel and rail in contact.

Keywords: wear, radius of curvature, rolling profile, approximation, analytical equation

A. V. Startsev, I. I. Storozhev, I. S. Tsikhalevskiy, Ya. A. Mishin, A. T. Sharapov. Theoretical background of the transfer of traction rolling stock to gas engine fuel


The development strategy of JSC «Russian Railways» provides by 2024, the replacement of diesel fuel consumption with natural gas should be 11 %, and by 2030 should be 25 %. In order to implement this strategy, it is necessary to carry out researches for the transfer of traction rolling stock to gas motor fuel. The article presents the thermal calculation of the D-50 series diesel locomotive engine, which is equipped with most shunting locomotives of the ТEМ18 type. The performed calculation shows the possibility of transferring this engine to the gas-diesel cycle while maintaining its technical parameters satisfactorily. It is pointed out that it is necessary to conduct experimental (exploratory) studies on a real engine to confirm the results of the theoretical studies carried out.

Keywords: traction rolling stock, engine, duty cycle, diesel, natural gas

A. N. Popov, M. L. Popova. Monitoring the integrity of rails by flowing current


Violations of the integrity of rails on railway sections pose a serious threat to traffic safety, cause accidents and wrecks, lead to significant economic damage and human casualties. The integrity of rails is controlled by flaw detection methods, as well as by a special mode of operation of rail circuits due to the signal current flow around track circuits. The widespread use of AC rail circuits which reliably perform the control mode made it possible to organize a simple method of integrity control over a significant length of railway lines.

The complexity of maintenance and low reliability of track circuits, in turn, led to emergence of alternative technical solutions for monitoring the vacancy of railway sections. However, these solutions are not able to control the integrity of rails and prevent elimination of track circuits. On the other hand, the joint use of continuous monitoring of rails and low-maintenance solutions for monitoring the vacancy of track sections will ensure reduction in operating costs with a constant level of traffic safety.

The article analyzes technical solutions for monitoring the integrity of rails due to continuous current flow. The maximum length of the contour formed by two rails is set to control the integrity of the rails. The prospects of solutions for monitoring the integrity of rails based on the electrical circuit formed by rails and a cable running along them are shown.

Keywords: rail circuits, control mode of operation, transmission resistance of rail circuits, auto-locking, semi-automatic locking

L. V. Plotnikov, D. A. Davydov, D. N. Krasilnikov, A. D. Laptev, V. A. Slednev, V. A. Shurupov. Modernization of the intake tract by using square and triangular channels in relation to an automobile engine with dimensionality 8.2/7.1


The article is devoted to the gas-dynamic improvement of processes in the cylinder of an internal combustion engine by using profiled channels in the intake tract. Based on experimental studies of the gas dynamics of stationary air flows, thermograms of distribution of the gas flow inside the cylinder for the intake tract with channels having cross sections in the form of a circle, square and triangle for various initial velocities were obtained. The flow structure inside the cylinder was studied using the method of thermal survey, the average air flow velocity was determined using the method of thermal anemometry. It is established that the use of profiled channels in the intake tract leads to a significant change in the flow structure inside the cylinder, improving uniformity of distribution of the velocity field and reducing stagnant zones, and in the future it will increase the specific power of the internal combustion engine, reduce specific fuel consumption and the amount of harmful substances in the exhaust gases.

Keywords: automobile engine, intake system, profiled pipeline, cylinder, aerodynamics, flow structure, thermal survey

A. V. Gritsenko, K. V. Glemba, A. S. Menshenin, S. A. Chokoy. Environmental aspects in operation of a gasoline car with antitoxic system


In the Russian Federation, unlike the European countries, where the Euro-6 standard is in effect and introduction of Euro-7 is expected until 2025, the Euro-5 standard has been adopted and the possibility of introducing Euro-6 is only being formed, but the production and technical infrastructure of the service is not ready for this. The article defines the main parameters characterizing the qualitative and quantitative difference of the fuel-air mixture and their effect on the output parameters of exhaust gas toxicity, examines in detail the areas of change in toxicity parameters when varying the main operating modes of the engine, analyzes the maximum and minimum values of toxicity parameters and possible areas of their displacement in case of changing the technical condition of engine systems. As a result of theoretical studies, it was revealed that concentration of toxic components of exhaust gases before entering the converter may be several times different from mode to mode. Such operation at the limit of the maximum degree of conversion of the catalytic converter accelerates its aging, leads to the loss of operational properties and, as a result, to deterioration in the environmental safety of the car.

Keywords: engine, diagnostics, test method, catalytic converter, crankshaft speed, equivalent cross section, exhaust system throughput

I. S. Vyskrebentsev, M. B. Petrov. Methodology for assessing the level of transport infrastructure development of region


The methodology has been developed that allows assessing the level of the transport infrastructure of the region and predicting the needs of the territory in the development of transport. Based on the linear convolution method, the comprehensive evaluation indicator has been developed, which includes characteristics of the volume and quality of the track infrastructure of land transport modes, as well as the terminal system.

The approach to determining the weighting coefficients of the integrated assessment system parameters is proposed, which makes it possible to establish the closest correlation between the transport infrastructure assessment indicator and the volume of traffic in the region. A comparative analysis of the developed indicator with the Engel and Goltz coefficients is performed according to the criterion of the closeness of relationship between the assessment of transport infrastructure and volume of traffic in the region.

The regression model has been formed that makes it possible to predict the impact of transport infrastructure on meeting the current transportation needs of the region.

Based on the comparison of the estimates obtained, the study was conducted to determine insufficiency or redundancy of the development of transport infrastructure in certain regions.

Keywords: transport infrastructure, regional development, forecasting, regression model

A. P. Buynosov, A. A. Kozlova. Analysis of failures and ways to increase reliability of equipment of electric-multiple units


According to results of failures statistics the authors have revealed most unreliable units and assemblies of electric-multiple units. Influence of reliability level of wheelsets on the reliability of an electric-multiple unit was estimated with the use of the Heinrich’s Pyramid. The authors have provided reasons of frequent failures of wheelsets and possible ways to eliminate failures. In order to increase of life of wheelsets and fast and efficient elimination of local defects they propose to use a mobile tool for wheelset trueing. The idea is in connection of theoretical representation of increase of electric-multiple unit reliability level (Heinrich’s Pyramid) and application of devices that promote it (tool for wheelset trueing). On the basis of calculations and the proposed method of failures elimination the authors provide a «sharpened» Heinrich’s Pyramid showing that they have considered an efficient method for increase of electric-multiple unit reliability.

Keywords: electric-multiple unit, mechanical part, wheelset, reliability level, Heinrich’s Pyramid, ram, mobile tool for wheelset trueing

T. V. Kovaleva, A. A. Komyakov, O. O. Komyakova, N. V. Pashkova. Resonance phenomena in three-phase power transmission lines feeding the non-traction consumers of railway transport


The article is devoted to the analysis of the quality of electrical energy in three-phase power supply systems for 10 kV non-traction consumers receiving power from traction substations, taking into account resonance phenomena. Emphasis is placed on high-order harmonics, which negatively affect the operation of modern electrical equipment. The prediction of voltage and current resonances in three-phase power transmission lines feeding the non-traction consumers was carried out on the basis of calculations in MathCAD. SimInTech simulations were performed to study electromagnetic processes, including estimation of the higher voltage harmonics values taking into account resonance phenomena in consumers.

Keywords: traction substation, three-phase power transmission line, non-traction consumers, resonance phenomena, electricity quality indicators, simulation modeling

No. 2 (77), 2023

P. A. Kozlov, V. P. Kozlova, N. A. Tushin, M. A. Tumanov. Elaborating an active automated traffic flow management system


The article discusses the principles of elaborating an intelligent automated traffic management system. It is demonstrated that the existing so-called automated control systems are still only informational — control decisions are made by dispatchers without assistance of automation tools.

A significant change in the structure and content of the applied automated control systems is proposed. The authors recommend to include optimization models in them. As the analysis indicates, such models have already been created, but the technology for their use has not yet been developed. It is also necessary to create a rational structure of adaptive control systems. The article provides recommendations on the choice of optimization models and the scope of their effective application. Each model allows us to calculate the optimal flow scheme in dynamics, taking into consideration the specified features. It is proposed to verify the results of optimization calculations on simulation models. Systems should be adaptive, with self-learning.

The implementation of the principles of elaboration of an intelligent automated control system would make it possible to create a rational structure and technology of adaptive automated control systems.

Keywords: optimization, simulation, model, automation, flows, transport.

A. V. Smolyaninov, V. F. Karmatskiy, O. V. Cherepov. Organizational and technological aspects of current uncoupling repair of freight railway cars


The article presents a retrospective analysis of organizational and structural transformations in the railcar industry over the past 15 years and the formation of new approaches to interaction of an infrastructure owner, carriers, operators, car repair companies in the field of operation and repair of freight railway cars.

An overview of various approaches to addressing the challenges of the current uncoupling repair of railcars and their evolution over the past 15 years has been made, the opinions of competent specialists have been analyzed. The authors’ comments on the draft order prepared by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation on the procedure for carrying out the current uncoupling repair procedures of freight cars, as well as on the latest changes in the governing documents of the Council for Railway Transport of the Commonwealth Member States are presented. Specific proposals are made to improve regulatory documents which have a regulatory impact on the operation and repair of freight cars.

Keywords: freight car, operation, maintenance, scheduled repairs, current uncoupling repairs, railway car repair production, structural transformations, operator, infrastructure owner, carrier.

O. V. Cherepov, M. A. Zvyagina, V. F. Lapshin. Damage rate of innovative railcars used for transportation of mineral fertilizers


As part of the research, the technical condition of innovative railcars (built from 2018 to 2022) used for transportation of mineral fertilizers was analyzed in comparison with mineral railway cars on bogies with an axial load of 23.5 tons/axle. When assessing damage, the number of uncoupling of railcars in the current types of repairs for the inter-repair period is taken as a basis.

It is demonstrated that, on average, each standard railway car was uncoupled 0.92 times annually, while the innovative mineral carrier was uncoupled 0.42 times. A significant proportion of the uncoupling of innovative railcars in the current repair of the TR-2 (74 %) is due to a malfunction of the wheelsets (thin rib), which is 42 % higher than the same indicator for standard railcars. It is noted that the existing simplified accounting system for mileage and operation life does not allow to identify the cause-and-effect relationship of the occurrence of malfunctions. It is proposed to develop a repair technology for restoring protective covering for the inner surfaces of a railcar body.

Keywords: innovative railcar, mineral fertilizers, malfunction, damage, maintenance, specific damage, protective covering.

S. V. Pavlov, A. G. Semenov. Design, modernization and production of lateral tilt stabilizers for high-speed double-deck rolling stock


The article is devoted to the organization of serial production of lateral tilt torsion stabilizers of railcar bodies. The relevance of the topic is due to upgrade of the Russian fleet of railway rolling stock by high-speed passenger trains with double-decker railcars of enhanced comfort, as well as the necessity of import substitution. All the developments presented in the article are protected by invention patents, useful models and industrial samples, which indicates not only their high scientific and technical level, but also their great practical, theoretical and methodological significance.

Keywords: railway transport, stabilization of railcar body lateral tilt, torsion stabilizer, torsion unit, traction.

S. P. Vakulenko, D. Yu. Romenskiy, K. A. Kalinin, M. V. Romenskaya. Determining of the throughput capacity of railway testing facilities with different network configurations


The transition to testing facility technologies for controlling train traffic on the railway network of the Russian Federation requires new principles for calculating classical parameters and characteristics of railway transportation service. This article describes the algorithm developed by the authors for calculating the throughput capacity of testing facilities with an extensive infrastructure, availability of multiple parallel train routes and non-linear connections between the initial point and final destination of a train flow.

Keywords: railway testing facilities, throughput capacity, transportation, freight transportation, passenger transportation, transport network.

E. V. Shvetsova, V. N. Shut’. The algorithm of transportation organization based on the critical element of a correspondence matrix


The passenger urban transport system based on unmanned automatic transport of small capacity, which is closed, i.e. functioning independently — without human participation, is considered. Data collection, analysis and organization of transportation in such system are carried out using information technologies and intelligent algorithms. The correspondence matrix serves as an information basis for drafting a transportation plan.

An algorithm for drawing up a transportation plan based on the correspondence matrix is proposed, in which the critical element correlates with the condition of sufficient accumulation of requests for transportation. In addition, the algorithm provides the possibility of in-passing transportation of passengers.

It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm makes it possible to achieve a level of comfort comparable to the comfort of a taxi ride, but at the same time, the economic effect of transportation is higher than that of a taxi, due to a larger number of passengers traveling together.

The considered model is aimed at increasing the mobility and flexibility of passenger transportation in conditions of high traffic flows and is distinguished by economic and environmental benefits, since the method of passenger transportation by unmanned vehicles provides high carrying capacity of urban transport systems with a high level of passenger comfort on the route.

Keywords: automatic transport, information and transport system, correspondence matrix, transportation arrangement algorithm, infobus.

A. S. Kosmodamianskiy, A. A. Pugachev, V. I. Vorobyev, O. V. Izmerov, E. V. Nikolaev. Application of aggregate traction drives for locomotives with increased traction properties


In order to implement the increased traction power of locomotives, rational solutions of traction drives with an aggregate layout are considered as a more technologically advanced alternative to integrated traction drives of foreign companies. As a result of the know-why analysis, the following was established: the use of an integrated circuit is induced by the objective of developing a drive for locomotives with different track gauge; the transition to an aggregate layout requires an increase in the axial dimension of a traction drive, the creation of an elastic-compensating coupling, operable at a rotational speed of up to 4000 min–1, and an increase in the number of bearings in the drive. It is grounded that it is possible to increase the dimensions of the locomotive's 1520 mm gauge drive to equip it with a coupling joint of a maximum diameter of 570 mm and an axial dimension of 200 mm, as well as the technical possibility of creating a workable elastic-compensating coupling joint with rubber elastic elements in these dimensions according to the conditions of adhesion of rubber with metal. The structural layouts of an aggregate traction drive are proposed, allowing to reduce the number of bearings in it, as well as an aggregate traction drive with elastic support on the axle, which makes it possible to use such a drive for passenger locomotives with the wheels of 1220–1250 mm diameter.

Keywords: traction drive, railway rolling stock, mechanical engineering technology, design theory.

B. E. Glyuzberg. Analysis of movement dynamics and kinematics by combinations of switches for the fulfillment of reserves for increasing the throughput of station necks


The methods of increasing the throughput capacity of railway lines on the basis of elimination of speed limits at station necks by improving switching service facilities are considered. The potential of implementing these methods by changing the geometry of switch throws and their combinations is illustrated.

Keywords: movement speeds, station necks, switch throws, combinations of structures, actual operating conditions, increasing the efficiency of a transportation process.

N. S. Zakharov, S. A. Ten’kovskaya, A. E. Alexandrov. Improving the operation reliability of transport and technological systems by limiting vehicle service lifetime


Among the urgent problems of oil and gas producing enterprises in Western Siberia is the low level of condition of vehicles, a significant part of which is operated in excess of permissible service lifetime standards. One of the main method to increase the efficiency, reliability and safety of vehicles is to limit the maximum lifetime of their operation. The purpose of the research presented in this article is to develop a methodology for determining the rational service life of vehicles, ensuring an increase in the reliability of functioning of transport and technological systems of oil and gas producing enterprises in Western Siberia. The scientific novelty consists in establishing patterns and creating mathematical models of the impact of age and operating time on the coefficient of technical readiness of automobiles. The methodological basis of the article is the systematization of research papers, regulatory documents, scientific and technical publications, as well as elements of a systematic approach, methods of expert assessments, mathematical statistics and economic analysis. It is revealed that all the considered methods for determining rational service lifetime have a limited scope of use. It is proposed to set the operating time limits using a method that, unlike most of the known ones, takes into account the impact on the technical readiness coefficient not only of operating time from the beginning of operation, but also of the intensity of vehicle use. It is illustrated that, in general, there is no statistically significant linear correlation between the age of vehicles and their operating time since the beginning of operation. One-factor and two-factor model patterns of the impact of these indicators on the coefficient of technical readiness have been developed. The validity of the proposed models has been verified, numerical values of their parameters have been established. The obtained correlations made it possible to develop a methodology for determining the maximum age limit of vehicles, taking into consideration the intensity of their use. The effect is formed due to a more accurate determination of the service lifetime of automobiles, which affects the increase in the coefficient of technical readiness. Further research in this area will be aimed at developing a methodology for adjusting the vehicle service lifetime with consideration to their operating conditions.

Keywords: operation reliability of transport and technological systems, road transport, coefficient of technical readiness, operating time of vehicles, vehicle service lifetime.

V. A. Buzin, N. S. Zakharov, A. E. Alexandrov. Organization of technical maintenance taking into account variations of vehicle operation intensity


The flow of requirements for the technical maintenance of vehicles, as a rule, is non-stationary. This is due to a number of random processes which determine the stochasticity of the increment of the vehicle operating time. Therefore, traditional methods of planning a production program for technical maintenance of vehicles do not provide sufficiently accurate results. In such cases, the solution to this problem is possible on the basis of simulation modeling.

The article presents a simulation model of the flow of technical maintenance requirements, which allows determining the number of technical maintenance operations by stages and their distribution over time, taking into consideration variations in the intensity of vehicle operation.

The results obtained could be used in the development of the methodology for determining the needs for materials for technical maintenance of vehicles, with due consideration to changes in time intensity and their operation conditions. This technique would optimize the volume and frequency of deliveries, as well as calculate the amount of safety stocks.

Keywords: technical maintenance of vehicles, flow of technical maintenance requirements, vehicle operation intensity, planning, simulation model of technical maintenance requirements.

D. G. Nevolin, A. A. Tsarikov, V. G. Bondarenko. Existing models of organizing high-speed public transport routes and their impact on passenger travel time


Currently, there are no studies in the Russian scientific literature devoted to models of the organization of high-speed passenger transport routes. At the same time, as practice proves, the time of movement of passengers significantly depends on the accepted system of organization of routes. For example, non-stop routes, on the one hand, increase the required volume of rolling stock used for passenger transportation, but, on the other hand, reduce the total transshipment time.

The article analyzes approaches to the organization of routes on the high-speed passenger transport network and presents the calculation of the overhead travel time of passengers for different network options. Calculations of the passenger's traffic speed are given separately, depending on the distance of a trip and the type of transport used.

It is pointed out that the optimal choice of the model of the route network of urban passenger transport makes it possible to reduce the cost of infrastructure construction and improve the quality of public services.

Keywords: urban passenger transport, route network, city transport system, high-speed transport, route design.

S. A. Azemsha. Substantiation of the optimal capacity of a module as part of a passenger vehicle for scheduled urban transportation


Despite the huge role played by urban public passenger transport (UPPT), the technologies for organizing its functioning are outdated, which leads to inefficient use of passenger vehicle capacity (PVC), an increase in the cost of transportation and, as a result, to a decrease in the recoupment of the functioning of UPPT. One of the methods by which it is possible to increase the recoupment of the UPPT functioning is the use of modular PVC of the identical capacity. During the passenger traffic growth periods, the quantity of modules is added to them, and during the periods of passenger traffic decline, it decreases, thereby reducing prime costs of transportation. The article provides a substantiation for the optimal capacity of such a modular PVC, the structure of which would ensure maximum recoupment of the functioning of urban public passenger transport.

Keywords: transportation efficiency, module, structure of a modular passenger vehicle, capacity usage, neural network.

E. V. Golov, E. V. Sorokina, S. S. Evtyukov. The specifics of wheeltrack formation as a risk factor for road traffic accidents in the «Motor road» subsystem


The article discusses the causes of wheeltrack formation caused by the dynamic impact of the wheels of vehicles on a roadbed. In the course of the study, the nature of the change in a wheeltrack magnitude on various traffic lanes of the St. Petersburg automobile ring-road is studied as a factor which increases the probability of a traffic accident.

Keywords: wheeltrack, motor road, road safety, road traffic accident, road clothing, diagnostics.

R. V. Pankina. Regarding the trends of the Russian container shipping market


The trend towards containerization has been maintained over the past few years, but currently its systematic development is being affected by macroeconomic constraints, such as the sanitary and epidemiological situation, border closures, and the reorientation of cargo traffic from West to East. The major foreign operators have left the Russian market, and currently there is an active process of building up our own container fleet in the country, and consequently, issues related to its management and effective use are becoming particularly relevant. The article presents an overview of the state of the Russian railway shipping container transportation market and analyzes the factors which affected the change in the structure of container transportation.

Keywords: containerization, container fleet, container fleet management efficiency, technical rationing of container transportation.

E. A. Tretyakov, O. V. Balagin, S. V. Zhivushko, K. A. Kalin, E. Esirkepov. Testing results of humidified insulation drying of traction electric engines of electric locomotives based on electrokinetic phenomena in depot conditions


The testing results of electroosmotic drying of humidified insulation of traction electric engines of electric locomotives in the conditions of a service locomotive depot are presented in the article. The technology of electroosmotic drying (combined with electrocaloriferous) during the period of sub-freezing air temperatures, based on the device developed by the authors, is proposed. The testing results indicate up to 60 % reduction in electricity consumption and a reduction in the idle time of electric locomotives at TR-1 by 20 %.

Keywords: electric locomotive, traction electric engine, insulation, caloriferous drying, electric osmosis, insulation resistance.

A. A. Pyshkin, D. V. Lesnikov. Methodology for determining the correlation function of voltage on the busbars of a DC traction substation


The voltage level on the rectified current busbars of a traction substation is random and depends on voltage fluctuations in the primary power system and the substation current. The operation process of an electrified railway is characterized by a continuous change in the location, number and magnitude of loads which determine the currents of traction substations. Numerous observations and studies have shown that the voltage on the DC busbars of traction substations could be estimated only on the basis of statistical probabilistic methods using the apparatus of random functions. Therefore, to estimate the voltage on 3.3 kV busbars in the first approximation, a normal random process with an ergodic property could be applied, for which it is necessary to determine the voltage correlation function.

Keywords: random process, voltage fluctuations, mathematical expectation, correlation function, interval package, probability of inter-train interval occurrence, substation area, train current, definite integral.

V. V. Tomilov, O. A. Sidorov, S. M. Utepbergenova. The impact of the enhanced zigzag of a contact wire on distribution of the heating power of a pantograph slide of the main electric rolling stock


The objective of the study presented in the article is to improve the mathematical model for calculating power losses in a pantograph slide, in particular, taking into consideration the enhanced values of a contact wire zigzag during the motion of an electric rolling stock. The subject of the study is a pantograph slide. The article provides an example for calculating the slide of a pantograph equipped with carbon inserts, illustrating that the heating of the entire structure of the slide is performed stronger when a contact wire is in the extreme position of the enhanced zigzag, while the distribution of heating along the slide is uneven and the greatest power of resistive heating is observed over the shunts. The obtained results of heating power distribution of the slide allow us to supplement the complex model of a thermal state of the pantograph developed at Omsk State Transport University. The versatility of the model allows to investigate various zigzags of the contact wire and to assess the impact on distribution of traction current along the slide, depending on the installation locations of shunts and their quantity.

Keywords: current collector, slide, traction current, modelling, electric rolling stock, power, resistance, shunt, zigzag.

E. V. Dobrynin, K. V. Bogdanova, E. M. Plokhov. Evaluation of the heterogeneity impact of a traction network on operation of control system parameters of movement of electric rolling stocks


A system for monitoring the parameters of a traction power supply system, consisting of current and voltage sensors installed in the inter-substation area, is considered. The impact of the inhomogeneity of a contact suspension and leakage of currents from the rail to the ground on the accuracy of determining parameters such as current consumption, voltage on a current collector and the coordinate of electric rolling stock is evaluated. The peculiar features of the monitoring system operation in the conditions of heterogeneity of the traction network are revealed, a solution is proposed to reduce the impact of this factor.

Keywords: traction power supply systems, contact network, electric rolling stock, voltage sensor, current sensor, leakage current, voltage, rail circuit.

No. 1 (76), 2023

I. S. Abdullaev. Approaches of technological integrator at selection of object parameters on concept design stage


The paper is devoted to selection of optimal parameters of railway infrastructure objects on the concept design stage. The author considers problems that arise at designing and applying normative documentation and lead to excess of the initial cost of objects, as well as tools that can be used for solving such problems by a technological integrator — independent division of the JSC «RZD». As an important aspect of the analysis of concept design documentation the paper presents possible approaches to determination of stage-by-stage development of railway infrastructure objects. Moreover, it provides specific examples and a complex of technological measures.

Keywords: selection of object parameters on concept design stage, technological integrator, stage-by-stage realization, optimal development of infrastructure.

N. F. Sirina, A. E. Kolodin, V. B. Sverdlov. Model of realization of barrier functions for provision of safety of freight car fleet at car allowance on the JSC «RZD» infrastructure


The paper presents analysis of main reasons of car damage on non-public railway tracks. It shows that the introduction of barrier functions that block the release of cars with unusable parts on the JSC «RZD» infrastructure allows decreasing car damage from failure of cast parts of bogies. The authors give a definition to a barrier function as a blocking reaction of an information system on discrepancy of rolling stock parameters to established requirements. At car allowance on the JSC «RZD» infrastructure after loading-unloading operations they suggest to introduce the barrier function “creating of logical prohibition on car reception from non-public tracks when a damaged car is revealed”. The authors have created a simulation model of car allowance on the infrastructure that allow automating allowance procedure and significantly decreasing risks of release of damaged cars. For the development of the mathematical model they propose to use the method of statistical modeling (the Monte-Carlo technique).

Keywords: car damage, safety of car fleet, barrier function, car allowance, mathematical model, the Monte-Carlo technique.

N. F. Sirina, A. E. Kolodin. Functional architecture of digital model of maintenance and repair of freight cars


Introduction of complex digitalization of car services is determined by progressive development of railway transport. Dynamically developing software products form inseparable requirements to transformation of the industry and dictate inevitable changes in the production architecture.

Digitalization of production processes and their internal connections integrates more deeply into technology of maintenance and repair of rolling stock and becomes a basic principle of a production cycle of any level.

For forecasting a technical condition of freight cars the authors suggest a model of a system for their phased maintenance and repair. A simulation created in the digital form describes the model that allows repeatedly calculating various production scripts at various given conditions and giving an optimal forecast of final indicators of maintenance and repair of a car without resorting to natural assessment of the result.

Keywords: system of maintenance and repair of cars, digital transformation, digital model, digital twin of a car, flows of information.

E. V. Sorokina, S. L. Samoshkin, O. S. Samoshkin, S. D. Korshunov. Development of technical requirements and introduction of elastic gangways on domestic passenger cars with the consideration for wind and thermal loads


The paper considers drawbacks of serial gangways and advantages of elastic gangways that started to be applied on regular trains and two-car couplers. The authors present technical requirements to elastic gangways that consider features of operation of innovative cars substantiated by thermal and wind loads in particular.

Keywords: innovative passenger car, elastic gangway, technical requirements, operating rules, technical condition.

O. G. Vedernikova, O. V. Ignatyeva. Development of interactive virtual trainer of car inspeсtor in Unity environment on SteamVR platform


The paper presents an interactive trainer of a car inspector (on the example of a four-axle open-box car) that uses possibilities of virtual reality. The trainer allows selecting an overview mode (training or testing) and studying car design and training inspection skills. Development of virtual reality was carried out in Unity with the use of Virtual Samples on Steam VR platform with the use of VR-helmets. 3-D models are created in Blender environment, subsequent texturing is made in Substance Painter. At realization of a trainer the authors have developed a script for lighting and blinking of a studied part with the use of a dynamic material and shaders for two-sided materials.

Keywords: virtual reality, interactive trainer, car inspector, four-axle open-box car, shader, script, coroutine, prefab.

A. F. Borodin, V. V. Panin, E. S. Maximova, E. A. Lakhankin. Methodological approaches to organization of transportation process on the basis of technical and technological parameters


In conditions of growing loading of railways and shortage of investments management reserves based on assessment of technical and technological parameters of organization of transportation process with the consideration for resources of infrastructure, rolling stock, consignors, consignees and volumes of repairs and construction works become of paramount significance for provision of stable operation. The paper presents results of development of technical and technological parameters for operations control on enlarged network lines.

Keywords: operations control polygon, cross-cutting principles, polygon technologies, infrastructure resources, reliability, transportation process, risks.

A. E. Alexandrov, I. A. Kovalev, V. Yu. Permikin, A. V. Surin, V. V. Lesnykh. Verification of optimization model of car traffic processing at marshalling station by simulation modeling


As a rule, current planning of operation of marshalling station is carried out with the use of heuristic algorithms and simulation modeling. It is possible to improve the quality of planning on the basis of strict optimization models. With the use of the mixed integer linear programming method the authors have created a mathematical and a computer model of car traffic processing at a marshalling station. The paper considers questions of verification of the optimization model with the use of simulation modeling.

Keywords: marshalling station, mathematical model, mixed integer linear programming, simulation model, optimization model, optimal solution, verification, validation.

S. V. Bushuev, N. S. Golochalov. Analysis of ways to increase traffic capacity of railways


The paper presents an overview of existing and perspective ways to increase a traffic capacity of railways. The authors have analysed studies, papers and monographs dedicated to this question. They have generalized ways to increase the traffic capacity in the form of a chart. The authors have considered organizational, technical and reconstructive measures that allow using and widening existing reserves of traffic capacity of railways, as well as perspective technologies that allow creating new reserves of traffic capacity.

Keywords: traffic capacity, carrier capacity, increase of speed, train-to-train interval, united train, virtual coupling.

R. R. Yusupov, A. S. Khokhrin. Study of operation of correlation receiver with quadrature continuously working automatic cab signalling channels in nominal conditions of operation


Development and implementation of receivers of CWACS channels on a microelectronic elemental base with digital processing of signals allowed using complicated methods (for example, correlation, non-linear) that couldn’t be realized on an analogue elemental base. One of the devices, in which the similar methods are applied, is a correlation receiver with quadrature channels. The paper considers its operation in nominal conditions. The study was carried out by simulation modeling in the Simulink environment. An experiment on the model showed that the normative operation of the receiver in some cases is violated because of the imperfection of an algorithm for calculation of a floating threshold of decision making. Adjustment of the algorithm provided correct operation of the receiver in the considered conditions. Moreover, the authors have revealed that real sensitivity of the receiver match normative requirements.

Keywords: automatic cab signalling, correlation receiver, quadrature channel, quadrature correlator, code pattern, ultimate sensitivity, simulation model, floating threshold of decision making.

D. G. Nevolin,  A. A. Tsarikov,  V. G. Bondarenko. Main directions of development of high-speed passenger transport in large and largest Russian cities


The paper considers problems of development of high-speed types of urban passenger transport. The authors propose a differentiated approach to solution of these problems according to potential passenger traffic and financial possibilities of municipal units.

Keywords: city transportation system, high-speed passenger transport, passenger traffic, road network.

S. V. Krotov, D. P. Kononov, A. P. Buynosov. Optimization of an elementary part of rolling stock


The paper considers approaches to optimization of known designs of traditional rolling stock beam. The authors have studied a classic case of loading a console with force. They have gained values of stress and full deformations for a console with a rectangular cross-section. The authors have studied a possibility to optimize design by means of decrease of mass and prevention of actual stress above the limit of material fluidity (local stress hasn’t been considered). On the basis of analysis of gained results they have proposed a more rational profile of a console — its construction is optimized along a horizontal transverse axis. Verification of stress and deformations of the optimized model have been carried out in a calculation module, Results show a significant improvement of workability of the optimized console design that differs in reduced mass without losing in strength and rigidity.

Keywords: topological optimization, equivalent stress, deformation, verification.

E. Yu. Rogov, V. E. Ovsyannikov, V. I. Vasilyev, V. F. Lapshin. Development of approach to increase quality of repair of wheelset axles


One of the main requirements, which is set to executive surfaces of wheelset axles, is an accuracy of a form in transverse direction (deviation from roundness). Since methods of final processing (centerless grinding and rolling) don’t correct inaccuracies of the form, for the provision of the required accuracy of the form turn machining operations are used, including operations on the numerically controlled machines. At the application of such machines it is necessary to reveal processes that have a major impact on processing inaccuracy and to develop an approach that will decrease the impact.

The paper considers features of creating a texture of the transverse profile of rotation body parts at turning. With the use of the random processes theory and methods of fractal geometry the authors studied systematic and random components of the profile. On the basis of analysis of gained results the authors show that at finishing processing vibrations of elements of the processing system have a major impact. As a result, they have formulated an approach to automatic provision of required parameters of accuracy of the form of wheelset axles at processing with the use of numerically controlled machinery. 

Keywords: axle, wheelset, repair, out-of-roundness, texture, numerically controlled machinery.

A. N. Popov. System for prevention from collisions at railway crossing at forced stop of motor transport


The paper suggests a realization of a system for prevention from collisions at a railway crossing at a forced stop of motor transport. The author considers an algorithm, features of realization and variants of application of existing equipment for the system creation. Moreover, the author describes a control device prototype that is necessary for creating the suggested system. As a result, the paper presents advantages of the proposed solutions in comparison with existing automatic level crossing safety installation systems.

Keywords: railway crossing, automatic level crossing safety installation, notification section, braking distance, locomotive on-board complex.

Yu. V. Mogilnikov, V. A. Baranov, I. D. Vershinin. Influence of sneak magnetic fields on reception of code from track circuit


The paper considers problems connected with transition of useful code signal on receiving locomotive devices. The authors provide data on failures of automatic cab signaling devices on the South-Ural Railway. As a result, they have determined main factors that cause a fault of reception of a useful code and formulated proposals on decrease of influence of sneak fields.

Keywords: safety, locomotive, railway transport, receiving coil, automatic cab signaling devices, rail, rail current, magnetic fields, sneak magnetic fields.

A. A. Loktev, I. V. Shishkina, V. I. Tkachenko, V. V. Artemyeva. Calculation of shares of switch production defective parts


The paper presents a direct calculation of a mean value of defective parts of switch production. The authors have considered control of a production process on the example of control of switch production. They have calculated first four moments at binomial distribution of a number of defective elements of switch production. As a result, the authors have precisely considered a standard error of a share for defective parts.

Keywords: switch production, quality control, share of defective switch parts, standard error, sample.

E. P. Dudkin, S. N. Kornilov, M. V. Malakhov, N. N. Sultanov. Features of calculation of railway track on sleeperless base


The paper proposes a method for calculation of strength and settlement of a sleeperless construction that considers a maximum number of factors that affect reliability and safety of a railway track.

Keywords: railway track, sleeperless construction, solid base, multi-layer design of a base plate, method of calculation of sleeperless constructions.

A. T. Popov, O. A. Suslova, E. A. Voronkova. Optimization of transport service of sinter production with the consideration for traffic dynamics


The paper considers features of transport service of sinter production with the consideration for traffic dynamics. Over a long period of time during which the problem hadn’t been studied, the enterprise faced serious technological transformations. Intensification of production processes set new tasks for industrial transport. The task consisted in creation of a mathematical model of a production and transport system for optimization of operation of sinter production with raw materials traffic. The mathematical model is based on a dynamic transportation problem with delays.

Keywords: sinter production, industrial transport, iron ore raw materials, optimization of production and transport system, contact schedule, mathematical model, delay of cars, dynamic transportation problem with delays.

A. G. Matveev, T. A. Menukhova. Increase of safety of palletized-piece cargo delivery: moment of risk and ways to decrease cargo loss risk at delivery


The paper analyses an operation of a transportation company warehouse and suggests ways to calculate requirements of company in master containers with the consideration for seasonal fluctuations of demand, various volumes of cargo and presence of side residue of cargo, which require minimum costs.

Keywords: master container, boxes, breakage risk, warehouse residue, safety, analytical and mathematical methods of forecasting.

A. N. Shtin, K. G. Shumakov, D. V. Lesnikov, L. A. Frolov. Processes of commutation of rectifier currents of a semi-conductor booster


One of the main tasks of a railway power supply system is the provision of increased traffic volumes especially on direct current railway sections. For this reason the personnel of traction substations uses various means and methods of power supply strengthening including boosters representing two parallel thyristor bridges shunted by diodes.

The paper considers three processes of commutation of rectifier currents arising in boosters: between two thyristors, between a shunt diode and thyristors and between thyristors and a shunt diode. The paper presents a detailed mathematical description of these processes. As a result, the authors gained a general formula for calculation of all three angles of commutation, with the use of which the authors have carried out all calculations. Reliability of gained expressions is confirmed on a physical model.

Keywords: booster, commutation, commutation angle, regulation angle, rectifier current, shunt diode.

A. A. Kovalev, A. V. Andryukov. Assessment of influence of contact wire sag on possibility of increase of driving speed on the Ekaterinburg — Chelyabinsk catenary section


The paper presents results of comparison of mechanical calculation of the Ekaterinburg — Chelyabinsk tension catenary section for three compensated catenary suspensions. The authors have calculated catenary wire sags and created wire lists and diagrams for each climatic region for the Ekaterinburg — Chelyabinsk line, which will allow making correct conclusions on increase of driving speed on this section.

Keywords: driving speed, contact wire, sag, climatic region, Ekaterinburg — Chelyabinsk railway line.

E. Yu. Tryapkin, I. V. Ignatenko, S. A. Vlasenko, N. K. Shurova. Study of causes of increased potentials of alternating current traction rail network by registration of data in united time mode


The paper considers results of straight instrumental study of rail line parameters in conditions of operating section of traction network that allow assessing influence of non-sinusoidality and current value on the process of creation of «rail — ground» potential. The paper presents a formula for a particular case of calculation of voltage form on a rail line section. As a result, this function may be an element of calculation of electrical processes in 25kV alternating current back rail network.

Keywords: rail network, traction current, asymmetry of traction current, «rail — ground» potential.

No. 4 (75), 2022

A. V. Shipulin, N. A. Tushin. Optimization of logistics in forwarding zone with the use of simulation modeling


The paper considers experience of increase of labour productivity in an enterprise with a short production cycle. It underlines drawbacks of analytical methods of productivity calculation. The authors have analysed influence of stochastic processes on tact and cycle time. They have presented a method for optimization of logistics in a forwarding zone with the use of a simulation model. As a result, the authors have considered possibilities of the simulation system for verification of decisions.

Keywords: labour productivity, planning, logistics, forwarding zone, equipment, loading, delivery, simulation model.



S. V. Krotov, D. P. Kononov, A. P. Buynosov. Influence of freight car wheel mileage on contact and fatigue durability


The authors have analysed and determined curvature and radius of worn contour of a wheel and an inclination angle of a tangent. They have got a dependence of a value of tread surface wear from a mileage. The authors have determined influence of the first-order derivative on curvature radius of the worn contour and refined a formula for that radius. As a result, they have analysed limits of applicability of the formulas that will allow using them in calculations at studying worn tread surface contour.

Keywords: tread surface contour, parabolic approximation, finite-difference method, endurance crack.


S. A. Kravtsov, A. P. Boldyrev, F. Yu. Lozbinev. Creation of calculation models for elements made of hyper elastic materials used on railway transport


The paper describes a method for calculation of elements made of hyper elastic materials used on railway transport. Approbation of the method is carried out at calculation of polymer elements of supporting units for cushion of automatic couplers. As an object the authors have considered a polymer element of the PMKP-110 cushion that refers to T1 class. In operation of such cushion polymer elements unit is exposed to highly non-linear deformation, that is why at calculation the authors have used a program complex that implements the finite element method with the consideration for high non-linearity. A model of the polymer element calculated according to the suggested method is confirmed by experimental data. Deviations are permissible.

Keywords: polymer element, cushion of automatic coupler, power intensity, finite element method, power characteristics.


A. Yu. Surnin, S. V. Bespalko. To the question of modeling of railway tank shell failure by safeguard bow impact at overswinging


The paper presents a method for calculation of railway tank shells at an impact with the consideration for material plasticity. The authors have modelled failures of a tank shell with a safeguard bow on a bracket and without a bracket in a non-linear static formulation. Modeling allows formulating a methodology for determination of strength properties of railway tank shells in conditions of an impact and allows realizing protection of tender spots of design. It is determined that the use of the safeguard bow on a bracket is a preferred technical solution, that is why this design is selected for the study aimed at gaining the best parameters of tank shells.

Keywords: tank shell, railway tank, material non-linearity, finite element method, theory of plasticity, stress-strain state.


A. V. Smolyaninov, K. M. Kolyasov, D. V. Duvanov. Static and dynamic loading of springs of axle-box suspension for ES2G electric-multiple unit bogie


It is possible to determine a service life of an electric-multiple unit and its assemblies by actual time of proper operation or theoretically according to results of comprehensive test of components and parts.

According to standards of car calculation on strength, for parts that work in conditions of long and intense influence of dynamic loads it is necessary to determine fatigue strength at multi-cycle loading. Calculation is carried out with the consideration for probabilistic dispersion of fatigue strength characteristics and stochasticity of dynamic loading of a part, on the basis of which a life cycle is determined. Oscillograms of dynamic processes gained at tests on the line in theoretical calculations are substituted by a number of simple cycles.

Study results presented in the paper allow determining static and dynamic parameters of springs of the primary spring suspension for electric-multiple unit bogie and a type of a simple cycle and its parameters.

Keywords: life cycle, axle-box suspension, parameters, loads, stiffness properties, dynamic deflection, strain.


V. V. Shilter, A. V. Shilter, A V. Smolyaninov, K. M. Kolyasov. Influence of peculiarities os block wheelset dynamics on life of axle-box bearings


Standard (typical) wheelset is a direct connection of an axle and two wheels. Wheels have tread surface that provides rounding a curve and centering (winding movement) on tangent track. The authors propose a new design of a wheelset, in which functions of holding and directing the wheelset (flange) are separated from wheel (support wheel) tread surface. Such a wheelset has a row of advantages in comparison with a typical design.

The paper proposes a method for a comparative assessment of life of twin cylindrical axle-box bearings in block and standard designs of wheelsets of freight cars. It is established that life of axe-box bearings in a block wheelset is 1.7–2.3 times bigger than in a standard one.

Keywords: standard wheelset, block wheelset, axle-box, rolling bearing, life, rail, dynamic interaction.


V. G. Bulaev. Assessment of influence of railway rolling stock diesel engines on the greenhouse effect


The paper analyses influence that greenhouse gases emissions contained in exhaust gases of diesel engines render on formation of the greenhouse effect. The author shows that except СО2 in the total balance of greenhouse gases emissions it is necessary to consider also nitrogen oxides emissions that more aggressively than the carbon dioxide affect the air environment.

Keywords: noxious emissions, exhaust gases, greenhouse effect, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, internal combustion engine, diesel engine, diesel locomotive.


E. M. Tarasov, A. E. Tarasova, V. A. Nadezhkin. Selection of parameters of impedance bonds according to invertibility conditions of quadrupole matrix


Quality of coordination of equipment for track circuits with rail lines depends on parameters of impedance bonds that change in process of production and operation. Consequently, coordination conditions are violated, which deteriorates sustainability of operation of spacing traffic control systems. Currently used models are idealised and can’t reveal parameters that lead to violation of symmetry conditions.

The paper presents an approach that allows determining parameters that lead to violation of invertibility conditions on the basis of execution of invertibility conditions of impedance bond symmetric quadrupole matrix and then allows minimizing inaccuracies of execution of invertibility conditions with the use of corrective actions on these parameters.

Keywords: rail line, impedance bond, quadrupole, system of equations, quadrupole coefficients, error of execution of invertibility conditions.


D. G. Nevolin, A. A. Tsarikov, V. G. Bondarenko. Real speed of movement of city residents on the example of passenger transport in Ekaterinburg


The paper considers a problem of a real speed of movement of city residents on the example of Ekaterinburg. Comparison of various types of municipal passenger transport is usually reduced to assessment of cruising speed on a route. However, speed of passenger movement depends not only on the transport used, but on distance of a trip and distance of pedestrian approaches to stops of public transport.  Besides, real speed depends on a headtime between consecutive vehicles on a route.

Keywords: municipal passenger transport, city transportation system, routes of municipal transport.


A. V. Gritsenko, K. V. Glemba, A. N. Medvedev, A. Yu. Burtsev, Zh. S. Rakhimov, A. I. Emelyanova. Test control of sensors of mass air flow rate for modern internal combustion engines


The authors have considered typical designs of sensors of mass air flow rate used in motor vehicles and established that the most perfect are film-type sensors. Analysis of modern means and methods for diagnostics of mass air flow rate sensors showed that there are no methods for their nondestructive inspection. The study presented in the paper is based on the use of a developed measuring device for creation of test modes.  As controlled parameters the authors have selected a mass air flow rate, voltage from sensor test terminal, a position of the butterfly throttle, hourly consumption of fuel at variation of the ICE crankshaft rotation speed at the position of the butterfly throttle from 0 to 100 %. It is established that the most sensitive parameters are the mass air flow rate and the voltage of the sensor control contact.

Keywords: engine, failure, diagnostics, test method, sensor, mass air flow rate.


A. V. Puzakov. Assessment of operation efficiency of power supply system for motor vehicles


Modern motor vehicles are not equipped with devices that allow controlling efficiency of operation of power supply system, which leads to unexpected losses in operation. One of the solutions of the problem is continuous control of parameters of power supply system. However, their current values are not informative. On the basis of comparative analysis of power supply system parameters at normal and emergency operation the author suggests new principles of assessment of its efficiency. Results presented in the paper can get a practical development at realization of on-board device for monitoring power supply system for motor vehicles in real time.

Keywords: power supply system for motor vehicles, storage battery, automotive alternator, efficiency rate, output factor.


D. G. Nevolin, A. A. Tsarikov, V. G. Bondarenko. To the question of organization of passenger transport service on pedestrian streets of big and the biggest Russian cities


The paper considers questions connected with organization of public transport service on urban pedestrian streets. The authors show that it will not only improve the conditions of movement for passengers and pedestrians, but decrease traffic of private transport through the central part of the city.

Keywords: municipal passenger transport, pedestrian streets, organization of service.


A. P. Buynosov, M. G. Durandin, O. I. Tutynin. Compensation of catenary losses by application of on-board power source


The authors have analysed methods for energy loss reduction in catenary. Currently, there are at least two traditional methods: the first is aimed at decrease of distance between a power source and a consumer, the second — at reduction of resistance of a contact wire. The authors suggest a new method for compensation of catenary losses by installing on a board of electric motive power of an accumulating device that will compensate required power in case of energy shortage. The method allows reducing energy losses due to accumulated energy of the power source and, consequently, allows compensating it in the recuperation mode. As an accumulating device the authors have selected a Russian made supercondencer that can compensate more than a half of traction power system losses. It is equal to construction of an additional traction substation on a section with single-way feed. A simpler and a less expensive realization and high efficiency are the advantages of the proposed method.

Keywords: high energy losses, traction power system, voltage drop, traction substation, loss reduction, electric motive power, on-board power source, supercondencer, efficiency.


T. S. Tarasovskiy, A. N. Shtin. Features of calculation of critical currents in semiconductor elements of thyristor-reactor switching device used for voltage regulation


The paper presents a refined method for calculation of critical currents flowing through thyristors of a thyristor-reactor switching device aimed at voltage regulation at traction substations on railways electrified with direct current. The method considers overcurrent of thyristors in a dynamic mode of operation that occur in result of discharge of accumulated energy in inductive elements of the device. The authors have calculated critical currents flowing through thyristors of the switch being a part of the perspective converter transformer TRSNP-12500/10 that has a 14 % range of voltage regulation.

Keywords: traction power supply, traction substation, converter transformer, thyristor-reactor switching device, refined method, critical currents, thyristors.


S. I. Makasheva. Interactive training simulator for training the JSC «RZD» personnel in operating switching skills


The paper is devoted to decrease of a number of accidents and electrical injuries in electrical power engineering organizations. The author proposes an interactive complex of training exercises aimed at training electrical personnel of alternating current railways in safe methods of operating switching in schemes of electric substations.

Practising a skill of virtual operating switching on a training simulator will allow the personnel to decrease the probability of mistakes in future, which will contribute to reduction of a number of accidents and injuries in operation. The developed training simulator adapts to the scheme of any traction substation on the JSC «RZD» railway network, which creates the possibility for replication of the product, enlargement of its functional possibilities and exchange of experience of its use.

Keywords: railway power supply, electric safety, work-related injuries, operating switching, traction substation, electrical personnel, training simulator.


P. S. Pinchukov. Features of operation of automatic block system protection in conditions of reverse selectivity


The paper is devoted to provision of protection selectivity in electric networks of an automatic block system of a non-electrified railway section. The author has studied atypical situations that violate selectivity at operation of power lines protection, connections of base feeding stations and lines of automatic block system. The author has assessed influence on selectivity of hardware protection and types of switching equipment. As a result, the author suggests a variant of configuration of lines protection for the coordination of their timing periods in conditions of ‘reverse’ selectivity. The object of the study is the protection of automatic block system lines and connections of a base feeding station at the Komsomolsk power supply division of the Far Eastern Railway.

Keywords: maximal current protection, current cutoff, selectivity, timing period, automatic block system, base feeding station.


No. 3 (74), 2022

P. A. Kozlov, V. P. Kozlova, O. V. Osokin, N. A. Tushin. On technology for calculation of systems of railway transport


The paper considers principles of creating methods for calculation of railway stations and polygons. It shows that methods in existing instructions are theoretically based, in the essence, on logical soundness. The authors propose to consider a system approach in original statement as a scientific basis. A system is considered as a generally natural form of construction of organized matter which allows steadily functioning in environment with disorganization. An important property of the system is adaptability when structural elements enter a dynamic interaction. The authors state that in calculation models an element is assigned (consciously or not) a certain functional role that often doesn’t match a real role. Accordance of these roles is assumed as a main criterion of correctness of a calculation method. But the functional role is determined not only by properties of the element but also by a character of its interaction with other elements. That is why you can’t calculate a capacity of structural elements separately. The authors show on specific examples that it is possible to calculate the capacity only in a comprehensive model of the whole system. As a result, it is necessary to consider simulation modeling as a main method for calculation of systems of railway transport.

Keywords: system, station, polygon, calculation, function, capacity.


O. V. Moskvichev, E. E. Moskvicheva, D. V. Vasilyev. Improvement of technology for terminal processing of container trains on the basis of optimization of execution order for transhipment operations


The authors have analysed automation of operational processes of transport and logistics infrastructure of the JSC «RZD» and have assessed perspectives of development of container terminal automated control systems. The authors propose a mathematical model of execution of loading-unloading operations plan in the form of a problem of linear Boolean programming with complicated restrictions of a combinatorial type for decrease of total duration of container trains processing by handling facilities, decrease of a number of excessive rearrangements of containers and costs of material and technical resources. They have developed a genetic algorithm that gives an optimal sequence of loading-unloading operations. As a result, the paper presents results of numerical experiments that confirm efficiency of the suggested mathematical model and the algorithm.

Keywords: container terminal, gantry crane, automation, integer programming, genetic algorithm, resource-saving.


A. A. Loktev, V. V. Korolev, O. I. Poddaeva, A. N. Fedosova, P. S. Churin. Wind influence on transport infrastructure objects related to constructions of high level of responsibility


According to existing regulatory documents, assignment of wind loads for buildings and constructions of high level of responsibility must be carried out on the basis of results of modeling tests in wind tunnels. High level of responsibility can be conditioned not by technical complexity and spatial originality of the designed object, but only by its production purpose, affiliation to capital construction object of railway infrastructure of public traffic and geometrical dimensions. The paper considers an assessment of permissibility of using typical schemes from the SP 20.13330.2016 attachment at assignment of wind loads for buildings and constructions related to buildings and constructions of high level of responsibility according to the principle of their production purpose. For that reason the authors have carried out a set of aerodynamic tests for a selected object of high level of responsibility.

Keywords: constructions of high level of responsibility, wind influence, experimental modeling, wind tunnels.


N. F. Sirina, V. B. Sverdlov. Relational strategy of car fleet safety assurance


The paper considers development of car services after reformation of railway transport and creation of the JSC «RZD». The authors have presented and analysed commercial and production connections between participants of transportation process.  They have revealed contradictions between participants of transportation process leading to conflicts that need solutions. It is noticed that for balancing of conflicts it is necessary to approach on the basis of the use of the accumulated scientific experience on organization of interaction of the car-repair complex with external environment.  As a result, the authors suggest solving a task of balancing the JSC «RZD» conflicts with external environment with the use of relation strategy. They have developed a capital-centric model of the JSC «RZD» relation space with regard to safety of car fleet and have determined main directions for creating a relation strategy of the JSC «RZD» in car services.

Keywords: car damage, safety of car fleet, car-repair complex, actor, capital-centric model, relational strategy, inter-company relation.


D. Zh. Sayfutdinov, G. A. Timofeeva. Calculation of a gravity model of railway transportation in Russia according to ticket sales database


A study presented in the paper is dedicated to calculation and analysis of a gravity model of passenger transportation by railway transport between Russian settlements. The model is created on the basis of data gained in result of processing of a base of the automated control system for railway ticket sales «Express». The paper describes an author’s algorithm of partly automated downloading of data, its processing and systematization aimed at decrease of a size of the problem and a creation of the gravity model. The paper presents results of calculation of the gravity model in various modifications with different distance measures between stations and methods of decrease of a size of an initial matrix for determination of the closest connections.  The paper shows results of a comparative analysis of adequacy of gained models.

Keywords: distribution of passenger traffic, transport network, gravity model, correspondence matrix, gravity function, data processing, iterative process.


I. L. Vasilyev, K. M. Timukhin. On study of history of unlawful interference acts at training of specialists in sphere of train management


Special requirements are imposed to a modern specialist in the sphere of train management. These requirements are connected with learning of a big number of professional competencies and with a higher level of training in the sphere of transport safety because railway stations and nodes are strategic objects of a country. Distance technologies suppose not only learning with the use of «strict control», but also educational forms targeted mostly on conscious study — «involvement, not coercion». Consequently, a role of facultative lessons as an additional tool to widen the outlook of students of higher school increases.

Acts of unlawful interference on transport are often dangerous for a big number of people and potentially lead to a significant material damage. In order to prevent such acts universities train profile specialists. However, future participants of the transportation process must be vigilant and must be aware of possible offence in the sphere of transport safety. Study of historical experience allows tracing the whole chain — from an origin of intent to attempts of concealment of criminal acts — and directly interacts with such disciplines as «Transport Law» and “Transport Safety”, which allows forming knowledge on the basis of gained practical and theoretical information.

The paper considers historical examples of unlawful interference into transport operation intended to students of higher educational establishments with the consideration for the use of distance technologies. As a result, the authors have substantiated the importance and practical applicability of learning in the form of additional education. They have also provided examples of materials for additional studying during extracurricular time.

Keywords: education, distance learning technologies, additional education, transport safety, unlawful interference acts.


A. S. Kosmodamianskiy, V. I. Vorobyev, O. V. Izmerov, D. N. Shevchenko. Modernization of wheels and motors units for diesel locomotives in conditions of import substitution


The paper considers problems of import substitution of parts for wheels and motors units for freight and shunting diesel locomotives with 1050 and 1250 mm wheels and it also considers a task of modernization of technically outdated assemblies. In result of the analysis the authors revealed that it is necessary to: 1) develop a new assembly of motor support bearings with the use of domestic parts; 2) create a new design of an electric traction motor suspension for the substitution of a spring suspension that has wearable parts; 3) organize a search for solutions for perspective diesel locomotives that are intended to operate on the Eastern polygon. For diesel locomotives with 1050 mm wheels the authors propose designs of a frame support traction drive equipped with flat rubber-metal elements and a traction drive with rigid support of an electric traction motor on wheel centres by the use of domestic bearings. Instead of the spring suspension the authors recommend to use suspensions with flat rubber elements and spherical rubber-metal mounting, which will provide interoperability of bogies with modified and unmodified electric traction motors. For perspective diesel locomotives with 1250 mm wheels the authors propose designs of two-axle bogies equipped with high-torque commutator motors and a traction drive with a frame support suspension of a traction motor and an axial gearbox.

Keywords: locomotive traction drive, reliability, designing, import substitution.


R. R. Yusupov, A. S. Khokhrin. Correlation receiver with quadrature channels for continuously working automatic cab signalling


Increase of reception validity of continuously working automatic cab signalling (CWACS) signals is still an actual task. One of the possible ways of its solution is to improve existing CWACS receivers of to develop new ones with increased noise immunity. The paper presents a correlation receiver of CWACS signals with quadrature channels. The authors have considered its functional scheme and a simulation model developed in the Simulink environment. Preliminary results gained with the use of the simulation model showed that the receiver is workable. Results of the study can be used at development of new or at improvement of existing microprocessor receivers of CWACS channel.

Keywords: continuously working automatic cab signalling, correlation receiver, elementwise reception, quadrature channel, simulation model.


A. A. Loktev, V. V. Korolev, I. V. Shishkina, O. I. Poddaeva, Yu. S. Gribach. Study of river crossing of high-speed railway at aerodynamic influence


High-speed traffic affects nearby infrastructure. The paper considers influence of wind load on a railway bridge that is a part of a high-speed railway. The paper presents a description of physical modeling of wind influence on the reduced bridge model with a train in a wind tunnel. The authors show gained data of dimensionless coefficients of lifting force CD and front resistance CL. As a result, the authors have made a conclusion on the change of aerodynamic resistance coefficients according to location of a high-speed train on the bridge.

Keywords: aerodynamics, wind influence, high-speed railway, bridge constructions, experimental modeling, infrastructure elements.


L. V. Plotnikov, I. A. Kalinin, V. A. Slednev, V. A. Shurupov. Gas dynamic analysis of admission process in automobile engine with various designs of channel in head of cylinder block


Piston engines remain main power installation for many products of transport mechanical engineering. The aim of the paper is to study a structure of air flows in an admission system and a cylinder of an automobile engine at various designs of channels in a head of a cylinder block on the basis of physical and mathematical modeling. Results of modeling are qualitatively confirmed by experimental data of thermograms gained with the use of a thermal imaging photography method. The paper presents description of a mathematical model and a method of conducting laboratory experiments. The paper shows that the application of square and triangle channels leads to significant change of dynamics of flow in the admission system. In particular, in profiled channels of the cylinder head vortex structures are formed. It is established that the use of profiled channels in the admission system leads to large-scale turbulence in the engine cylinder. Common influence of mentioned gas dynamics phenomena may insignificantly decrease hydraulic resistance in the admission system and also may enhance processes of mixture formation and combustion in the cylinder of the piston engine.

Keywords: automobile engine, admission process, channel in cylinder head, gas exchange quality, velocity contour in cylinder, mathematical modeling, data verification.


N. V. Bulanov, E. I. Avksentyeva, V. G. Bondarenko. Use of sorption conditioners on automobiles with internal combustion engines


The use of known compression refrigerating machines on automobiles with internal combustion engines isn’t an efficient solution of a problem of air conditioning from the point of view of energy efficiency because such engines irrevocably loose much thermal energy that is connected with its discharge to the environment in the form of hot exhaust gas. However, the use of thermal energy of exhaust gas for air conditioning with the application of adsorption and absorption conditioners will increase energy efficiency of vehicles and save fuel.

Keywords: conditioner, refrigerating machine, ammonia, adsorption, absorption.


E. S. Kozin. Decision support system for control of automobile service station


The paper presents a method for realization of a decision support system on example of control of automobile service station. The system operates current technical indicators and financial results of company operation. A user has a possibility to assess potential parameters of the company at change of one or several key indicators. Variants of managerial decisions suggested by the system are ranked by a level of possibility of their realization. As a result, the system provides a set of recommended values of indicators, execution of which allows you to achieve the aim set by the user and connected with the achievement of economic benefits and decrease of costs on company operation.

Keywords: decision support system, digital twin, digital enterprise, modeling, service station.


N. O. Frolov, E. M. Elkin. Overview of known locomotive systems of computer vision and their improvement by provision of dynamic lighting of track


The authors have made an overview of known locomotive systems of computer vision and have presented results of analysis of scientific works dedicated to such systems. They have determined and described limiting parameters of locomotive systems of computer vision, namely the factor of illumination intensity that directly affects the quality of detecting objects of interest. As a result, the paper suggests a method for provision of dynamic lighting for locomotive systems of computer vision that provides more detailed information about objects of interest in curves and in conditions of limited visibility.

Keywords: electric motive power, computer vision, dynamic lighting, safety of railway operation.


D. L. Khudoyarov, E. A. Grigoryev. Peculiarities of haulage performance of 2ES6 electric locomotives


The paper considers issues of reliability of hauling electric equipment for 2ES6 electric locomotives. The authors present analysis of haulage performance of the electric locomotive and provide alternative characteristics that decrease load of traction motors. For the theoretical confirmation of efficiency of the proposed change they present results of grade computations at the use of the proposed characteristics.

Keywords: haulage performance, traction motors, 2ES6 electric locomotives, utilization factor, continuous power, design speed.


A. A. Kuznetsov, V. V. Kharlamov, M. A. Volchanina. Increase of efficiency of insulation diagnostics for high-voltage bushing of three-phase transformers


The paper considers technical means of methods for diagnostics of insulation of high-voltage bushing for power transformers. It also points out advantages and disadvantages of existing methods and proposes a new solution for contactless diagnostics on the basis of measurement of electric field parameters near the surface of bushing.

For control of technical condition of power transformers bushing the authors have developed a scheme for placement of elements of portable diagnostics device. A defect in the insulator leads to redistribution of electric potentials on capacitive elements of the high-voltage bushing and to change of electric field intensity around the fault bushing.

The proposed design allows fast mounting of device on the power transformer body without its shutdown and revealing of fault bushing according to change of field intensity (sensors of electric field are located near bushing). The developed method for diagnostics of condition of power transformers bushing based on analysis of data of electric field distribution allows determining technical condition of bushing in operation conditions.

Keywords: power transformers, high-voltage bushing, insulation diagnostics, electric field intensity, sensors of electric field.


A. V. Paranin, D. A. Efimov, A. B. Batrashov. Interaction of current collector of high-speed rolling stock and catenary suspension in various conditions of operation


The paper presents a mathematical model that describes interaction of a current collector of high-speed rolling stock and catenary suspension in various conditions of operation such as rolling stock speed, current collector opening height, wear rate of current collection plates, ambient temperature, wind and glaze. The authors have determined limits of permissible operation according to quality of current collection, have established parameters of climatic and technogenic factors at which it is necessary to restrict speed on high-speed lines according to conditions of current collection. Results of the study can be used at development and production of domestic high-speed current collectors and catenary suspensions and at adaptation of import models for operation in Russia.

Keywords: current collector, high-speed traffic, catenary, quality of current collection, release, contact wire.


I. A. Yushkova, N. V. Krapivin. Automation of processing of requests on maintenance of railway power supply facilities by application of digital technologies


Reliable and trouble-free operation of the power supply system depends on maximal number of requests serviced by a power dispatcher in 24 hours. The paper considers an expediency of creation of the information system designed for automation of request processing in power supply division that allows decreasing load and increasing efficiency of power dispatchers. As a result, the authors have carried out functional and structural analysis of the subject area and have represented it in the form of functional model developed on the basis of IDEF0 methodology.

Keywords: operational and dispatching control, information system, power dispatcher, request, maintenance, power supply facilities.



No. 2 (73), 2022

G. A. Timofeeva, A. D. Khazimullin. Modeling of passenger traffic splitting by modes of transport by method of weighted group assessments


The paper considers methods for modeling passenger traffic splitting at presence on a route of various competing modes of transport. The authors suggest a method based on a hypothesis that passengers of various population groups make decisions based on assessment of importance of route (mode of transport) parameters such as ride time, cost and comfort. On the first stage of the study with the use of data on average income of the population the authors split passengers on groups and for each group they determine coefficients of criteria significance. The algorithm of modeling passenger traffic splitting allows analysing attractiveness for population of newly introduced routes and validity of fares at increase of comfort.

Keywords: passenger traffic splitting, multi-criterion optimization, weight coefficients, group preferences.


A. I. Petrov. Sociological aspects of middle-term dynamics of transportation process organization on bus city routes in Tyumen


The paper presents results of studies dedicated to influence of structure of passengers transported by city public transport on transportation process organization that is assessed by relative entropy Hn. On the example of analysis of transportation structure for two typical bus routes in Tyumen the author has established that at increase of share of privileged passengers general organization of transportation process grows. However, the studies show that middle-term organization trends (2017–2021) are unfavourable — the level of system chaos increases.

Keywords: city public transport, organization, entropy, relative entropy, dynamics, structure of transportation process, passenger groups, sociological aspects.


A. E. Alexandrov, I. A. Kovalev, V. Yu. Permikin, A. V. Surin, V. V. Lesnykh. Logic verification of optimization model of car traffic processing at marshalling station


Mathematical modeling is widely spread among studies dedicated to operational planning on the railway transport. In short-term planning of marshalling station operation heuristic algorithms and simulation modeling are mainly used. It is possible to improve the quality of planning on the basis of models of strict optimization. The authors have created both a mathematical and a computer model of car traffic processing at a marshalling station with the use of mixed integer linear programming. For the realization of the computer model the authors have used a package of applied programs. The paper considers verification of the model. This procedure is necessary for revealing possible technical and content mistakes in a computer realization of a mathematical model. The authors have made the emphasis on revealing content mistakes in marshalling station operation. For the verification of the model the authors have used a logic approach.

Keywords: marshalling station, automation of operational planning, mathematical model, mixed integer linear programming, computer model, numerical solution, optimal solution, verification.


N. F. Sirina, V. A. Sisin, O. A. Sisina. Development of algorithmic model for reaction process of subsystems targeted on provision of railway transport safety


Objects of railway infrastructure and railway vehicles are characterized by high probability of occurrence of both acts of unlawful interference into production process and other emergency and abnormal situations. Railway infrastructure objects are easily accessible for trespassing, which is caused by peculiarities of production process connected with transportation and, therefore, with necessity to allow access to many people.

As it is impossible to completely eliminate the occurrence of considered situations on infrastructure objects and transport vehicles, minimization of their consequences is an actual problem.

Keywords: transport safety, emergency situation, transport infrastructure objects, transportation process, simulation model.


D. V. Efanov, A. V. Pashukov. Synthesis of control devices for wayside technological equipment of railway automation with fault detection on FPGA


The paper describes features of synthesis of control devices for wayside technological equipment of signalling, interlocking and block systems on field-programmable gate array (FBGA). In the work the authors consider the simplest example of implementation of a shunting light signal control scheme that demonstrates the synthesis technique. The most important stage is the definition of all interacting objects, input and output data, states and conditions of transition between states. Based on this initial information, a transition graph is formed. Next, a functional basis for implementation is selected (in this case, these are FPGA), and then a coding method to protect the automaton in operation is determined. In order to implement reliable and secure devices, well-known methods are used to ensure these properties for technical objects. The technique allows not only synthesizing control devices for automation objects, but also implementing software tools for their operation and test diagnostics.

Keywords: railway automation and remote control, signalling, interlocking and block system, wayside technological equipment, shunting light signal, control circuit, detection of errors, weigh-based sum code.


R. Z. Galinurov, A. N. Popov. Study of level crossing safety installation operation parameters on the basis of stochastic modeling


Reasons that lead to delay of motor transport at a closed railway crossing and to increase of a number of transport accidents at road level intersections are caused by the imperfection of the currently used method for calculation of parameters of level crossing safety installations.

The paper proposes a probabilistic method for studying level crossing safety installations that considers parameters of railway transport traffic. For the creation of a stochastic model the authors have applied the Petri nets theory. Besides they have considered issues of analytical studying of the model on the basis of the graph theory and the theory of semi-Markovian processes. As a result, on the basis of stochastic modeling the authors have calculated parameters of devices for a level crossing safety installation.

Keywords: railway crossing, train movement parameters, calculation of approach sections, Petri nets, semi-Markovian process.


A. S. Kosmodamianskiy, V. I. Vorobyev, O. V. Izmerov, A. A. Pugachev, V. O. Korchagin, E. V. Nikolaev. Classification of magnetic adhesion boosters and search for new decisions for traction drive


The paper is devoted to search for new decisions for locomotive traction drive with a magnetic adhesion booster (MAB). In result of the analysis the authors have established that an optimal design for MABs that should increase axle load (magnetic boosters) and for MABs that should control an adhesion coefficient will differ. They have proposed a new classification that considers separation on magnetic boosters and devices for inertialess control of the adhesion coefficient and that covers new designs patented by the authors. It is established that a design of the MAB with inductor wiring located around a wheelset axle to the greatest extent complies requirements that are imposed to assemblies of locomotive underframe. The authors have suggested new designs for a traction drive with an arc-type-stator inductor electric motor that provides a possibility to place wiring of the MAB on a wheelset axle at a diameter of a wheel equal to 1050 mm, at rigid and elastic mounting of an electric traction motor and the MAB on a wheelset axle. The decisions proposed are protected by two patents, seven patents for utility models. Moreover, the authors have submitted an application for one patent.

Keywords: locomotive traction, adhesion, antiskid devices, locomotive traction drive.


N. A. Tushin, K. M. Timukhin, T. A. Smorodintseva. Dynamic reserves for acceleration of car turnover on low-active sections


Service culture policy assumes a transition in the sales system from a model of product specialization to a model of product integration. This means that it is necessary to offer customers a complex turnkey package of services. Such a task needs segmentation of clients. Meanwhile, the main attention is obviously paid to big cargo owners that form a financial result and for them specialized technological products are customized. At the same time, on low-active sections there are enterprises with small volumes of shipment. In this case the policy of cost reduction on infrastructure maintenance complicates transport service, leads to increase of total cost of transportation and, as a sequence, to redirection of freight traffic to motor transport. That is why, for low-active sections it is necessary to develop separate transport products. It is possible to decrease traffic handling costs by implementation of complex forwarding service simultaneously for all enterprises located on a low-active section. The paper considers one of the methods for decreasing costs of forwarding service on the basis of activation of dynamic reserves. Moreover, the authors propose a method of planning and effect calculation.

Keywords: complex forwarding service, dynamic reserves, low-active sections, service culture, car turnover.


A. A. Koshheev, E. N. Timukhina, N. V. Kashheeva, N. E. Okulov, N. V. Yakushev. Development of variety of alternative solutions for selection of structural and technological parameters of railway stations


Selection of rational structural and technological parameters of railway transport objects in conditions of changing traffic parameters is an actual task. This task is connected with development of a variety of alternatives because quality of decision making directly depends on quality of proposed options. Analysis of normative documentation, theory and practice of developing alternative solutions showed that currently used methods are not perfect and therefore need to be further developed. The paper proposes two original approaches to development of alternative solutions with the use of simulation modeling and the «Idea conference» method: combined and synthetic. The paper presents results of the use of the approaches for developing alternative solutions aimed at improving structure and operation technology of a railway station.

Keywords: railway stations, decision making, development of alternative solutions, simulation modeling, idea conference, synthetic approach.


A. A. Koshheev, E. N. Timukhina, N. V. Kashheeva, N. E. Okulov, N. V. Yakushev. Method for clarification of Pareto set on the basis of consideration for stochasticity of criterial functions


Selection of rational structural and technological parameters of railway transport objects is an important task in the sphere of operations control. The analysis of theory and practice showed that the selection of structural and technological parameters is carried out with insufficient accuracy and can lead to irrational decisions. In order to increase quality of decisions aimed at development of infrastructure and technology of railway stations the authors propose to use a bicriterial approach. For the decrease of negative subsequences and a risk of making irrational decisions the authors suggest a method for clarification of a Pareto set on the basis of consideration for stochasticity of criterial functions. The method includes the following steps: calculation of confidence interval for assessment of mathematical expectation, correlation analysis, construction of scattering ellipses and single-factor variance analysis. In order to confirm the efficiency of the suggested method the paper presents results of selection of the most rational variant for the increase of estimated capacity of a freight railway station.

Keywords: railway station, decision making, bicriterial approach, Pareto set, stochasticity of criterial functions, scattering ellipses.


A. V. Gritsenko, K. V. Glemba, G. N. Salimonenko, A. N. Medvedev. Monitoring of the internal combustion engine exhaust system according to the parameters of its inertial stop


Currently, all manufactured cars in Russia must comply with Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. The requirements for toxicity are constantly being tightened and can be achieved only with the use of special systems, assemblies and mechanisms, in particular, this applies to catalytic converters and oxygen sensors. The loss of their functional properties during operation leads to significant increases in emission standards by an amount of 1.5–15 times, and in some modes, emissions are significantly higher. To significantly reduce the harmful effects of inoperable exhaust systems on the operation of the car engine and the environment, a new diagnostic method based on the control of the run-out time in test modes is proposed. To implement the proposed diagnostic method, a research engine complex, a device for simulating resistance in the exhaust system, a gasoline engine loader and an oscilloscope have been developed and proposed for use. An indicator is accepted as a sensitive diagnostic parameter — this is the engine stop time. Imitation of exhaust tract malfunctions was carried out by forming artificial resistance in it. As a result of the conducted research, the limit values of the resistance and the time parameters of the engine stop time were established. The new method has proven its effectiveness by high reliability of the assessment of the technical condition.

Keywords: diagnostics, engine run-out, mechanical losses, engine loading method, equivalent exhaust system cross-section, pneumatic resistance.


A. V. Gritsenko, K. V. Glemba, G. N. Salimonenko. Engine diagnostics by selective gas analysis of exhaust gases


In the paper the method of individual gas analysis of vehicles with using promising means, including an oscilloscope and an electronically controlled load device, is considered. During the research, the lower and upper limits of the variation of the variable toxicity parameters for modern gasoline cars, regardless of the number of cylinders, are theoretically justified. This generalized theoretical model can be used by machine-building plants and car service enterprises to assess the current state of catalytic converters, spark plugs, electromagnetic injectors, as well as forecasting the resource for the upcoming use cycles.

Keywords: engine, diagnostics, ecology, toxicity, exhaust gases, mechanical losses, equivalent cross section, pneumatic resistance.


A. P. Buynosov, M. G. Durandin, O. I. Tutynin. Increase of life cycle of storage batteries used on technical means of railway transport by protection from deep discharge


Modernization of old types of energy storages leads to appearance of new more reliable, efficient and energy-intensive storage devices. But at the same time, they become more complicated and more expensive. That is why maintenance and increase of life cycle for traditional and technologically simple batteries is still actual problem. The paper considers reasons of quick failure one of the most widely spread types of storage batteries used in railway and motor transport — lead-acid batteries. The paper presents consequences of such dangerous phenomenon as sulphation of electrodes arising due to deep discharge of a battery. The authors have revealed additional factors that lead to sulphation. As a result, the authors suggest a principal protection circuit from a critically low charge of batteries on the basis of simple electric devices — a contactor, a relay, a switch and diodes.

Keywords: railway transport, technical mean, storage battery, life cycle, deep discharge, charge, sulphation, overheating, protection circuit, contactor, voltage relay, switch, temperature control relay.


E. A. Tretyakov, E. G. Avdienko. Determination of train parameters on route according to data from on-board measurement systems on freight electric locomotives


The paper suggests an approach to determination of actual train operation parameters according to data from on-board measurement systems in order to increase efficiency of application of automatic electric motive power operation systems. The authors have analysed scientific works in the sphere of improvement of automatic electric locomotive operation. The paper also presents results of comparison of grade computations in KORTES and real data from on-board measurement systems on 2ES6 electric locomotives that operate on a section of the West-Siberian Railway. As a result, the authors have substantiated a possibility to apply data gained from on-board measurement systems in real-time mode for determination of such train parameters as tractive effort torque of traction motors, electric locomotive traction effort, external forces of train tractive resistance, reduced gross load hauled and etc. The approach to determination of train parameters according to data of current measurements allows increasing peculiarity of transmission of control actions and efficiency of an automatic train operation system.

Keywords: electric motive power, automatic train operation system, movement equation, on-board measurement systems, increase of efficiency.


T. A. Nesenyuk, V. N. Sokolov, A. A. Kudryavtsev, P. S. Gonchar. Pilot tests of system for RFID-control of insulators


The paper considers results of pilot tests of a system for RFID-control of bracket insulators on signalling and interlocking lines and longitudinal power supply lines on an operating railway section. The system for RFID-control includes bracket insulators with built-in RFID-indicators, a registration device and software. The aim of tests is to assess a new method of contactless control of dielectric conditions of insulators in operation on an operating power transmission line. In condition of decrease of dielectric strength the system for RFID-control fixes the fault insulator by the registration device and with the use of software determines its exact location on a controlled section of an aerial power supply line. On the first stage all studies are carried out with the use of developed prototype of a portable RFID-registrator that determines operation areas of RFID-indicators in the area of a signalling and interlocking line pole. An operator fixes response signals of insulators after every 30 ° moving radially after every 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 m regarding a power supply pole. As a result of studies of the first stage, the authors have developed a technology for installation of an indicator on bracket insulators of an operating power transmission line. Moreover, they have substantiated an introduction of the system for RFID-control of VL insulators in networks with insulated neutral for signals and interlocking lines and longitudinal power supply lines.

Keywords: power transmission line, system for RFID-control of insulators, bracket insulator with RFID-indicator, pilot testing, RFID-registrator, directional diagrams, signals and interlocking lines and longitudinal power supply lines.


Yu. P. Neugodnikov, I. P. Neugodnikov. Analysis of methods and equipment for diagnostics and protection of semi-conductor converters of railway traction substations


The paper presents an analysis of methods and equipment for diagnostics and protection of semi-conductor converters of railway traction substations. The authors have determined main directions for further development of diagnostics and development of new variants of protection design.

Keywords: traction substation, diagnostics, semi-conductor converter, rectifier, inverter, monitoring, protection, tests, control, modeling, diode, thyristor, microprocessor.

No. 1 (72), 2022

V. N. Shut’. Automatic urban transport


Development of information technologies allows revising a concept of organization of modern urban transport and its control. Meanwhile, it is possible to eliminate and to reduce all urban passenger vehicles to a single transportation unit with nominal capacity called an infobus. The infobus is an unmanned electric car with small capacity (up to 30 passengers). On its basis the author has developed a design of an intelligent transportation system for mass transportation of passengers. This type of public transport is fully automatic and is designed for the increase of quality and flexibility of passenger traffic organization. Besides, it differs by significant economic benefits because its performance is approaching the performance of metro, but at the same time the infobus is characterized by lower cost of production and maintenance. 

Keywords: intelligent transportation system, information transport, traffic organization, correspondence matrix, coordinating server.


A. V. Yakushev. Theory on degradation of mechanical properties of 20L cast steel


The paper considers negative changes of mechanical properties and cyclic fracture toughness of 20L class steel that is used for cast solebars and bolsters of bogies for freight cars and also for petrochemical equipment for 25‒41 years of operation. The main reason of embrittlement of steel is a high content of manganese and silicon as a result of long-term cyclic operating time.

The paper presents an experimental kinetic curve of change of cyclic fracture toughness depending on life of a bogie bolster of a freight car. The paper also shows model curves of degradation of an elasticity coefficient and fracture deformation depending on relative operating time in cycles.

On the basis of established effects the author has formulated an integrated theory on degradation of mechanical properties of 20L cast steel after the cyclic operating time for two chapters of mechanics - mechanics for rigid body and fracture mechanics. The reliability of the theory is confirmed by experimental tests. 

Keywords: mechanical properties, coefficient of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, cyclic fracture toughness, degradation, cyclic operating time.


D. V. Zyablov, S. V. Bespalko, A. V. Zyablov. Modeling of non-steady thermal field of shell for oil and gasoline tank at fire


Emergency states that arise at influence of free fire on an oil and gasoline tank shell lead to thermal stress that can cause shell damage, a decrease of hardness and material strength. The paper considers a method for determination of a non-steady thermal field of the shell in a fire centre. Besides, the authors have got a thermal conductivity equation in partial derivatives and suggest a new approximation of the thermal field in the form of polynomials. The method is realized in the MathCad program complex and can be used at design of railway tanks for transportation of dangerous freights and at development of systems for protection from emergency thermal influences.

Keywords: tank-car, shell, emergency state, fire, thermal field, thermal conductivity equation, variational method.


V. A. Khanis, S. V. Bespalko, I. A. Klyuchikov, A. L. Khanis, A. A. Khanis. Model for detection and analysis of fire risk of passenger car wiring by thermal radiation


The paper considers possibilities of protection of passenger car electric equipment on the basis of fiber-optic sensors that allow detecting and controlling fire risk conditions of wiring by thermal radiation of the infrared band from wiring fault locations. Continuous control along the length of wires including hardly accessible places inside wiring is an important requirement for passenger car wiring. It is possible to design a sensor that satisfies this requirement in the shape of optical fiber woven in a multistranded wire with a photodetector and a device for processing photoresponse on the output lead.

Keywords: fiber-optic sensor, thermal radiation, infrared band, spectral channel, integrated channel, Bragg grating, optical circulator.


O. P. Yugrina, L. S. Zharikova. Features of operation of railway polygon with empty car traffic


The paper considers variants of different technologies of transportation process that are directed on minimization of operating costs and that consider mutual interests of a carrier and consignors of goods. At introduction of such technological measures as concentration of car traffic at stations with sufficient technical possibilities and provision of a minimal number of yard operations in transit with separation of cars by belonging to operators the authors have applied the operations research method and mathematical modeling of transportation process. As a result, the authors have developed a decision making algorithm on organization of operation with the consideration for loading of infrastructure in every design day.

Keywords: unofficial car fleet, plan for making-up of trains, railway direction, car traffic organization, railway polygon.


A. P. Buynosov, A. T. Sharapov, M. S. Chepizhko. Design calculation of gearwheel for freight electric locomotive with optimal parameters of correlation adjustment


In result of the study the authors have established that mistakes in design a gearwheel are among main reasons that lead to a failure of a gearwheel for the 2ES6 freight electric locomotive. In order to increase life of the gearwheel they suggest a method for its redesign with adjustment of offset coefficients. The authors have developed a cylindrical involute helical gearwheel. With the use of modeling in the «Shafts and mechanical gears» application within the framework of the KOMPAS-3D system the authors have got strength and geometrical parameters of the redesigned gearwheel that meets all reliability requirements. Moreover, they have carried out a durability calculation that has confirmed correctness of gained values. As a result, the use of the developed model with optimal parameters of correlation adjustment will contribute to a decrease of a number of traction gearbox failures.

Keywords: traction gearbox, gearwheel, freight electric locomotive, adjustment, offset coefficient, failure, correlation adjustment.


A. V. Bublik, V. V. Bublik, N. V. Esin, O. V. Gatelyuk. Decrease of expanses at selection of technological equipment of inspection bench for auxiliary electrical machines of electric motive power


On the basis of analysis of direct and alternating current auxiliary machines the authors have considered criteria of selection of technological equipment for an inspection bench. The inspection bench is designed for carrying out acceptance tests of auxiliary electrical machines used in electric motive power by a back-to-back method with the maximum use of its technical feasibility.

Keywords: auxiliary electrical machine, optimization, induction squirrel-cage motor, back-to-back method, acceptance tests.


B. V. Rozhkin. Inaccuracies of assessment of thermal modes for impedance bonds


A systematic overheating and a decrease of a level of maintenance of impedance bonds negatively affect the capacity of railway sections. As a rule, at calculation of capacity only permissible operation modes are checked while thermal operation modes of a return traction system are not considered. Moreover, such a check doesn’t consider a train schedule — at calculations an average current of a train with a maximum weight for a considered train schedule is used. In the paper the author studies mistakes of the generally accepted method on the basis of comparison with results of a direct calculation of an impedance bond thermal balance at train operation.

Keywords: impedance bond, thermal mode, calculation of capacity, return traction system.


B. E. Glyuzberg, A. A. Loktev, A. V. Savin, I. V. Shishkina, M. E. Berezovskiy. Method for calculation of required strength of railway track with the consideration for intensity of its use


Strength of a railway track is determined by strength and a distributing ability of bearing elements (rails, plates, sleepers, ballast and subgrade). All things being equal, the higher the strength of the material for bearing elements of a railway track or the better the distributing ability of elements (rails, sleepers, plates, ballast), the higher the strength of a railway track. The paper presents a new method for calculation of the required strength of a railway track with the consideration for the intensity of its use. The required distributing ability of rails is determined based on the fulfilment of strength conditions for sleepers, ballast and subgrade. According to rules of the strength calculation of a railway track, values of influence of rolling stock wheels are calculated in one (calculated) cross section of a railway track. Meanwhile, statistical properties that are characterized by a variation coefficient are determined by various influences on a track in the calculated cross section of different wheels of rolling stock. With the use of a system of equations it is possible to calculate the required strength of the railway track with the consideration for the intensity of its use.

Keywords: railway track, rails, sleepers, ballast, calculation method, system of equations.


B. E. Glyuzberg, A. A. Loktev, V. V. Korolev, N. A. Klekovkina, V. S. Kuskov. Principles of determination of required railway track strength with the consideration for intensity of its use


Load from rolling stock in contrast with weight of a railway track is dynamic and actually is transmitted to the top of subgrade through a ballast bed. That is why it is more complicated to get a value of strain and a form of its diagram on the top of subgrade, which is considered as an external load on the subgrade, than just from the weight of a track. The paper presents a method of calculation of an equivalent train load on a railway track. For the presentation of intension of equivalent loads the authors have considered two typical examples where they have analysed extreme cases with various loads. The paper shows results of calculations by formulas described in the methodology. The equation solutions allow determining a value of the equivalent load of any field of coverage of acting loads including at asymmetric loads regarding to limits of their restrictions. The authors have made a conclusion on expediency of calculation with the use of equivalent loads. As a result, they have formulated a final formula for the calculation of an equivalent train load on a railway track.

Keywords: railway track, equivalent load, calculation method, solution of equations, damage.


A. V. Petryaev, V. N. Paramonov. Design analysis of sleeper bearing behaviour at stabilization by geosynthetic materials


Common feature of reconstruction and construction of new railways is in the need to have a high-quality track subgrade. Meanwhile, geosynthetic materials play an important role, for example, for improving bearing strength of the subgrade and for the increase of service life of track structure in whole. Hardness of the “subgrade — geogrid” composite system and the change of the stress-strain condition of unstabilized sleeper bearing in the comparison with the stabilized one are estimated with the use of the finite element modeling. According to results of culvert tests the paper presents comparison of plate settlement on the subgrade stabilized by the geogrid and unstabilized road-metal subgrade. Moreover, the authors assess the efficiency of subgrade strengthening by the geogrid with the use of numerical modeling.

Keywords: geosynthetic material, ballast, stabilization, plate loading tests, geogrid.


A. V. Petryaev, E. V. Fedorenko. Numerical modeling of interaction of geosynthetic material with sleeper bearing ground


Laying of geosynthetic materials is one of the efficient methods for stabilization of railway track sleeper bearing. Side keeping is the main mechanism of stabilization that allows improving characteristics of sleeper bearing and as a consequence allows increasing bearing strength. The paper considers an approach to modeling of geogrid both in unlimited and limited ground conditions. A numerical model is firstly checked by test results and then is used for studying behaviour of the geogrid in ground body. For the modeling of the geogrid behaviour at tensile loading the authors carry out a nonlinear analysis by the finite element method. At tensile loading the model covers bands of elastic and plastic areas of the “stress-strain” dependence. The geometry of the geogrid is modeled with its detailed characteristics including flange thickness. 

Keywords: geosynthetic material, ground, stabilization, pull-out test, geogrid.


E. V. Golov, S. A. Evtyukov, A. P. Andreev, E. V. Sorokina. Creation of 3D spatial and tracking base of initial data with the use of scanning unmanned aerial vehicles and its integration into model-oriented reconstruction of traffic accidents

T. V. Kovaleva, A. A. Komyakov, O. O. Komyakova, N. V. Pashkova. Analysis of wave processes in alternating current traction power system on the basis of simulation modeling


The paper is devoted to an up-to-date problem connected with consequences of accident rate on roads and ways to increase a quality of carrying out an expertise of traffic accidents. The authors have carried out studies on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) with the 3D-scanning technology that provides a high-quality and highly efficient collection of initial data for carrying out the expertise of traffic accidents. They have developed an algorithm of UAV application for the registration of traffic accident circumstances. For the verification of the proposed method the authors have simulated a traffic accident and created a 3D-model of a scene of the accident with the use of UAV with the Lidar technology. Results of the study confirmed that the use of UAV with the 3D-scanning technology provides the collection of comprehensive information needed for the expertise of a traffic accident.

Keywords: traffic accidents, expertise of traffic accidents, reconstruction of traffic accidents, aerial photography, unmanned aerial vehicle, 3D-scanning technology.


A. V. Larchenko, V. G. Litvintsev, S. Z. Ovseychik. Starting of electric traction motor — general-purpose testing action


On the basis of analysis of means and methods for technical diagnostics the authors suggest to use a transient process of no-load starting of electric traction motors as a general-purpose testing action for determination of faults of electrical machines including reasons of bad commutation of motors. The authors have carried out experiments on starting of electric motors of various brands. As a result, they have got oscillograms of voltage of faulty and non-faulty direct current electrical machines precisely described in the paper.

Keywords: electrical machines, diagnostics, torque-current characteristics, voltage ripple.


V. G. Litvintsev, A. V. Larchenko. Study of complex influence of operating indicators on energy losses in catenary


With the use of mathematical technique of correlation analysis the authors have selected two parameters — turnover of goods and average service speed, among many operating indicators of an electrified railway section that affect energy losses in traction power system. In operative environment the authors suggest to use a catenary suspension mounting scheme that is optimal in terms of minimization of energy losses in traction power system on the basis of a sample of the considered factors with a determined confidence level.

Keywords: operating indicator, energy losses, traction power system, feed circuit, correlation analysis.

No. 4 (71), 2021

N. A. Osintsev. Multi-criteria decision-making in transport and logistics


In the last decade, in transport and logistics, the scientific and practical direction for the development and improvement of methods for multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) has been actively developing. The paper provides an overview of research in the field of using MCDM, shows the features and different approaches to the classification of MCDM, the practice of their use in transport and in logistics activities, an approach to systematizing the methods is proposed. An MCDM model and a calculated example of ranking management decisions to improve transport and logistics activities at an enterprise using 11 MCDM methods are presented. The FUCOM method is used to determine the weight of the criteria. The ranking of management decisions is performed by comparing 10 methods: SAW, TOPSIS, PROMETHEE, COPRAS, MOORA, WASPAS, MAIRCA, EDAS, MABAC and MARCOS.

Keywords: multiple-criteria decision-making, MCDM, logistics, transport.


A. V.Yakushev, A. V. Smolyaninov, K. M. Kolyasov. Structural and phenomenological models of metals for car manufacturing


The paper provides examples of negative changes of mechanical properties of metals, including 20L cast steel, that are used in manufacturing of bearing elements of bogies for freight cars, which are manifested with growth of cyclic operating time.

In order to study relationship of mechanical properties the authors have carried out a mathematical description of processes occurring at uniaxial quasi-static stretching in representative volume of fragile and viscous steel for car manufacturing with various cyclic operating time. Well known models of structural steel are supplemented by the Mironov — Yakushev model that considers a softening stage in separate microstructural seeds and that is useful for studying fragile and viscous steel. The authors have studied damage of steel by a method of preventive unloading on a stage of poet-failure deformation with a construction of full tensile stress-strain diagrams at stretching of studied volume of metal and have compared with results of tests of full-scale samples.

Results of modeling show a decrease of all mechanical properties of metals after operating time and an interaction with the tensile stress-strain diagram.

Keywords: mechanical properties, softening, quasi-static stretching, full tensile stress-strain diagram, metal model, operating time.


R. S. Bolshakov, A. P. Khomenko, S. V. Eliseev. New approaches of condition estimation of freight railway carriages at motion on sorting devices on base system analysis and mathematical modeling


The paper develops methods of system analysis and technologies for control dynamic conditions of technical means of railway transport.

Methods of structural mathematical modeling are used, within the framework of which the design scheme of the object, considered as a mechanical oscillatory system with several degrees of freedom, is interpreted as a dynamically equivalent automatic control system.

The problems of the dynamics of the coupling of two freight railway carriages with two variants of its rigidity (conventional and rigid hinge-type fastening) are considered.

It is shown that with a certain choice of the values of the moments of inertia of the railway carriages and the parameters of the location of the center of mass, it is possible to solve the problems of motion stabilization.

Concepts are proposed for the experimental determination of the moment of inertia and coordinates of the center of mass of the railway carriage when rolling the cars off the marshalling hump and passing a special measuring station.

Algorithms for determining the values of the parameters of the center of mass of the railway carriage and the values of the moment of inertia are proposed.

Keywords: safety of motion trains, dynamics of railway transport, system analysis, mechanical oscillation systems, parameter measurement, transfer functions.


V. B. Sverdlov, V. F. Lapshin. Car fleet safety assurance on non-public railway tracks


The paper considers problems connected with car fleet safety assurance, it highlights aspects that require a scientific solution. Special attention is paid to assessment of influence of railway transport structural reform on dynamics of damage growth of freight cars. The paper shows that the greatest amount of damage occurs during freight and shunting operation on non-public railway tracks while a technological level of organization and execution of freight operations on industrial enterprises can’t guarantee an exception of car damage risks.

On the example of open-box cars unloading with the use of overhead vibration machines the authors have considered aspects of safety assurance that require a scientific justification. They have highlighted priority tasks that it is necessary to solve: revision of normative and technical documentation on freight car safety assurance, arrangement of interaction between car owners, a railway infrastructure owner and owners of non-public railway tracks, development of methodological basics for organization of car fleet safety assurance system.

Keywords: car fleet, safety, non-public railway track, unloading facility, risk of damage, open-box car, unloading parameters, monitoring, safety assurance system.


P. S. Grigoryev, S. V. Bespalko, S. N. Korzhin, Sh. R. Ibodulloev. Assessment of stability for cylindrical part of tank shell with the consideration for its filling with liquid freight


The paper considers an approach to justification of parameters for a cylindrical part of a tank shell in terms of construction stability loss at influence of external excessive pressure. A feature of the proposed approach is in the fact that it considers a level of filling of a tank shell with a liquid freight. The considered approach is based on a differential equation of gently sloping cylindrical shell. The authors use radial loads that are conditioned by external excessive and internal hydrostatic pressure as applied external forces. The differential equation is solved by the Bubnov — Galerkin method with the use of double trigonometric series. As a result, the authors have gained an algebraic expression that allows determining a level of critical excessive external pressure that can influence on tank shell at freight discharge, in case of failure of pressure relief valves, after flush and steam-curing and premature closure of tank hatches. On the basis of the algebraic expression the authors have determined values of critical pressure at various levels of filling with liquid freight for different types of railway tank-cars. Moreover, they have compared results of the study with data calculated with the use of the finite element method.

Keywords: rolling stock, freight cars, tank-car, tank shell, loss of stability, variational method.


E. N. Timukhina, A. A. Gordienko, V. V. Lesnykh, K. E. Khamidullina. On increase of reliability of methods for positioning and strapping of freight in cars


The paper presents approaches to complex study of a task on increase of reliability of methods for positioning and strapping of freight in cars, minimization of emerging commercial failures. The authors suggest solutions based on accuracy of design of loading methods and calculation of kinematic parameters of humps and activation of introduction of new reliable strapping facilities.

Keywords: freight, car, commercial failures, car setouts, methods of positioning and strapping, strapping facilities, hump, kinematic parameters of movement.


T. Y. Lee, R. G. Korol. Justification of the stages of development of the Busan transport hub (Republic of Korea) in the context of an increase in the volume of traffic


The paper considers the gradual development of the processing capacity of the Busan transport hub (Republic of Korea) with an increase in the number of incoming transport and containers, taking into account the optimal financial investments and the effectiveness of the measures under consideration in a certain time period. The paper presents four stages — organizational, technological, technical, infrastructural, if after the implementation of these stages the transshipment point cannot cope with the increasing container flow, then the fourth stage should be considered — the construction of a new transport hub. The factors that make up the processing capacity of the transport hub were determined, the factors were classified by interacting modes of transport. The factors have different financial costs and influence on the strengthening of the processing capacity of the elements of the transport node, the paper presents a mathematical description of the effect of the implementation of the factor at a certain stage of the development of the transport node.

Keywords: stage of development of the transport hub, transport hub, refining capacity, Busan port.


A. V. Martynenko, K. K. Vakolyuk. Forecasting of passenger traffic in commuter rail operation on the basis of social and economic indicators and structure of land use (on example of Chelyabinsk region)


In many issues connected with organization and planning of passenger transportation in commuter rail operation an important role has forecasting of passenger traffic based on accessible information about its origin and absorption near railway stations. In order to get such a forecast researchers mostly use models of direct demand that represent regression dependencies between passenger traffic and ride cost, its duration and also social and economic characteristics of settlements (population, average income, unemployment rate and etc.) served by railway stations.

The paper suggests an approach to modeling of direct demand that is based on methods of machine learning and that uses not only social and economic characteristics as explaining variables but also geodata about structure of land use near railway stations. The approach considered is realized for the commuter rail operation in Chelyabinsk region.

Keywords: passenger traffic forecasting, commuter traffic, model of direct demand, machine learning, gradient boosting, structure of land use.


A. Yu. Konkov, A. I. Trunov. Experimental study of the method for adjusting the fuel system of a diesel engine using the net heat release charts


Fine adjustment of the fuel injection system makes it possible to achieve the identity of working processes in all cylinders of a diesel engine. The paper presents the results of experimental verification of the method developed and published earlier by the authors, which uses only the chart of net heat release. The method allows instability of the engine load mode during engine tests and does not require measurement of the pressure signal in all engine cylinders simultaneously. In addition to the tuning tasks, the paper shows the possibility of detecting injector malfunctions leading to poor fuel atomization.

Keywords: diesel, fuel injection system, fuel injection advance angle, fuel injection mass, fuel system adjustment, in-cylinder pressure, heat release.


A. P. Buynosov, D. L. Khudoyarov, I. A. Tyushev. Development of diagnostics algorithm for electric traction motors of 2ES6 «Sinara» electric locomotives


According to results of analysis of main reasons that lead to failures and unscheduled repairs of electric traction motors of 2ES6 «Sinara» electric locomotives the authors have developed an algorithm of predictive diagnostics for detecting electric damage of stabilizing, armature and exciting windings. They have also established that at functional test and search of electric damage of windings of various traction motors used on locomotives it is necessary to pay attention to armature current deviations between neighbour bogies.

Keywords: electric locomotive, traction motor, efficiency, diagnostics, criterion, analysis, unscheduled repair, inspection, algorithm.


Yu. S. Merkuryev. Determination of optimal parameters of railway roadbed damping in seismically active regions


The paper considers a damping layer design for roadbed with parameters that provide safety of railway traffic in seismically dangerous regions. It presents a theoretical study of seismic forces on railway roadbed on the basis of analysis of earthquake influence parameters on stressed and strained state of railway track construction. For the investigations the author has applied methods of multifactorial experimental design. The author has developed a method for determination of optimal parameters for damping depending on main parameters of an earthquake (magnitude, distance from hypocenter, physical and mechanical characteristics of the Earth crust) and geological characteristics of a railway section (capability of layers, deformational and elastic properties of the Earth crust, foundation and roadbed). As a result, the author suggests designs of a damping layer that has a layered-geterogenous compositional structure with given properties. Moreover, he has established a possibility to increase an aseismic stability of railway roadbed by construction of the damping layer with given properties.

Keywords: roadbed, seismic forces, deformational parameters, layered-geterogenous compositional structure, damping layer.


T. I. Krivtsova, S. N. Krivtsov. Change of lubricating properties of automobile motor oils during service interval mileage


The paper is devoted to development of a method for control of lubricating properties of motor oil during service interval mileage for detecting optimal time of its change in an automobile. As automobiles have different operational conditions, it isn’t always necessary to follow recommendations of a manufacturing company concerning the period of changing motor oil in internal combustion engines. A most rational and economically justified method is a method of changing oil according to actual condition of operating liquids. The paper presents developed equipment — friction machine aimed at measuring lubricating properties of motor oils by the Timken method. The paper also describes a method of an experimental study. The authors have presented a measurement protocol of a wear scar of rollers in dependence with operating time of an automobile. Data analysis enables to conclude that lubricating properties decrease almost linearly and deteriorate nearly by 2 times with mileage increase. Moreover, for more detailed clarification of reasons of lubrication properties deterioration the authors have carried out a spectral analysis of motor oil and determined a concentration of wear products in crankcase oil. As a result, studies have confirmed a possibility of measuring lubricating properties for control of actual technical condition of motor oils in operation.

Keywords: motor oil, lubricating properties of oils, friction machine, wear scar, mileage.


Yu. V. Bazhenov, M. Yu. Bazhenov, V. P. Kalenov. Assessment of reliability of electronic engine control system


In modern automobiles operational control of work processes of internal combustion engines is executed by an electronic engine control system (EECS) in which operational damage inevitably arises due to influence of mechanical, chemical and other processes.  In order to detect and localize the damage the authors suggest a method for determination of the EECS condition with a preliminary assessment of its no-failure probability P(t) that allows establishing a possibility of a system failure according to operating time up to next scheduled automobile maintenance. A value of the P(t) indicator depends on condition of the EECS structural elements and is determined by corresponding diagnostic parameters.

As a result, the authors suggest a regression equation that allows assessing influence of values of diagnostic parameters on an optimization parameter and the solution of which is conducted with the use of the experimental design method. In order to simplify calculations the authors have developed a computer program that gives a possibility to determine the probability of the EECS no-failure operation and its life according to diagnostic parameters gained at scheduled maintenance.

Keywords: electronic engine control system, probability of no-failure operation, reliability, failure, diagnostics.


D. E. Boltnev, I. A. Vysotskaya, A. V. Skrypnikov, A. N. Bryukhovetskiy, P. V. Tikhomirov. Designing of a longitudinal profile of a forest automobile road on increases


The paper proposes a method for calculating the project line on the rise. A combination of individual sections with different slopes of the project line is considered, which ensures that the timber carrier can overcome the rise, if possible, in a direct drive. The given method of calculating the project line on the ascent makes it possible to quickly, without complicated calculations, choose the best options for the project line, ensuring maximum use of the vehicle with minimum fuel consumption. It is advisable to recommend the mentioned calculation method to design organizations for the design of a longitudinal profile in a broken area.

Keywords: logging highways, project line on uphill’s, road design, route plan, longitudinal profile of the route.


B. A. Arzhannikov, A. P. Sukhoguzov, A. N. Shtin, T. S. Tarasovskiy. Justification of power decrease of electric locomotive at three-phase system of electric traction when traction rectifier switches to open-phase mode


The paper presents a short description of electric traction systems used on electrified railways in the world. For the proposed three-phase system of electric traction the authors consider features of operation of 6-pulse bridge rectifiers in full-phase and open-phase modes. The paper also demonstrates principal schemes and time diagrams that explain operation of 6-pulse bridge rectifiers in the open-phase mode at connection of valveside windings of a transformer «star» / «star» and «star» / «delta». 

On the basis of executed research the authors present relations that connect voltages, currents and power of 6-pulse bridge rectifiers in the open-phase mode for controlled and uncontrolled transformers.

Keywords: traction power supply, 3-phase system of electric traction, 6-pulse rectifiers, open-phase mode, main relations.


N. A. Afanasyeva, I. A. Baeva, T. S. Tarasovskiy. Economic efficiency of contactless automatic voltage regulation by thyristor-reactor switching device in direct current traction power supply system


The paper presents results of analysis of disadvantages of contactless automatic voltage regulation (CAVR) system with a reactor switching device (RSD) that is used on direct current electrified railways. It also shows direction of its improvement.

The authors have considered a functional scheme of the closed CAVR system of a converter unit with a thyristor-reactor switching device (TRSD) and a TRSNP-12500/10 converter transformer. They have also carried out an engineering and economical comparison of two modes of traction power supply system (TPSS) operation: without application of voltage regulation devices on traction substations with no-load voltage of 3500 V and with application of voltage regulation devices by the CAVR system at stabilization of voltage on levels of 3500, 3600 and 3700 V with various variants of switching devices. As a result, the authors have determined that the use of the CAVR system with the TRSD is economically efficient.

Keywords: traction power supply, traction substation, converter unit, contactless automatic voltage regulation system, thyristor-reactor switching device, costs for movement, economic efficiency.


S. I. Makasheva, P. S. Pinchukov. Development of «CHROMATIC» program for assessment of condition of traction transformers 


The paper is devoted to actual problem of preventing faults of railway oil-filled equipment with the use of non-destructive methods of diagnostics and early detection of pre-failure conditions. The authors propose a registered computer program that allows assessing and predicting a condition of power transformers for traction substations on the basis of chromatographic analysis of dissolved gases.

As objects of study the authors have selected traction transformers of the Khabarovsk power supply division that belongs to the Far Eastern Railway. On the example of the previously mentioned traction transformers the authors have executed an analysis of concentration of dissolved gases for the 8-year observation period. A task aimed at prediction of condition of oil isolation is solved by the use of normal distribution law. A developed program can be used in a block of predictive analytics of digital traction substations, which meets modern trends of creation of digital railway.

Keywords: non-destructive methods of diagnostics, chromatographic analysis of dissolved gases, power transformer, digital traction substation, software, monitoring, predictive analysis.


Yu. P. Neugodnikov, I. P. Neugodnikov. Rectifying and inverter transformers with output voltage regulation for direct current traction substations


The paper considers a scheme, main technical characteristics and operation modes of 12-pulse thyristor rectifying and inverter transformers (RIT) with output voltage regulation that are currently used on the October Railway on electrified sections with high-speed traffic. The authors propose a scheme of a 12-pulse RIT with output voltage regulation and the use of a diode rectifier. They have carried out a comparative analysis, determined advantages, disadvantages and a sphere of application of considered variants of 12-pulse RITs with fast-response contactless thyristor regulation of output voltage for electrified sections of railways with high-speed and heavy traffic.

Keywords: traction of trains, regenerative braking, traction substations, rectifying and inverter transformers, converter transformers, voltage regulation, energy losses.

No. 3 (70), 2021

P. A. Kozlov, S. P. Vakulenko, V. P. Kozlova. Model of adaptive interaction of stations in transport node


The paper is devoted to organization of adaptive operation in a transport node. As an example, the authors consider the Ust-Luga transport node that includes a marshalling station and six port stations.

The adaptive interaction includes the following. The marshalling station is able to prepare transfer trains to port stations in two variants — with a detailed selection of car sets by berths and without it. In the first case, the marshalling station executes additional operations, but the delivery time reduces. In dependence to the situation car sets are prepared in one way or another.

The paper suggests a model of adaptive interaction that selects an optimal variant for all conditions. The model can become a basis for creation of adaptive operation of the transport node.

Keywords: transport node, adaptation, model, station.


M. L. Popova, A. N. Popov, S. V. Bushuev. Assessment of probabilities of rail failures and their detection by rail circuits


The paper considers a possibility of a wider use of alternative means for control of track sections inoccupation on the JSC «RZD» objects. In order to exclude the decrease of operation safety the authors propose to consider the exposure of a track section to rail failures at equipping with alternative means of their detection, as well as the influence of rail circuits and operational measures on detecting failures and prevention of crashes.

Keywords: rail circuits, control operating mode, rail failure, nondestructive inspection, critical faulty rail, crash probability.


V. M. Kurganov, M. V. Gryaznov, E. A. Timofeev. The time factor in the situational management of road transport of live poultry


The urgency of the problem of reducing delays in the execution of technological operations for the transportation of live poultry by road has been substantiated. The proposed methodology is based on a situational approach to organizing the interaction of the staff of the poultry complex, aimed at promptly adjusting the modes of their work, in order to reduce delays in loading, moving and unloading the poultry vehicle, and the time spent by the bird in its body. The methodology includes five stages associated with the formation of an electronic daily request for transportation and its coordination with the participants of the transportation process, with an automatic calculation of the parameters of resource provision of transportation, with on-line monitoring of delays at its various stages, as well as with the development of management of operational measures to reduce the arising delays. Management decisions to reduce the resulting delays are typified. The economic effect is calculated and the expediency of practical implementation of the proposed recommendations is substantiated.

Keywords: road transport, transportation of live poultry, situational approach, loss of time during transportation.


E. D. Pserovskaya, A. P. Grefensteyn. Assessment of efficiency of distribution centre at different variants of freight traffic consolidation


For the determination of a potential benefit from creation of a distribution centre the paper proposes a method and presents results of calculation of a decrease of total number of rides and total run of automobiles at various variants of goods consolidation. The authors have established a positive influence of the centre on intracity transportation. At the same time, high efficiency of the considered technology can be reached by involvement of a bigger number of consignees and by consolidation of a relatively small number of goods batches in one automobile at efficient routing and correct selection of location of a distribution centre.

Keywords: city distribution centre, consolidation, route, delivery, consignee.


A. V. Kolin, A. A. Bakin. Approaches to increase capacity of dead-end passenger stations


The paper discusses technological drawbacks of dead-end passenger stations that decrease the capacity of a railway section in whole and constrain the possibility to decrease a minimal train-to-train interval. It is established that the main bottleneck of the dead-end station is the length of a yard neck. The authors present a method for calculation of a minimal acceptable train-to-train interval for lines with dead-end passenger stations that is determined by stational intervals of departure and arrival.

The authors have analysed the international experience of elimination of capacity constraints and suggested measures and scheme solutions that allow increasing in various level the capacity of yard necks of dead-end passenger stations (construction of overbridge crossings, use of lock tracks, radical reduction of yard neck length with the use of high-speed switches, increase of speed).

Keywords: dead-end passenger station, increase of capacity, yard neck, train-to-train interval, overbridge crossing, lock track, commuter traffic.


A. V. Martynenko, E. G. Filippova. Modeling of spatial distribution of intercity automobile trips on the basis of carpooling services data


The paper considers a spatial distribution of automobile traffic between cities of the Sverdlovsk region. For its description the authors have applied a correspondence matrix represented by the number of trips between each pair of cities. A calculation of elements of correspondence matrix is carried out by known total departures and arrivals with the use of a transport gravity model.

As initial data for calibration of the gravity model the authors have used the information gained on the online-service for searching fellow travellers (carpooling). The paper considers the gravity model with an exponential gravity function. At calibration the authors have used the Hyman method.

As a result, the authors have carried out an analysis of the observed correspondence matrix and a calculation of the modeling one. A comparison of absolute deviations of element values for the modeling and the observed matrices and a comparison of the modeling and the observed distributions of trip length have showed that the gravity model with the exponential gravity function adequately represents the spatial distribution of trips presents on the online-service for searching fellow travellers.

Keywords: transport network, carpooling, gravity model, correspondence matrix, gravity function, iterative method.


E. V. Kozeev, O. S. Samoshkin, E. N. Popov, V. E. Volkov. Development of tests of increased reliability sensors for inspection system of axle box heating


All the domestic passenger cars since 1960 are produced only on bogies with roller bearings. A transition to roller bearings demanded the cars to be equipped with inspection system of axle box heating. It is necessary because axle box be heated over a specified temperature that leads to deterioration of the oil lubricity.

The main element of the inspection system of axle box heating is a thermal sensor that is installed on each axle box. Nowadays, bolster bogies of all models are equipped with type 393 thermal sensors.

At introduction of new bolsterless bogies the installation of the type 393 thermal sensors on the axle boxes was carried out with the use of special brass adapter. The observations in operation showed insufficient reliability of the inspection system of axle box heating in bolsterless bogies.

Consequently, the authors have carried out research on new increased reliability thermal sensors. The pilot batch has passed preliminary and acceptance rig tests. On the results of the rig tests it has been decided to carry out an under-control operation on mainline passenger cars. The under-control operation with new sensors has been carried out on the basis of the Novosibirsk passenger wagon depot. On the basis of its results the authors have established the required temperature of the inspection system of axle box heating actuation.

Keywords: thermal sensor, passenger car, rig tests, under-control operation, reliability.


V. A. Khanis, S. V. Bespalko, I. A. Klyuchikov, A. L. Khanis, A. A. Khanis. Мodel for detecting and evaluating the fire hazard of spark discharges in the electrical networks of passenger cars based on the use of fiber-optic sensors


The paper substantiates an approach to assessing the fire hazard of spark discharges in the electrical equipment elements of passenger cars of rolling stock based on the detection of optical flashes using fiber-optic sensors. The presented numerical model makes it possible to realize the possibility of detecting and evaluating optical flashes of weak spark discharges on potentially fire-hazardous electrical contacts in the electrical networks of passenger cars. To solve this problem, it seems appropriate to place sensors of electrical discharges using optical fibers to deliver to them the radiation of optical flashes of spark discharges from fire-hazardous spatially remote elements of the electrical network.

Keywords: fiber-optic sensor, spark discharge, optical flash, arc discharge, photodetector, threshold processing, integrator, passenger car.


M. V. Basharkin, A. G. Isaycheva. Features of current distribution in the traction rail network for heavy-haul traffic


The paper investigates the limits of change in resistance value of traction rail network elements due to dynamic loads arising during the movement of trains with increased weight and length. An augmented electric diagram of rail joint with a duplicating junction coupler taken into account has been presented. The ways of traction current flow during simultaneous passing of heavy-weight trains along the adjacent track connected by intertrack junctions have been determined. Conclusions have been made about the necessity of constant monitoring of traction rail network elements condition, which can be ensured only by implementing special automated systems.

Keywords: traction rail network, traction current channelisation, traction current asymmetry, heavy traffic, rail circuit failures, train delays.


V. A. Podverbnyy, P. N. Kholodov. Calculation of operating costs on change of train weight


The urgency of studying this issue when designing a new railway line in the Irkutsk region is shown. The existing methodology for calculating operating costs on change of train weight is considered and the main questions for the study are formulated. The dependences of the annual operating costs associated with the change of train weight on the smaller mass of the train at the point of change of train weight are investigated. A program for calculating operating costs on change of train weight has been developed. A test example is considered for two variants of the route of the projected line with diesel traction (locomotive type — diesel locomotive 2TE10M) when the mass of the train is broken at the Uzlovaya station.

Keywords: calculation of operating costs, change of train weight, additional station tracks, transit empty trains, less train weight.


T. N. Asalkhanova, A. A. Oskolkov. Organization of transport production of permanent way work with the consideration for information modeling


The JSC «RZD» Long-term program up to 2025 envisages a digital transformation of railway transport. It dedicates a special attention to information and digital technologies of modeling advanced development of infrastructure for provision of growing traffic, increase of production efficiency, provision of expected result of traffic safety and industry economics in whole.

The paper presents a design of the information model for infrastructure control within the framework of introduction of the BIM RZD Automated Control System on the example of organization of transport production of permanent way work.

Keywords: BIM, information model of infrastructure, track facilities, infrastructure objects, technology of information modeling, transport production, digital technologies.


Ya. A. Shvets, A. Yu. Zhuravlev. Carrying load of column poles of railway bridges that are designed according the I-st principle on permafrost ground


The paper presents results of development of a method for determination of carrying load of column poles of railway bridges that are based on permafrost ground and designed according the I-st principle. It also shows the necessity to use methods of mathematical modeling for determination of thermal mode of permafrost ground in the foundation of artificial constructions, which will allow forecasting the carrying load of bridge poles for any term of operation. As a result, the paper shows an algorithm for calculation and forecasting of carrying load of bridge poles at degradation of permafrost in their foundation.

Keywords: short and average bridges, carrying load, permafrost ground.


E. R. Magaril. Improvement of vehicles operation by application of gasoline modified with nano-additive


The results of studies of the influence of the developed nano-additive on gasoline consumption, acoustic vibrations and vibration in the engine are presented. The conducted tests of the effect of the nano-additive application on fuel efficiency in highway driving conditions showed a decrease in the specific consumption of gasoline modified with a nano-additive up to 14.08 % relative to standard gasoline. Accordingly, the reduction in gasoline consumption will reduce emissions of toxic substances and greenhouse gases. It was found that the introduction of nano-additive into gasoline, which improves the combustion process, reduces the level of noise and vibration during vehicle operation and makes it possible to reduce the pollution of the acoustic environment. The use of gasoline modified with a nano-additive can significantly improve the environmental situation and reduce the consumption of scarce hydrocarbon fuels.

Keywords: modified gasoline, nano-additive, energy efficiency, acoustic pollution, environmental safety of cars.


V. A. Buyvis, A. V. Novichikhin. Distribution of resources in the road complex: the mechanism of return on investments (on the example of Novokuznetsk)


The procedure for selecting the mechanism of return on investment in infrastructure projects implemented in the road complex with the use of public-private partnership (PPP) mechanisms is proposed. The procedure contains an algorithm for adjusting routes to determine the amount of expected effective demand. The algorithm for adjusting cargo delivery routes eliminates the subjectivity of the estimates obtained and the possibility of manipulating the parameters of PPP projects when determining the expected effective demand for travel. To determine the effectiveness of the proposed procedure in this paper, a comparison is made with the method of calculating the value of the expected effective demand by the method of expert assessments. The problem is solved on the example of the project to improve the technical level and operational condition of the Novokuznetsk Ring Road.

Keywords: resource allocation, road complex, public-private partnership project, tolls, route adjustment algorithm, investment return mechanism.


A. V. Sokolov, A. V. Markelov, V. A. Maslennikov, D. A. Ustinov. Experimental substantiation of expediency for improvement of method for project calculations of gas stations


In the basis of a method for substantiating of a main parameter of gas stations lays a deterministic approach, according to which a capacity of the station on the number of stoppings in a day is determined by the daily average intensity of car traffic on a road in the place of its location, length of a run, fuel consumption and capacity of fuel tanks.

It is established that such dependence really exists, but it is not deterministic, it is probabilistic and statistical in nature. So, for the solution of the task it is necessary to use appropriate mathematical methods. Consequently, the purpose of the paper is in an experimental test of results of a theoretical research on development of a new method for design substantiation of gas stations executed on the basis of a queueing theory mathematical apparatus, a comparative analysis of the standard and the proposed methods.

The new method is based on an analytical apparatus of the queueing theory with the limit on the queue length, reliability theory, economic and mathematical modeling. Studies showed that a synthesis of the specified methods gives a positive result. A method developed on their basis provides an acceptable on accuracy analytical determination of number of various vehicles stoppings for refuelling that guarantees a high reliability of determination for a number of fuel dispensers, a number and capacity of fuel storage tanks on a designed gas station.

The use of the proposed method for calculation of the number of stoppings on the gas station will increase the reliability of technological calculation at development of construction business plans and at feasibility studies and designing of gas stations.

Keywords: gas station, number of stoppings at gas station, queueing theory.


A. P. Buynosov, E. S. Yudt, A. A. Frantskevich. Dependence between kinetic slip speed of a wheel and a wheel-rail friction coefficient


The paper considers an influence of slip speed of a wheel in relation to a rail on friction coefficient of a locomotive. The authors have refined the physical nature of wheel-rail friction. They have also carried out a comparative analysis of friction coefficient change depending on condition of rails. As a result, the authors have revealed the consequences of the excess wheel slip.

Keywords: friction coefficient, slip speed, elastic contraction, locomotive.


V. N. Li, Yu. A. Konstantinova, A. M. Konstantinov. Automatic control system of device for reducing equalizing current in traction network


The paper presents a study of the proposed system of automatic control of device for reducing equalizing current in traction power supply system. Functional and structural schemes of a closed system with negative voltage feedback were drawn up. The system elements coefficients and time response of transfer functions were calculated. Expressions of resulting transfer functions for open and closed system were obtained. The logarithmic characteristics of the system were constructed, the system was analyzed for stability, and stability reserves in amplitude and phase were determined. The PID controller parameters had been configured. The quality indicators for automatic voltage regulation in traction power supply system were determined.

Keywords: traction power supply system, voltage regulation, automatic control system, equalizing current device, feedback, system stability.


A. A. Kovalev, S. V. Lobastov. Study of configuration problems of arc-suppression coils


The paper considers methods of configuration of arc-suppression coils in cable, air and mixed distribution networks of 6–35 kV. A special attention the authors have dedicated to influence of external factors (natural unbalance of network and interference) on configuration quality, as well as the maintenance of value of neutral point displacement voltage in acceptable limits. As a result, the authors have analysed the existing methods and suggested mew ones for elimination of influence of the specified factors.

Keywords: network zero-sequence circuit, arc-suppression coil, natural unbalance of network, arc-suppression coil regulator.


Yu. P. Neugodnikov, I. P. Neugodnikov. Energy efficiency analysis of operation of rectifying and inverter transformers for direct current traction substations


The paper considers schemes, main technical characteristics, parameters and operation modes of rectifying and inverter transformers that are used on direct current traction substations of the Sverdlovsk Railway. The authors have carried out an analysis of volumes of returned recuperation energy in relation to power consumption on traction of trains. As a result, the authors have determined a potential of recuperation on sections of the Sverdlovsk Railway. They have suggested main measures aimed at increase of energy efficiency and reliability of rectifying and inverter transformers operation.

Keywords: energy efficiency, traction of trains, recuperation energy, energy consumption, traction substations, rectifying and inverter transformers.


A. A. Borodin. Method for calculation of additional time consumption on making-up of «barrier car groups»


The paper proposes a method for calculation of additional time consumption on making-up of “barrier car groups” used as protecting facilities on classification tracks. The method allows selecting an optimal way of making-up of «barrier groups», assessing the expediency of their application as a protecting facility and comparing this technology with alternative means of preventing the overrun of rolling stock beyond the limits of the effective length of classification tracks. As a result, the author has studied interdependencies of classification work parameters and time consumption on making-up of «barrier car groups».

Keywords: marshalling station, «barrier group», time consumption, parameters of classification work.


No. 2 (69), 2021

B. E. Glyuzberg, A. A. Loktev, V. V. Korolev, V. S. Kuskov. Application of methods for analysing combinations of wheelset sizes and switch elements to determine the size of gutters of check-rail assemblies


The paper considers methods for analysis of size combinations of wheelsets and elements of switches that are used at determination of dimensions of gutters for check-rail assemblies. The method of limit combinations, from the one side, doesn’t guarantee a reliable train operation on crossing assemblies in real operation, but, from the other side, it makes unreasonably strict demands to the design of the assembly. In order to eliminate the contradictions the paper proposes to use a method of probable compositions that allows not only solving an issue of limited safe dimensions of gauge and gutters, but also determining repeatability of impacts on check-rails in the most loaded cross sections and repeatability of motion paths of wheels on crossing. However, while using this method the authors have revealed a number of contradictions between calculated results and real operation. They show that it is possible to avoid the contradictions by the use of conditional probabilities method that allows calculating probabilities of phenomena for specific size combinations of gauge and gutters. As a result, the authors have concluded that it is the most accurate method of determination of permissible dimensions for gauge and gutters on switches. With the use of the method the authors have determined the maximal values of check-rail wear for straight track made of SP special profiles in conditions of non-exceedance of «impact effect» in bent part of the check-rail for switches with various angles.

Keywords: section with check rails, flangeway gap, size of a wheelset, turnout elements, method of limit combinations, method of probable compositions, method of conditional probabilities, check rail wear.


O. N. Ie. Analysis of time distribution of passenger traffic on road transport on the basis of ride-sharing data


The paper studies indicators of passenger movement volumes on road transport for regional transport network that are gained on the basis of ride-sharing on-line services. For the processing of data arrays of common rides’ services web-scraping is used.

The paper also investigates time distribution of passenger traffic that shows the filling of cars by passengers on various sections of a route. Peculiarities and dependencies of day fluctuations of passenger traffic for the Sverdlovsk region transport network are analysed.

The author has considered a task of modeling of seasonal and cyclical fluctuations of passenger traffic volumes. She has used all necessary statistical procedures required for identification and assessment of model parameters and verification of its adequacy and accuracy.

The time series model with polynomial smoothing is used for short-term forecasting that allows analysing the dynamics of passenger traffic, decreasing costs on monitoring of information on passenger traffic and allows using results for solving tasks of technological organization of public transport.

Keywords: passenger traffic, time distribution, multiplicative model, forecasting, seasonal and cyclical fluctuations, tendency, ride-sharing.


M. R. Yakimov, A. A. Putin, A. S. Nesterova. Electric public passenger transport as a base of a route network in medium-sized and big cities of the Russian Federation


The relevance of optimization of the Berezniki public transport route network is caused by an annual growth of city routes length, particularly, by the enlargement of bus routes and the uneven distribution of passenger traffic.

The paper determines methods of optimization of public city passenger transport for the current transport demand. On the example of development of the Berezniki route network the authors have analysed the topology of routing and the city cartogram. On the basis of the study results they have proposed measures on the optimization of the route network for the public city transport.

The novelty of the study is in the use of algorithms and methods of optimization of transport systems developed by the authors at conducting design and research works in the biggest cities of the Russian Federation — Perm, Ekaterinburg, Samara, Kurgan, Yoshkar-Ola and Simferopol.

Keywords: optimization, route network, trolley bus, passenger traffic, intensity.


B. V. Rozhkin, E. Yu. Bishler. Modeling the intensity of electrochemical corrosion of rails


An increase of train load limits leads to a growth of values of straight and reverse traction currents in traction power supply system. Rails that provide channelling of reverse traction current in direct current power supply system are exposed to electrocorrosion, an intensity of which increases at the growth of traction currents. The aim of the work is to develop an analytical model that will provide a numerical assessment of metal losses from rail base at various modes of electric rolling stock operation and different condition of rail line isolation.

Keywords: electrocorrosion, 69th rail flaw, linear current density, «rail — earth» potential.


A. P. Buynosov, V. S. Nagovitsyn, I. A. Ivanov, D. P. Kononov. Automatic system for monitoring parameters of railway rolling stock wheelsets


The paper considers operating principles of an automatic measuring system for monitoring the control condition of railway rolling stock wheelsets developed by the team of authors. The paper also presents the description of the system and the hardware implementation of devices integrated in its composition.

Keywords: rolling stock, wheelset, parameters, device, program complex, monitoring, automatic system.


Yu. V. Krivosheya, D. S. Krivosheya. Influence of stress state of brake disk on parameters of microgeometry of its surface that is out of contact area


The paper shows results of the study dedicated to influence of contact area stress state on a trend of changes for roughness and waviness parameters of brake disc surface located on the periphery of contact with a brake pad in the coverage area of preferred compression and tensile stresses. It also displays that the main trend of surface deformation under the influence of growing mechanical compression stresses consists in increase of altitude and decrease of step parameters of roughness and waviness. The authors have established that in the coverage area of tensile stresses the roughness and the waviness of the brake disk surface returns to initial values determined in condition of absence of external power influence. On the basis of the results, the authors have explained the process of waviness appearance on the brake disc surface. Results of the study are recommended for the application at solving tasks on friction and wear.

Keywords: plate brake, brake disk, brake pad, deformation, surface roughness, surface waviness, surface profilogram.


V. I. Moiseev, A. V. Zhebanov, T. A. Komarova. Organization of transportation by tank cars of solidified petroleum fuels with transmission through field pipelines in low temperature conditions


The method of unloading and reloading solidified oil fuels, with the use of pipelines made according to temporary technological schemes, produced in winter, is considered. Cooling of solidified fuels is accompanied by a sharp increase in their viscosity, which makes pipeline transmission impossible. In fire hazard, it is proposed to produce continuous heating of the pumped fuel using devices based on low-temperature combustion of propane-butane mixture on the surface of the catalyst carried out at fire-safe temperatures. It is also proposed to install a temporary heat-insulating shell on the pipeline that meets the operating modes of the heaters.

Keywords: tank car, pipeline, transfer of liquid petroleum fuels, increase in viscosity, low-temperature combustion, heat sheath.


T. A. Antropova. Analysis of existing methods for calculating loading of parts at assessment of fatigue strength


The paper shows the results of analysis of methods used for determination of loads on parts of fatigue strength tests. As an example, the author has calculated loading of open-box car vertical body posts by means of two currently used methods. At comparison of gained results the author has established that calculated values of forces and amplitudes of body posts loading differ almost 3 times. Consequently, key differences of the methods have been revealed. As a result, it is proposed to improve a method of calculation and to develop the only reliable method of determination of forces and amplitudes of loading of parts that are tested on fatigue strength.

Keywords: test method, fatigue strength, body post fitting joint, open-box car, test loading, test mode.


B. E. Glyuzberg, A. A. Loktev, I. V. Shishkina, M. E. Berezovskiy. Requirements for check-rail switch joints


The paper is devoted to a problem of passing of rolling stock wheelsets with minimum deterioration of a crossing joint of a switch. The authors have formulated criteria representing necessary and sufficient requirements, on the basis of which it is possible to determine permissible values of check-rails wear and dimensions of their gutters. The paper also presents a method for calculation of rolling stock passage on the crossing joint equipped with check-rails that are not connected to running rails. With the use of the experimental and calculation method the authors have highlighted stages for determination of stress-strain condition of check-rails. The have analysed the operation of check-rails made of RK special profiles that are mounted to a running rail by inserts. As a result, the authors have assessed the advantages of application of check-rails with mounts that are not connected to running rails. Since the method of check-rails calculation for the operation in other parts of the switch is similar, they have analysed the operation of a protector check-rail for switches and discussed the efficiency and disadvantages of its application.

Keywords: check-rail structure, check-rail that is not attached to running rail, requirements, criteria, wear, width of flangeway, protector check-rail.


B. V. Gusev, L. M. Dobshits, A. A. Nikolaeva. Assessment of vibrocompaction quality of concrete mixtures for making reinforced-concrete products


The paper is devoted to determination of influence of vibration influence parameters at compaction of hard concrete mixtures designed for making reinforced-concrete sleepers. At poor quality compaction of a concrete mixture there is an uneven distribution of physical and mechanical indicators by length and width of products that negatively affects their future operation. The paper presents studies on determination of vibration influence parameters at compaction of concrete mixtures and provides recommendations on improvement of operation of existing technological lines.

Keywords: vibrocompaction, concrete, reinforced-concrete sleepers, strength, workability.


V. A. Podverbnyy, A. A. Perelygina. Decision-making on choosing the type of strengthening of drains and upholstery ducts based on the ideal point method


Modern materials and technologies for strengthening drainage and upland ditches, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. When choosing the type of reinforcement, the railway design engineer must compare the options for the types of reinforcement of ditches in terms of various criteria: reducing labour and resource intensity, duration of construction work, increasing durability, improving environmental friendliness, the need for special equipment, and others.

An ideal point method is proposed for solving a multi-criteria deterministic problem of choosing the type of ditch reinforcement. A prototype program of the decision support system for choosing the type of reinforcement using the ideal point method has been developed. The program contains four areas: the source data area; the calculation area; the guide to the types of ditch reinforcement, which separately identifies innovative types of ditch reinforcement; the area of calculation results and recommendations. With the help of the program, the test problem of choosing the type of reinforcement is solved. Of the three alternatives, a concrete roadbed is recommended-an innovative strengthening of the ditch.

Keywords: strengthening of drainage and upland ditches, modern materials and technologies for strengthening ditches, criteria for comparing reinforcement options, the ideal point method, concrete roadbed.


V. N. Morgun, A. Yu. Bogatina, A. A. Revyakin, L. V. Morgun. Perspectives of application of complex-reinforced concretes in engineering structures of transport infrastructure objects


The paper substantiates a necessity to improve operational properties of building products and structures that are used at construction of transport objects. It shows that the modern approach to designated problem is in the course of fibre reinforcement of fused and cellular concretes. The work provides reference and experimental data on the level of positive influence of metal and synthetic fibre on operational properties of concretes of various structures. On the basis of experimental results the authors have presented a fundamental possibility of complex improvement of engineering structures properties by using bar fibre-glass reinforcement. As a result, they have formulated a number of perspective technologies suitable for creating building elements from fibre and complex-reinforced concretes for transport objects.

Keywords: fibrous concrete, constructions, bar fibre-glass reinforcement, transport infrastructure elements.


E. A. Kolisnichenko. Organization of mobile defectoscopy passage at the Eastern polygon


The paper discusses the procedure for organizing of mobile diagnostic tools passage, in particular, defectoscopy during the implementation test site technologies in the context of a constant increase and growth of freight traffic, traffic density on the roads of the Eastern polygon. This issue is relevant, since mobile flaw detection devices follow with a speed limit and to pass them through the control section requires a significant removal of freight train lines, which in turn is a certain barrier. With the existing scheme for the passage of flaw detection cars, disruptions occur in their work schedules. The analysis of the reasons for the failures made it possible to propose a different model for organizing the passage of mobile flaw detection equipment within the framework of the Eastern polygon.

Keywords: polygon technologies, defectoscopy, Eastern polygon, mobile diagnostics, traffic safety.


V. V. Atapin, A. S. Nechushkin. Assessment of influence of rail fastening operation on track condition


The paper considers the one of the most important factors that indirectly assesses the serviceability of rail fastening – a number of arising faults in geometry of rail track. On the initial stage the authors have studied sections of railway track with ARS-4, ZhBR-65Sh and Vossloh rail fastening. In result of the study, the authors have got dependencies and made conclusions that characterize the serviceability of railway track on sections with specified types of rail fastening.

Keywords: Rail fastening, reliability, serviceability, track, analysis, development dynamics, dependence, fault, forecasting, labour costs, approach.


A. D. Fedosov, E. S. Antereykin. Comparison of work volumes on maintenance of tram track sections on various stages of life cycle


The paper presents the assessment of technical condition of track on the example of two tram sections on Titov and Svyazistov streets in Novosibirsk. The authors have compared sections by the number of derailments and have revealed the main reasons of the derailments. As a result, they have established the volumes of maintenance of tram tracks and the required labour costs, as well as the works that make the main share of labour costs for 5 years on both considered sections. In order to control the track position for the provision of comfortable and safe transportation of passengers the authors recommend to use a track measuring truck.

Keywords: maintenance, tram track, numerical assessment, derailment, track, labour costs, fault.


L. V. Plotnikov, N. I. Grigoryev, L. E. Osipov, O. A. Plotnikov. Features of thermomechanics of pulsating gas flows in inlet systems with grooves applicable to automotive engines


Reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE) are widely used as heat engines for converting the chemical energy of a fuel into mechanical work on the crankshaft. Aerodynamic and thermophysical processes in gas exchange systems significantly affect the efficiency of the RICE. This paper examines the possibility of influencing the gas dynamics and heat transfer of pulsating gas flows in the inlet system by placing a channel with grooves. It is known that the presence of grooves in the channel leads to the formation of significant secondary vortices, which radically change the physical picture of the gas flow. The studies were carried out on a laboratory bench, which was a single-cylinder model of a turbocharged RICE. A system of measurements of basic physical quantities is described, taking into account their high dynamics. Techniques for processing experimental data are presented. Primary data on instantaneous values of gas-dynamic and heat-exchange characteristics of pulsating flows are presented. It was found that the presence of a channel with grooves in the inlet system leads to a decrease in the degree of turbulence to 40 % and an intensification of heat transfer in the range of 5‒50 % compared to the basic inlet system. A positive effect is shown in the form of an increase in engine power by 3 % when using the modernized system.

Keywords: automotive engine, gas exchange system, turbocharging, aeromechanics of gas flows, heat transfer, performance indicators.


A. O. Borovlev, I. A. Vysotskaya, A. V. Skrypnikov, V. A. Timofeev, A. N. Bryukhovetskiy. Mathematical substantiation of visual clarity indicators of curved segments of a forest automobile road


The paper discusses and analyzes the design parameters of timber transport roads. The possibility of improving the quality of design solutions is associated with taking into account the visual perception of roads, which is ensured by the correct combination of curvilinear sections of the plan and the longitudinal profile of the route of logging highways. A smooth change in the direction of the road in perspective (and in plan) ensures a gradual movement mode and, therefore, increases the efficiency of the timber road. The aim of the work is to consider the combination of curves in plan and profile and analyze their relationship.

Keywords: timber highways, curved sections of the route plan, road design, route plan, route profile.


A. A. Kovalev, D. V. Glazov, A. Yu. Ivanishhev. Increase of elasticity of catenary suspension by application of method based on individual calculation of cantilevers


The paper studies problems of increasing the quality of current collection. To solve problems the authors propose to use a method of automated design of catenary cantilevers, which will increase the elasticity of catenary suspension. The authors have analysed failures of catenary devices and have discussed methods of selection and design of catenary cantilevers, their advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: catenary suspension, designing of power supply devices, contact wire, current collection.


E. S. Mushkov, A. N. Marikin, M. A. Ivanov, A. V. Agunov. Mathematical modeling of magnetic influence of direct current catenary with voltages of 3 and 24 kV on adjacent communication facilities


The paper analyses a magnetic influence of a direct current catenary with voltages of 3 and 24 kV on adjacent communication facilities. The authors have compared the gained results with standards of magnetic interference. The have developed a model of catenary with voltages of 3 and 24 kV in the Matlab Simulink dynamic modeling environment. With the use of the model the authors have determined parameters of all key components that it is necessary to consider at analysis of magnetic compatibility of the direct current catenary with adjacent communication facilities.

Keywords: power supply of railways, electromagnetic compatibility, catenary, traction power supply system, magnetic influence of catenary.


R. Z. Galinurov. Study of influence of rolling stock vibration on signal of distributed optical sensor by means of numerical modeling


The paper is devoted to possibilities of application of a distributed optical sensor on the railway transport as a mean of rolling stock position control.

The paper proposes numerical modeling of a signal of a phase-sensitive reflectometer for assessing influence of moving rolling stock vibration. A theoretical description supposes that the external vibrational influence creates an area of elastic deformation of a light wave guide cable and causes changes of phase relations of scattered radiation. As a result, the author presents that the frequency and the amplitude of the applied vibration affect to a greater extent on the signal of the distributed optical sensor.

Keywords: rolling stock position control, distributed optical sensor, phase-sensitive reflectometer, back scattered radiation.


S. A. Frolenkov. Defining the main requirements for reporting forms of the contactless network diagnostics complex


Catenary of the electrified railways is unprotected and therefore defenseless element of a traction power supply system. Samara State Transport University has developed a complex for contactless catenary diagnostics. The complex can be installed on special diagnostic rolling stock units and on regular units of tractive and non-tractive rolling stock. The paper determines main requirements to reporting forms of the complex for contactless catenary diagnostics, provides scheme of operation, presents the results of measurements gained during real trips and shows their assessment.

Keywords: maintenance of infrastructure, operation of trains, planning of «breaks», train schedule, train delays.

No. 1 (68), 2021

S. V. Bushuev, A. N. Popov, S. Yu. Grishaev. Control of crossing closure on characteristics of approaching train


The paper considers a method of controlling the crossing closure on characteristics of approaching train that will enable the crossing closure so that the train is guaranteed to have time to stop before the crossing in the case of the forced stop of road vehicles on it. In order to realize the method the authors have developed algorithms and structural scheme of the system that contains locomotive and stationary equipment, have formulated the requirements for the equipment of the existing locomotive microprocessor systems and complexes and have justified the choice of the locomotive equipment for realization of the proposed method and the system.

Keywords: railway crossing, accidents at crossings, automatic level crossing safety installation, approach section, braking distance, locomotive on-board equipment.


A. S. Kosmodamianskiy, V. I. Vorobyev, M. Yu. Kapustin, O. V. Izmerov, D. N. Shevchenko. Classification as a method of searching new designs of joints for mounting wheels and motors units of locomotives


The paper considers a task on a search for new methods aimed at development of patentability-based technical solutions of mounting electric traction motors to bogie frame by creating classifications. In result of the analysis, the authors propose a classification that allows systematizing designs of suspensions of all existing traction drives and axial gearboxes and allows determining possible search areas of new technical solutions. On the basis of the classification the authors have proposed designs of mounting electric traction motors to bogie frame, particularly, in conditions of limited vertical dimensions, suspensions of axial gearbox that provide the alignment of electric traction motor and the axial gearbox, and also new designs of connecting links.

Keywords: underframe, suspension, wheels and motors unit, rubber-metal mounting, traction drive.


S. V. Krotov, D. P. Kononov, A. P. Buynosov. Local stresses in wheelsets at braking of railway rolling stock.


The paper provides main methods for determining stress-strain condition of interaction of a wheel and a brake shoe of the railway rolling stock. It also shows the possibility of using the plain elastic problem. The authors have analysed the peculiarities of a method for studying stress-strain condition in contact zone based on known statements of classic elasticity theory. They have carried out calculations of stress components by analytic method, have studied the influence of normal and shear forces on stress-strain condition in contact zone and have presented the danger of tension stresses. The gained results confirm the significant influence of friction on the decrease of contact and fatigue life of samples and will be useful for forecasting the failure onset of the rolling stock wheel or rail at their interaction.

Keywords: rolling stock, wheelset, braking, local stress.


A. A. Mironov, D. N. Saltykov, A. E. Pavlyukov, P. I. Shalupina. Experimental investigation of contactless thermal control of freight rolling stock tread brakes


The paper is devoted to experimental investigation of contactless thermal control of tread brakes. It presents the results of numerical modeling of thermal condition of freight car solid wheel in various modes of braking and thermal control on the basis of developed complex computer model. The authors show the comparison of gained results with experimental data. They have carried out the statistical analysis and revealed the most common forms of signals. As a result, the paper considers the perspectives of the further development of the discussed statements.

Keywords: thermal control, temperature, hot wheel, cold wheel, tread brakes, mathematical modeling.


I. P. Popov. Mathematical model of railway rolling stock with elastically deformed automatic couplers in starting moment of movement


The paper presents a mathematical model of movement start of railway rolling stock with elastic automatic couplers. It shows that starting of a heavy-loaded train equipped with elastically deformed automatic couplers occurs significantly easier in comparison with non-deformable ones, and the more cars are in the train, the higher this advantage is. Essentially, it is stipulated by the substitution of simultaneous start of cars movement on alternating. In order to exclude longitudinal fluctuations of the train after reaching maximal stretch of the automatic coupler it is necessary to block the possibility of the harmonic compression mechanically.

Keywords: railway rolling stock, elastically deformed automatic couplers, starting moment of movement, friction, movement, speed.


A. V. Shiler, V. V. Shiler, V. V. Bublik, N. V. Esin, A. P. Shilyakov. Assessment of influence of block wheelset dynamics on wear of freight car bearing


The paper presents a method for comparative assessment of wear of support surfaces of freight car bogie bearings with block and standard wheelsets. With the use of wear factor coefficient the authors have established that the calculated values of wear energy of bogie bearing equipped with block wheelsets are significantly lower in comparison with the bogie bearing with standard wheelsets.

Keywords: wear, bogie bearing, block and standard wheelsets.


A. V. Davydov, T. A. Astakhova. Organization of complex systems for provision of operational reliability of rolling stock


The use of digital and satellite information systems for the increase of quality and prompt maintenance and repair of rolling stock allows solving important transport tasks. On the modern stage the transportation process sets high requirements to operation of rolling stock that should be regulated by state standards.

Modern machinery and technology should promote implementation of high-quality production in order to extend the life cycle of any product that responds the realization of production process. The international practice of standard application convincingly proves it.

The paper proposes an organization of complex systems aimed at provision of operational reliability of rolling stock. The authors have determined possible reasons of non-compliance of the standards. As a result, they have set tasks on carrying out modern monitoring and execution of maintenance and repair.

Keywords: life cycle, reliability, rolling stock, control system, standards, maintenance and repair.


A. A. Gordienko. On directions of development of facilities for fastening goods in cars


The paper presents an overview of the international experience on application of facilities for fastening goods in cars. In regard with the task to increase the warranty haul distance for loaded cars without commercial inspection that has been set by the JSC «RZD», the paper considers various alternative fastening facilities. The author has analysed the current regulatory and legal acts that regulate loading and strapping of goods on the railway rolling stock from the point of application of new fastening facilities. The author has revealed the main reasons that prevent using modern fastening facilities on Russian Railways and has determined approaches to solve that problem. On the example of pipe products the paper presents the comparative analysis of loading with the use of textile straps and wire fastening.

Keywords: railway, fastening facility, car, chain tie, textile strap, distance rod, textile chain, anti-slip mat, serrated washer, reliability, commercial failure, car setout.


A. I. Bykov, A. V. Zyablov, S. V. Bespalko. Optimization of maintenance and repair system of passenger cars based on economic criterion


The paper is devoted to optimization of maintenance and repair system of passenger cars. The method is based on the use of profitability as a criterion of optimization. Revenue from car operation is supposed to be uniform during a service life. Costs include price of construction, expanses on utilization (with deduction of income from the write-off), expanses on repairs of large volume, expanses of other railway services and variable expanses on current maintenance of a car in inter-repair periods that are assumed to change linearly and quadratically during each inter-repair period.

The authors propose a method to consider dependence of current repairs cost on a car condition during its life cycle. They also have developed a method of optimization of costs on roundhouse servicing and major overhaul.

The proposed methods are realised on C++ language in the form of software package that can be used to control the passenger car repair system and for development of new cars.

Keywords: system of maintenance and repair, passenger car, optimization, objective function, profitability from sales, repairs of large volume, gradient descent.


I. L. Parakhnenko, S. G. Akkerman. Friction control as a way to decrease power impact of undercarriage on track


The paper is devoted to investigation of influence of friction coefficient change on power interaction arising at passing of curved sections of a railway track by a freight train. The authors have got functional dependencies of longitudinal and transversal forces in «wheel — rail» contact from control of friction coefficient on the surface of rails at a number of variants of train velocities. In order to decrease the power interaction the authors propose to control friction on tread surfaces of the inner rail or both rails.

Keywords: friction control, friction coefficient, transversal force, longitudinal force, curve radius, efficiency.


K. V. Safonov, V. V. Safonov, V. V. Ostrikov, Sh. M. Igitov. Operational tests of «Klaster-V» nanoscale additive to motor oil of KAMAZ-740 diesel engine


At operation of KAMAZ motor vehicles a significant number of failures (40–55 %) are attributed to engine, among the elements of which a cylinder and piston group often breaks down. One of the effective ways to increase the wear resistance of rubbing parts of the engine is the modification of lubricating medium by special above-base additives, among which nanoscale powders are widely distributed.

The paper is devoted to investigation of influence of the «Klaster-V» nanoadditive that is developed for motor oil in order to increase life of a «piston ring — cylinder liner» interface of KAMAZ motor vehicles. As a parameter of technical condition of the interface the authors have assumed a value of a gap between a piston ring and a cylinder liner of an internal combustion engine. Results of operational tests show that the forecasting residual life of the «piston ring — cylinder liner» interface of diesel engines tested on oil with «Klaster-V» additive have increased by 2.15 times on average in comparison with the residual life of diesel engines operated on Lukoil 15W40 motor oil.

Keywords: motor oil, additives, nanoscale powders, potassium polytitanate, technical condition, diesel engine, reliability, life, residual life, «piston ring — cylinder liner» interface.


A. P. Buynosov, A. T. Sharapov. Influence of wear of traction transmission elements on life of drives of freight electric locomotives


At operation of rolling stock all friction joints are supposed to wear especially heavy-loaded elements of freight electric locomotives. The paper analyses the distribution of failures according data of unplanned repairs and determines that a traction drive is a heavy-loaded element. The work shows its structural scheme and considers the influence of wear of traction transmission elements on drive life. The authors have processed and analysed spectrograms of a direct current freight electric locomotive. As a result, they have concluded that the reason of high dynamic loads on traction drive elements is the wear of gear wheels teeth that leads to appearance of cracks on body structures and to weakening of bolted connections. The authors propose a number of principled approaches to reduce the wear of gear transmission and body structures.

Keywords: electric locomotive, failure, traction drive, traction transmission, wear, life, body, vibration.


I. V. Ignatenko, E. Yu. Tryapkin, S. A. Vlasenko. Development of software elements for improvement of calculation of traction power supply system


Nowadays KORTES remains the main software complex for calculation of traction power supply system. However, in regard with the development of software and hardware facilities and the necessity to gain precise results the most important task is the improvement of separate software products aimed at refinement of calculation and solution of such tasks as thermal processes in traction power supply system, change of parameters at high-speed and heavy traffic and etc. The paper presents an algorithm developed for power supply system of mainline railway section, which allows calculating required power of transformers installed in traction substation not only for classic, but also for other schemes of connection of transformer winding.

  • traction power supply system, algorithm, catenary power, temperature.


B. A. Arzhannikov, A. V. Paranin. Selection and substantiation of main design parameters of catenary suspension for three-phase traction power supply system on tangent level track


At development of common concept of current collection for three-phase traction power supply system there is the need to select and substantiate main design parameters of catenary suspension. For this purpose, the authors have carried out analytical calculations and developed a numerical mathematical model that allows assessing catenary statics and it’s dynamics in interaction with current collector. On the basis of results of modeling, the authors have substantiated and selected all the required parameters. In particular, they have determined the permissible speed of trains and maximal length of catenary spans.

Keywords: three-phase traction power supply system, direct catenary suspension, contact wire, collection head, vertical zigzag, working space, point of suspension in the form of piston, numerical modeling, current collection quality, length of span.


I. A. Baeva. Increase of energy efficiency of traction power supply system by application of voltage regulating devices


Increase of energy efficiency of a traction power supply system in condition of growth of goods turnover becomes a very actual task. The paper considers energy efficiency of both the existing traction power supply system without current regulating devices and the traction power supply system with the use of such devices. The author has determined the influence of increase of speed from 50 to 100 km/h on power consumption on traction including on power consumption according counters of electric locomotives and losses of power in the catenary. Also as a variant of strengthening the paper considers a buffer traction power supply system consisting of main regulated traction substations and a not regulated single-unit traction substation in the middle of inter-substation zone. This system is used in situation when regulation of voltage on main traction substations doesn’t provide the increase of traffic and carrier capacity of sections (directions). Modeling of operation of the traction power supply system has been carried out on a section of the Sverdlovsk Railway. All the calculations have been executed for the batch of freight trains with the mass of 7100 tons. In calculations the author has applied a new clarifying method that includes the use of corrective current coefficients and the assessment of voltage level on an electric locomotive current collector. The energy efficiency of the traction power supply system has been assessed by such indicators as a level of voltage on the electric locomotive current collector, power losses in catenary and transformers of traction substations.

Keywords: traction power supply system, capacity, direct current, voltage regulation, contactless automatic voltage regulation, losses and consumption of electric energy.


M. V. Vostrikov, K. V. Menaker, A. V. Pultyakov. Forecasting of dynamics of starting and transient currents for increase of selectivity of microprocessor devices for relay protection of catenary feeders


A big percent of false actuations of relay protection devices is connected not only with emergency operation modes of a traction power supply system, but also with starting and transient currents flowing in the catenary at movement of heavy-loaded trains, united freight trains, at realization of batch schedule, movement of trains on difficult grading of track and also at the application of recuperation mode by currently used locomotives. The study shows that it is possible to decrease the number of actuations of relay protection devices in described cases by the application of alternative method of analytical presentation of measured signals and the forecasting of dynamics of measurement of starting and transient currents flowing in the catenary.

Keywords: microprocessor relay protection, setting current, catenary feeder, switch, oscillogram, traction power supply system, starting currents, forecasting, transient process.


V. N. Li, L. S. Demina, S. A. Vlasenko. Method for forecasting residual life of catenary poles


The paper proposes a method for forecasting residual life of reinforced concrete catenary poles based on the calculation of fatigue characteristics in SolidWorks Simulation software environment. With the consideration for additional factors of crack formation the authors have gained the fatigue (life) curve of the catenary pole and have determined positions and elements that are the most susceptible to fatigue effect. On the basis of the data gained the authors have developed a method for determining a residual bearing capacity by a special nomogram. As a result, the authors have formed an order of carrying out monitoring of reinforced concrete catenary poles.

Keywords: reinforced concrete pole, catenary, SolidWorks Simulation, fatigue (life) curve, life and damage diagram, nomogram, forecasting, residual life of poles.


V. P. Stupitskiy, I. A. Khudonogov, V. A. Tikhomirov, O. V. Lobanov. Calculation of bearing capacity of metal lattice catenary pole at torsion of the upper part by finite element method in Femap CAD


The paper considers modeling of damage of a metal catenary pole. According to results of calculation it is established that the voltage in elements of bearing structure (in horizontal elements of pole with torsion in console cross section) increases to values that exceed the strength limit of steel from which the pole is made. In dependence from a damage level this kind of defect can be classified both as defective and as critical faulty. In order to carry out engineer calculations, the significant part of which refers to a class of mechanical calculations of catenary suspensions in statics, the authors have used an independent Femap CAD that is developed by Siemens PLM.

The paper shows that the lower pole parts are the most loaded and the most responsible elements. At mechanical damage the geometry of the rod changes in the form of bend of profile shelves on 12 mm and curve of its longitudinal axis. As a result, the comparative analysis of rod stability in serviceable condition and at damage of its shelves shows that this kind of damage doesn’t have a significant impact on the bearing capacity of a pole in a whole. But for qualitative assessment of condition of an angle receiving the bend of one or two shelves from real damage at development of the model it is necessary to solve the problem individually with the consideration for various factors.

Keywords: catenary, diagnostics, metal supporting construction, defect, damage, modeling, finite element method.


A. A. Sukhov. Simulation study of development and elimination dynamics of bottlenecks in task of location of railway emergency facilities


The paper studies the influence of a transport accident on operation of a polygon, compares theoretical and practical variants of operational environment progress. With the use of simulation modeling the author has thoroughly analysed the process of train situation progress and has determined the economic losses from forced delays of trains of various categories, which can be recommended for the application at solving the task of location of emergency trains on polygons.

Keywords: transport accidents, simulation modeling, emergency trains.


R. E. Agakhanova. Kinetic energy at collision of two automobiles


At collision of two automobiles under the influence of shock pulses the change of their speed occurs. The dynamic characteristic of movement of mechanical system consisting of two automobiles includes traffic, kinetic moment regarding motionless centre and kinetic energy. On the basis of dynamics theorems the author has determined a loss of kinetic energy of central-straight collision of two automobiles. The paper considers specific cases — elastic and absolutely inelastic collisions. It is established that at elastic collision the kinetic energy decreases by the amount of kinetic energy of lost velocities with amendment that includes a coefficient of recovery at collision.

Keywords: сollision of two automobiles, straight-central collision, loss of kinetic energy, kinetic energy of lost velocities, elastic collision, absolutely inelastic collision.

No. 4 (67), 2020

G. A. Timofeeva, O. N. Ie. Application of synthetic gravity model with exponential-power gravity function for calculation of passenger traffic splitting by different modes of public transport


The paper considers a task of a correspondence matrix recovery for transport with a fixed number of routes according to the statistical data on incoming and departing passenger traffic. A classic gravity model was generalized for several modes of transport that resulted in combination of a correspondence matrix calculation and a calculation of passenger traffic splitting by different modes of transport.

The authors propose an approach to determine the correspondence matrix for several modes of transport on the basis of synthetic gravity model with exponential-power gravity function. The approach described is realized on a specific example of analysis of public transport in Ekaterinburg.

With the use of numerical methods the authors have solved a task of multidimensional optimization and found optimal values of parameters for gravity function.

The paper also presents that the exponential-power gravity function is the most suitable for the model.

Keywords: transport network, correspondence matrix, synthetic gravity model, calibration, gravity function.


A. P. Buynosov, E. S.Yudt. Influence of corrugations of rails on locomotive wheel-motor assembly


The paper discusses wheel rolling on a rail with corrugations. The authors have determined the main indicators of corrugations of rails such as form of the rail head and angle of its inclination, longitudinal and vertical coordinates of wheel centre and contact force. As a result, the authors have revealed the consequences of locomotive movement on rails with corrugations.

Keywords: locomotive, wheel-motor assembly, rail, corrugations, influence.


Yu. V. Krivosheya, V. V. Bugaenko. Fan cooling of friction band brake of railway rolling stock


The paper presents results of research aimed at the application of axial fan for cooling friction band brake of railway rolling stock. The feature of the fan is the identical operation characteristics that don’t depend on direction of rolling stock movement. This is achieved due to special construction of blade system consisting of two mirror-placed grids located inside the brake wheel. Mathematical modeling of air flow in flow part of the proposed blade systems showed the reasonability of such solution. The paper shows results of calculation of blade system geometric and functional characteristics for friction band brake cooling fan designed for rolling stock with maximum speed up to 250 km/h. The proposed geometric form of blade system provides equal cooling efficiency regardless the direction of rolling stock movement.

Keywords: axial fan, blade system, band brake, cooling efficiency, brake wheel, flow part.


P. A. Kozlov, V. P. Kozlova, S. N. Kol. Influence of priority freight trains on parameters of polygon operation


The paper presents the executed research on the influence of introducing scheduled trains on polygon operation carried out with the use of simulation model. The model shows the delays caused by infrastructure elements and by resources — train locomotives and car service station crews. Results show that priority trains deteriorate the parameters of polygon operation, decrease the schedule speed. Experiments with the exceed resources allowed to determine that infrastructure parameters play the main role. As a result, the introduction of priority trains is only advisable at the existence of polygon capacity reserve.

Keywords: priority trains, capacity, schedule speed, delays.


A. V. Martynenko, E. G. Filippova. Analysis of properties of passenger traffic gravity model for linear network


For the description of spatial distribution of passenger traffic in transport network a correspondence matrix is usually used. The elements of the matrix are the volumes of passenger traffic between each pair of network vertices. The elements of the matrix can be calculated with the use of mathematical apparatus based on the transport gravity model.

The correspondence matrix gained by the above mentioned method depends on network structure, model parameters and initial data on the number of incoming and departing passengers for each network vertex. Moreover, the dependence has significantly non-linear character and can’t be presented in explicit form. This complicates the research of common properties of correspondence matrix and forecasting its change at modification of transport network, shift in transport behaviour of passengers (it affects the gravity model parameters) and at random fluctuations of number of incoming and departing passengers for network vertices.

At the investigation of the mentioned dependence scientists use various approaches on the basis of both analytical apparatus and approximate methods. The paper presents classic simulation modeling for the analysis of the correspondence matrix and the volume of passenger traffic for the linear transport network calculated on its basis.

The use of the proposed approach allowed determining that at random distribution of volumes of incoming and departing passengers the passenger traffic is also a random value distributed according to the normal law. Moreover, the authors gained the dependence between the passenger traffic and the parameter of gravity model connected with the average trip length. Besides, the authors studied the dependence of passenger traffic from the network scale.

Keywords: transport network, gravity model, correspondence matrix, passenger turnover, simulation modeling.


A. N. Popov, S. Yu. Grishaev. Time of crossing closure at different methods of formation of notification sections


The paper presents the results of creation and investigation of dependencies of notification sections and notification times from train speed at different methods of automatic level crossing safety installation control. The authors consider automatic level crossing safety installation systems with notification sections of fixed length and with the control based on approaching train characteristics.

As a result, method of automatic level crossing safety installation control based on train characteristics simultaneously increases safety and decreases time of crossing closure for road transport.

Keywords: railway crossing, automatic level crossing safety installation, notification section, braking distance, notification time.


A. V. Smolyaninov, K. M. Kolyasov. Analysis of parameters and design solutions of bodies for innovative cars


Development strategy of railway transport envisages operation of heavy-load trains on the following directions: Kuzbass — Far East (7100 tons), Kuzbass — South, Kuzbass — Centre, Kuzbass — North-West (9000 tons). But the existing rolling stock used for coal transportation doesn't allow making up trains with the set weight on standard length of receiving-and-departure tracks in direction of Far East.

That is why the designers and manufacturers of open-box cars got a task to realize a design weight-bearing capacity in the unit of the rolling stock. The task has been solved by the increase of internal dimensions of open-box car body in existing limits by changing bodies design.

Keywords: train weight, open-box car, parameters, body, linear dimensions.


A. V. Zyablov, S. V. Bespalko. Determination of nonstationary thermal field of passenger car wheel at braking


The paper is devoted to modeling of nonstationary field of a passenger car wheel at braking. The calculation is based on formulation of thermal conductivity equation for the wheel tread as a curved rod with the application of linear approximation of thermal field. At formulation of thermal conductivity equation it is necessary to consider a balance of heat in small volume of tread with the consideration for thermal flow from braking shoe, thermal emission to the environment and thermal conductivity in circular direction. The authors have set for the initial equation of thermal conductivity a functional and have formulated conditions of stationarity that leads after integration to the system of the first order differential equations of time. The authors have applied the Euler method at integration.

The developed method has been realized in the C++ program. With the use of this application the authors have conducted a research of the thermal field of the passenger car wheel. The method can be used at designing of new rolling stock and for the analysis of reasons of flaws appearance on the surface of car wheels.

Keywords: wheel thermal field, braking, thermal conductivity equation, functional, Euler method, thermal conductivity, heat emission, specific thermal capacity.


A. O. Belskiy, A. V. Smolyaninov. Scientific and technical reserves for increasing service life of side frames of two-axle three-element freight cars


The paper considers the existing problem associated with the operation of side frames of two-axle three-element bogies of freight cars. The main criterion for increasing the service life is the reduction of stresses in the side frame elements. The authors have proposed variants of side frames that increase the operational characteristics. The authors have also carried out numerical calculations of the proposed variants with the use of finite element method. As a result, the paper present the comparative analytical evaluation of the proposed side frames compared to the typical one.

Keywords: freight car, bogie, side frame, service life, finite element method.


D. V. Rashhchepkina, M. V. Zimakova, D. V. Beloborodov. Development of a device for application of vertical and lateral forces on rail head for determination of scale of strain measurement circuits for measuring influence of rolling stock on track


On the basis of analytical method of studying devices for the application of forces on a rail head and numerical method of calculating structural strength the authors have developed a new device for loading the rail head by vertical and lateral forces. The device that simulates force of wheel influence on rail allows applying vertical force on the axis of symmetry and with the offset of ±20 mm simultaneously with lateral force. Due to the lightened collapsible frame and the existence of roller bearings the device is comfortable in use, which contributes to the increase of speed of tests on the influence on track and researches in this sphere.

Keywords: railway track, railway rolling stock, vertical force transmitted from wheel to rail, lateral force transmitted from wheel to rail, determination of scale coefficients, calibration of strain measurement circuits, influence on track.


V. A. Gerasimov, S. G. Suvorov, N. A. Ustyan. Geotechnical monitoring of transport objects with the use of innovative technologies


The paper discusses the procedure of planning, executing of work and decision making on the basis of data gained by the results of geotechnical monitoring of Obskaya — Bovanenkovo railway in 2010‒2014 and artificial constructions on permafrost soils with the use of innovative technologies — laser scanners, robotized electronic tacheometers, and highly precise digital electronic levels.

Keywords: railways, geotechnical monitoring, networks of geotechnical monitoring, spatial models of bridges, laser scanning, cross-section method for culverts, geotechnical registration certificate of an object.


E. V. Shepeleva, V. A. Gorodokin, V. D. Shepelev, Z. V. Almetova. Provision of non-stop movement of organized traffic flow on the node of road network on the basis of application of computer vision and dynamic road signs


Increase of traffic capacity of road network in conditions of high density of traffic flows is one of the main priorities at organization of road traffic in big cities. A non-stop movement through the intersection by the “green wave” principle can become the most effective solution of the problem. But the existing methods of coordinated road traffic don’t take into account the stochasticity of arrival of extra-group vehicles to the intersection. The present investigation proposes a method of organization of non-stop movement of cars through intersections of road network with the use of computer vision and dynamic road signs. The method is based on analysis of actual road situation in real time mode from the street surveillance cameras. The use of YOLOv3 trained ultra-precise neural networks for the analysis of video stream allows identifying and classifying extra-group vehicles. The SORT tracker estimates speed and time of movement through the «stop-line» mark-up by the extra-group vehicles in on-line mode. The authors propose to execute the non-stop movement of coordinated traffic flow with the use of dynamic road signs that recommend the upper limit of speed on the given road section approaching the controlled node of road network. Dynamic monitoring of vehicles and control of their speed by the use of dynamic signs increase the probability of non-stop movement through the nodes of road network by 10‒30 %.

Keywords: dynamic signs, «green wave», computer vision, neural networks, monitoring, traffic flows, traffic capacity.


N. O. Frolov, E. M. Elkin. A new way to control axis of headlight light beam in curves


The paper presents a system of changing the deflection angle of an axis of headlight light beam according to the angle of inclination of the rolling stock undercarriage in curves. The authors have carried out the analysis of the existing systems of adjusting the direction of the locomotive headlight light beam. The authors have also determined the dependencies of deflection angle of the headlight light beam axis from the angle of inclination of undercarriage in curves and have calculated possible angles of light beam axis deflection. As a result, the paper proposes and describes an algorithm of a system for changing the deflection angle of matrix headlight light beam axis.

Keywords: electric motive power, headlight, control of axis of headlight light beam in curves, safety of railway operation.


S. G. Istomin, O. D. Yurasov. Simulation model of heating system of DC electric-multiple units


Most of the Russian Federation territory is located in the zone of long-term exposure to negative ambient temperatures. In this regard, a significant proportion of power consumption in the suburban traffic on the railways of the Russian Federation accounts for the operation of heating and air conditioning systems. Currently, Russian and foreign scientists are developing energy-saving methods and tools to reduce the power consumption for auxiliary needs of electric-multiple units. In this paper, the authors used the method of constructing simulation models in the MATLAB Simulink program in order to create an energy-saving heating and air conditioning system since this method allows you to explore various options for constructing the studied systems with lower financial and labour costs in comparison with the experimental method. In order to verify its adequacy the simulation model includes standard values of electric energy consumption for heating and air conditioning for various sections and operating conditions obtained by the authors earlier during the correlation and regression analysis of data from parameter recorders installed in electric-multiple units. The results of the study showed the adequacy of application of the developed simulation model for organizing the control of power consumption for heating and air conditioning of direct current electric-multiple units.

Keywords: simulation model, power consumption for heating and air conditioning, electric-multiple unit.


M. M. Nikiforov, Yu. V. Kondratyev, R. B. Skokov, R. V. Sergeev. Method of selecting main parameters of smoothing devices for railway DC substation


The paper presents main clauses of a method for selecting main parameters of smoothing devices for railway direct current traction substation, which are intended for developing a state standard. The authors have created a list of required initial data for selecting parameters of smoothing devices. For each type of the connection line the authors have proposed optimal types of smoothing devices with the consideration for characteristics of direct current traction substations. As a result, they have determined the order of calculation of the main parameters of the smoothing device.

Keywords: power supply system, direct current traction substation, smoothing device.


A. A. Kovalev, T. T. Shayukhov, S. A. Chebakov, A. T. Sharapov. Analysis of indicators of electric power efficiency in network of non-tractive power consumers of railway transport


The paper considers the analysis of the most important indicators of electric power efficiency in non-tractive power supply systems of railway transport on the example of a specific traction substation feeder.  The authors propose variants of solving problems of discrepancy between the indicators and standard requirements.  As a result, they discuss the advantages of using the active filter in comparison with other methods of filtering upper harmonics.

Keywords: indicators of electric power efficiency, voltage deviation, upper harmonics, harmonic coefficient, active filter.


N. I. Kuznetsov, D. V. Kuznetsov. Calculation of mass content of water vapour in car exhaust gas


The paper presents the dependence between mass content of water vapour and combustion products that are formed in result of combustion of 1 kg of hydrocarbon and air excess coefficient at different negative ambient temperatures during 60 minutes of car engine operation. As a result, the authors have determined conditions of formation of the greatest amount of water vapour in engine exhaust gas.

Keywords: exhaust gas, hydrocarbons, reaction of combustion, exhaust system, condensate, water.

No. 3 (66), 2020

N. F. Sirina, V. P. Pershin. Relational potential of Public-Private Partnership objects of railway transport


The paper reveals the etymology of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and features of legal regulation in Russia. The authors have carried out an analysis of the main modern models of legislative management in this sphere of legal relations in foreign countries. Moreover, they consider the main projects of construction and reconstruction of the JSC RZD railway infrastructure implemented or planned for implementation on the principles of PPP.

The SWOT analysis identified not only the risks of using existing forms of PPP in Russia but also the high potential of using such projects on the railway network contributing to the rapid renewal and development of public infrastructure to meet the needs of customers and the population with budget savings. However, at the present stage, methodological aspects of the legislative calculation and assessment of project efficiency, complexity of regulatory and legal interaction of parties and a process of investment return hinder the rapid implementation of PPP system on the railway transport in the Russian Federation.

The authors propose a modification of direction for strategic planning of operation of investment objects through relational interaction of parties to the agreement by creating a state system of instances of PPP. For this purpose, they introduce a concept of «relation potential of Public-Private Partnership instances» that characterizes a complex availability of reserves from parties to ensure the long-term functioning of the chosen strategy.

The paper provides a method of integral performance assessment of PPP project that allows analysing the efficiency of using allocated resources and assessing the potential of investment object exploitation.

Keywords: railway transport, Public-Private Partnership, integral performance assessment, relational.


S. V. Eliseev, S. K. Kargapoltsev, R. S. Bolshakov, A. V. Eliseev. Lever ties: possibilities of creating dynamic conditions in mechanical oscillation systems


The paper considers the possibilities to assess, create and change dynamic conditions of mechanical oscillation systems with additional ties in tasks of dynamics that are typical to technological and transport objects. The aim of the paper is in development of methodological basics of system analysis, detailed elaboration of notions about shapes, peculiarities and possibilities of functions interaction of elements in oscillation systems in the presence of dynamic ties in the shape of lever mechanisms. The paper uses methods of structural mathematical modeling based on analytical apparatus of automatic control theory.

The authors developed a method of creating mathematical models obtained with the use of the Laplace transformations of the original equations formed on the basis of the Lagrange formalism. They propose a technology of creating structural mathematical models with the exception of intermediate coordinates. They also consider the introduction of new type transfer functions surrounding the distribution of the oscillation amplitudes of the mass-inertial element in the form of a rigid body performing plane motion and variants of appearance of specific dynamic modes in a connected motion under the influence of external disturbances.

The study shows the possibilities of interpreting the modes of dynamic absorption of oscillations through a connection with definition of a node (or centre) of oscillations. As a result, the authors propose a number of analytical ratios to evaluate peculiarities of the dynamic conditions of vibrational interactions and present the results of numeric modeling.

Keywords: additional dynamic ties, lever mechanisms, transfer functions, connectivity of movements, structure of vibration field.


Yu. N. Semenov, O. S. Semenova, Yu. N. Timoshhenko. The use of logistic principles in creation of optimization models of supply chains


The paper is devoted to the analysis of the supply chains optimization process. It also describes the main links of supply chains and their interconnections. For the creation of analytical models the authors selected such criteria of optimality as minimal delivery time and minimal commodity cost. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of created optimization models the authors give recommendations on improvement of operation of a logistic system with the consideration for transport component.

Keywords: supply chain, transport, optimization.


V. A. Smirnov. Assessment of limiting operational parameters for complicated technological systems of enterprises with common productive resources


The paper presents studies on assessment of limiting operational parameters of systems with common productive resources and operating in conditions of technological, managerial and logistical risks. The author proposes to solve the scientific problem by the method of simulation modeling based on pattern networks.

Keywords: technological system, operation parameters of an enterprise, simulation modeling.


A. P. Buynosov, V. A. Vasilyev, A. S. Baitov. The use of gravitational acceleration at calibration of vibration accelerometers for diagnostics of motive-coach stock assemblies


The paper presents the possibility of using gravitational acceleration methods for calibration of MEMS vibration accelerometers, vibration and vibration shock sensors. Such calibration is carried out without disassembling of sensors of on-board system for controlling the technical condition of motive-coach stock bearing assemblies.

Keywords: motive-coach stock, assembly, diagnostics, vibration, accelerometer, calibration, gravitational acceleration.


L. V. Plotnikov, A. M. Kozubskiy, A. G. Maximenko, L. E. Osipov. Refinement of working processes of diesel engines converted to gas fuel based on numerical modeling


Shunting is an important component of railway transport, a significant part of which is performed by diesel locomotives. Piston engines are the most common locomotive power machines. The paper provides brief information on the trends in modernization of energy machines for diesel locomotives. It also considers the issues of improving the working processes of engines converted to gas fuel on the basis of numerical modeling. The main goal of the simulation is to improve the performance of gas reciprocating engines. The authors propose the option for refinement of the working process for three gas reciprocating engines that decreased the specific fuel consumption to 11.5 % and NOx emissions by 2–10 times while maintaining power within ±10 % compared to basic diesel engines.

Keywords: diesel locomotive, gas reciprocating engine, gas fuel, engine working processes, numerical modeling, performance indicators.


S. V. Bushuev, A. N. Popov, M. L. Popova. Means for track availability checkup and rail failures


The paper provides an overview of means for track availability checkup used on the JSC RZD railway network. It is established that axle counting systems have a limited distribution and widely used track circuits don’t always prevent from train crashes. It means that track circuits don’t provide a complete safety of railway operation. As a result, the authors propose to widen the application of axle counting systems on objects of Russian railways. The authors have also carried out an analysis of fixed failures and determined parameters that have the greatest influence on their appearance, which will exclude the decrease in safety of railway operation at equipment of track section with axle counting systems.

Keywords: track circuits, axle counting systems, control operating mode, critical faulty rail, principal component analysis, clustering, decision-tree methods, dispersion, correlation.


E. R. Magaril, R. Z. Magaril, E. N. Skvortsova, I. A. Anisimov. Application of nano-additive to gasoline to increase environmental safety and fuel economy of cars


The aim of the work is to study the possibilities of improving the environmental safety and fuel economy of cars using the developed nano-additive. The results of the influence of the additive application on the individual characteristics of gasoline and engines confirm an effective decrease in the surface tension of gasoline at the interface with air and in the pressure of saturated vapors. As a result, mixture formation in the engine is improved and evaporation losses, and hence air pollution by light hydrocarbons, are reduced. The use of gasoline with the nano-additive significantly reduces fuel consumption and requirements for the octane number, the noise level during the operation of cars and increases the environmental safety of the operation of vehicles.

Keywords: fuel economy, environmental safety, nano-additive, saturated vapor pressure, surface tension.


K. S. Chumlyakov, O. A. Fedotova. Corporate car sharing as a type of car use in enterprise operation


The paper is dedicated to the study of corporate car sharing in the enterprise, the development of theoretical statements and the elaboration of organizational and methodological apparatus for the implementation of car sharing in the enterprise operation. The authors present a general method of corporate car sharing application that consequently represents the development of stages. In aggregate, they form the implementation of the proposed service instead of the existing transportation service. Car sharing as a type of car use in enterprise operation is the object of the study. The method presented has been tested. The efficiency of the car sharing application at transportation service of personnel is estimated. The results obtained are illustrative of positive strategic situation at the enterprise.

Keywords: road transport operation, car sharing, enterprise transportation facilities, transport management, service.


A. A. Loktev, V. V. Korolev, I. V. Shishkina, V. S. Kuskov. Selection of shape for turnout curve of high-speed switches


The main factor at determination of radius of turnout curve under the conditions of comfortable driving is the limitation of centrifugal acceleration increment amount per unit time. For this reason, at designing high-speed switches it is advisable to use variable-radius curves as a turnout curve. The paper considers variable-radius curves — cubic parabola, parabola of the fourth order and sine curve. On the basis of the comparative assessment it is established that the sine curve is the most acceptable variant for using as a turnout curve in high-speed switches.

Keywords: switch, driving speed, turnout curve, variable-radius curves, sine curve.


D. S. Shestakov, D. A. Lashmanov. Modernization of exhaust manifolds of DG882L diesel-generator for diesel locomotives


The paper considers a serial design of a collapsible exhaust manifold for pulse boosting system of 8DM-21EL2M diesel engine and it’s modernized variant made of cast iron. The authors present results of modeling of exhaust gas and coolant flows gas dynamics. They also show the temperature distribution over the manifold surface.

Keywords: exhaust manifold, pulse boosting system, exhaust gas temperature, coolant flow rate, temperature distribution.


E. Yu. Dulskiy, P. Yu. Ivanov, A. M. Khudonogov, N. N. Novikov, M. A. Divinets. Experimental studies of main electrotechnical parameters of insulation of electric locomotives traction motors at drying by different methods


According to statistics more than 30 % of faults of freight electric locomotives are because of traction motors. One of the weak points in traction motor is the insulation. Insulation damages cause up to 75 % of all faults. The paper presents a comparison of two methods of traction motors insulation drying — a convective method and a method that uses thermal infra-red radiation, describes the principle of conducting the experiments, shows the analysis of main electrotechnical parameters of insulation samples after drying.

Keywords: tractive rolling stock, electric puncture, turn-to-turn faults, insulation drying, thermal radiation, infra-red radiation.


A. V. Paranin, A. B. Batrashov, K. G. Shumakov. Assessment of possibility to use KS-400 high-speed catenary suspension for direct current traction systems with increased voltage


The paper considers the possibility to use KS-400 high-speed catenary suspension for direct current traction systems with increased voltage of 12, 18 and 24 kV. It also presents the temperature of catenary wires at tractive rolling stock passing with maximum possible current. It is established that the passage of a current collector under the worst conditions of heat release is insignificant for catenary wires even at a voltage of 12 kV. According to the results of calculations at voltage of 12 kV and 18 kV, the current collector is the limiting element in the standby and traction modes with maximum current.

Keywords: electric and thermal calculation, catenary suspension, direct current, finite element method, intersubstational zone, temperature distribution, current distribution.


T. A. Nesenyuk, E. E. Poluyanova. RFID-indicators for polymer stick insulators


The paper is devoted to the use of RFID-technology in electrical power engineering, in particular, for controlling the condition of high-voltage equipment of feeding transmission lines. It also describes studies on development of RFID-tag designed to indicate dielectric condition of line polymer insulator. The authors present results of tests of pilot samples of LKi-70/110-4-UHL1 polymer stick insulators with built-in RFID-indicators. The tests have been executed in accordance with the GOST R 55189–2012 requirements. As a result, the authors have made a conclusion on the possibility of using RFID-technologies for technical control of insulators on overhead transmission lines, high-voltage equipment of traction and transformer substations.

Keywords: RFID-technologies in electrical power engineering, line stick polymer insulators, insulators with RFID-indicators, passive RFID-tag, laboratory studies, environmental tests.


V. T. Cheremisin, M. M. Nikiforov, A. S. Vilgelm, S. Yu. Ushakov. Assessment of efficiency of energy optimal driving mode for system of «pilot-free» movement of electric multiple units on the Moscow Central Ring


According to results of experimental studies within the framework of the Moscow Central Ring the authors revealed the best trips of drivers in terms of energy efficiency of train traction. The analysis of these trips allowed determining riding techniques that provide energy saving: smooth acceleration and braking at unconditional performance of the given train schedule. On the basis of the developed simulation model of the Moscow Central Ring it is established that the use of energy efficient techniques of riding with the on time train performance can reduce the power consumption on train traction by 13.3 %.

Keywords: electric multiple unit, unmanned movement, grade computations, energy efficiency, energy balance, recuperation, energy losses.


D. Yu. Gorelova. Mathematical formalization of indicators for organizational network assessment


The paper considers a group of indicators that characterize a network organizational structure. The author has studied various approaches for mathematical formalization of self-sufficiency (autarchy) of enterprises included in the organizational network. As a result, the author proposes an approach to calculation of self-sufficiency indicator based on 4 coefficients characterizing enterprise operation.

Moreover, the paper considers the methods of calculating such indicators characterizing the organizational structure of the enterprise as coefficient of filling the orbits, coefficient of corporativity, coefficient of intraorbital connectivity of orbits, coefficient of connectivity of orbits, coefficient of participation, coefficient of dependence.

The author substantiates basic ideas of developing a complex indicator of sustainability and a method for determination of sustainability of organizational network structures for managing a big company.

Keywords: organizational network, network interaction, sustainability of organizational networks, sustainability coefficient, network coefficient, organizational network structures, self-sufficiency, organizational network orbit.


A. I. Kuznetsov. Refined calculation of low-frequency filters on direct current locomotives with induction traction drive


The paper proposes a refined calculation of parameters of low-frequency filters used in direct current locomotives with induction drive. It also provides requirements to setting of filter’s coefficients and equations for constructing frequency characteristics. As a result, the author gives recommendations on improving transient processes in power circuits by optimization of parameters of low-frequency filters.

Keywords: direct current electric motive power, freight electric locomotive, low-frequency filter, frequency characteristics.


V. M. Say, P. M. Tikhonov. Modeling of movement of resource flows in organizational networks (on example of RZD holding)


The paper proposes a method of simulation modeling of agents-contractors’ actions at movement of resource flows in organizational networks on the example of RZD holding. The method considers the influence of various customers depending on civil-legal relations based on property of contract law. The authors present variant calculations executed in MatLAB and results of simulation modeling as a verification of the proposed model.

Keywords: RZD holding, network structures, resource flows, mathematical modeling.