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Publisher ethics

In order to secure high quality of scientific communications, public acceptance of the outcomes of a researcher's efforts, to avoid malpractice in publishing (plagiarism, fraudulent data, etc.) the journal's Editorial Board as well as every member of the Editorial Board, every author, every reviewer, and every publisher must comply with the ethical standards, norms and regulations and take exhaustive measures to prevent any infringement of such measures.

Editorial Board of "Transport of the Urals" scientific journal in its activities is guided by the publication ethics principles accepted by the world community and reflected in recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (Committee on Publication Ethics, http://publicationethics.org/).


The quality of research and its urgency are the basis for the decision on the publication.

1. Editorial Board of the journal takes a decision on an article publication on the basis of the results of the test on its compliance with all requirements concerning its arrangement and the reviewing results. When taking a decision on the manuscript publication Editorial Board is being guided by the journal's policy and does not allow publication of articles with indications of plagiarism or infringement of copyright. The final decision on the article publication or rejection is to be taken by editor-in-chief.

2. The editor of the journal in its activities must be guided by the following principles:

  • to improve the journal continuously;
  • to follow the principle of freedom of opinion;
  • to exclude influence of business or political interests on decision making concerning any article publishing;
  • to assess articles only by their scientific content;
  • to take decisions on publishing in accordance with the journal subject orientation, an article urgency, novelty, scientific value, reliability of results, and cogency of conclusions.

3. The editor is to take exhaustive measures to secure high quality of the materials to be published and to protect the personal information confidentiality. Editorial Board should reject publication of an article if the latter is in some competitive relations with the author or an organization connected with the research's outcome, or if there is any other conflict of interests. The editor can require all the publishing process stakeholders to disclose all the conflicting interests.

4. The editor must not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript to anybody but the author or reviewers. Any unpublished data that the submitted article may contain cannot be used by the editor without a written approval by the author. It is not allowed to communicate the content of a negative review to anybody but the author. Any confidential information obtained in the process of communication with the author or reviewers is not to be divulged.

5. Editorial Board can reject an article if its content infringes intellectual rights of any third persons, norms of scientific ethics, or if it contains any information of limited access with advising the author and the organization that submit the article.


1. Persons who have made a considerable contribution into the article target setting and the corresponding problem solution and who are responsible for the results obtained can be considered the authors of an article. An author who has submitted the article to the editorial board takes the responsibility for agreement with the rest of authors all issues concerning the choice of a journal for the publication and reliability of the contact information. An author who has submitted the manuscript warrants that he/she listed all co-authors, that all of them approve the manuscript final version and agree to submit it to the "Transport of the Urals" scientific journal Editorial Board to be published.

2. Authors of the article are responsible for originality and reliability of the material submitted. An author is to submit to the "Transport of the Urals" scientific journal Editorial Board a manuscript of the article which has not been previously published or submitted for publication to any other journals. Concurrent submission of a manuscript to several journals is not considered ethical.

3. An author is obliged to list correctly all scientific and other references that he/she has used in the process of research. An author is obliged to make references to all textual or graphical information taken from other authors/this author previous publications. Any borrowing without reference is to be considered plagiarism by Editorial Board.

4. Authors are obliged to disclose all conflicts of interest that can influence their manuscript assessment and interpretation. All sources of financial support (grants, governmental programs, projects, etc.) must be disclosed and obligatory listed in the manuscript.

5. Authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes in accordance with the notes of editors or reviewers.

6. In case of acceptance the article is in open access and copyright is reserved with the authors. The authors have a right to dispose the published material and republish it in any other printings while indicating the place of its first publication.


1. Editorial Board takes decision on acceptance of the manuscript, its return to the author for revision or its rejection on the basis of peer review results. The expert opinion provided by a reviewer will assist in making editorial decisions as well as in improvement of the article by the author.

2. A reviewer participating in peer review process concerning materials submitted for publication in "Transport of the Urals" is obliged:

  • to take objective and unbiased decisions;
  • to keep confidentiality;
  • not to allow discussion of the given article with any other persons excluding persons authorized by editor-in-chief to work with the author's manuscript;
  • not to use the information obtained in the course of peer reviewing in its personal interest.

3. A reviewer is obliged to present a review before the deadline set by Editorial Board. If the set deadline is not realistic a reviewer must inform Editorial Board.

4. A reviewer is obliged to assist the author in improvement of the article quality.

5. A reviewer can pass the manuscript to a third person in accordance with the Editorial Board consent.

6. Editorial Board is free to choose anonymous reviewers and their number in order to secure an unbiased review of the manuscript. No one but the persons involved in professional assessment of the manuscript is to have access to its content.