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Ural State University of Railway Transport

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Conditions of publication

An author providing a paper for publication in the journal thus expresses consent to publish the full text on the official websites of Scientific electronic library (www.elibrary.ru), «Transport of the Urals» (http://www.usurt.ru/transporturala/) and in the Internet.

General requirements to publications

All papers must correspond to the subject of the journal.

Title should be short and reflect paper content.

In an introductory part there must be justified relevance and theme development expediency (scientific problems or goals). In the main body of paper by information analysis and synthesis it is necessary to develop research problems, ways of solution, possible results justification, their reliability. In the final part it is necessary to summarize the results, draw the conclusions, recommendations and indicate the possible directions of future researches.

A paper manuscript must contain UDC, information about the authors, an abstract, keywords and references.

In the “Information about the authors” chapter it is necessary to provide a full name, an academic degree (if any), a position (with specification of a department), a name and an abbreviation of a workplace, an e-mail and a telephone number.

Abstract contains characteristic of a manuscript main theme, problems of research object, paper goals and its results. It reveals the relevance, development level, object, subject, theoretically-methodological and practical theme significance. In the text of abstract it is required to use standard terminology and also significant words from a paper for automate search support. Difficult sentences should be avoided. Shortenings and reference designations except generally accepted in scientific texts are used in exceptional cases.

Keywords (5-10) are chosen from the text (except editorials, reports, report points, scientific reports, letters to editorial board) and are placed in separate line after an abstract.

References in the text are written in square brackets ([1], [1, 2] or [3–5]); continuous numbering.

In the end of the paper it is necessary to put the date of paper sending to editorial office.

To a paper should be attached:

  • license contract (see chapter “Assistance for authors”, Appendix 4a and 4b);
  • review (see chapter “Assistance for authors”, Appendix 5)

Papers for No. 1 (January-March) of the journal "Transport of the Urals" are accepted until 5 February, for No. 2 (April-June) - until 5 May, for No. 3 (July-September) - until 5 August, for No. 4 (October-December) - until 5 November.

Note. In case of further paper publication in other editions an author has to make a reference to publication in the journal «Transport of the Urals».

Papers sent to editorial office without fulfilled requirements of the following publishing requirements are not considered.